Most Dems are not anti-war, if actions speak louder than words

Only a few opposed Bush from the start, and how wrong they are.

Only a few ignored the intelligence available in 2003 and forever painted themselves as appeasers.

Most of the Jackass Party voted to authorize the use of force against Saddam. They were right to do so, and the Congress has not cut funding for the war, despite the politically-motivated rhetoric of the Dems since.

Not only was regime change the right thing to do, it's made us safer, if rsults count.

How many Islamist attacks have occurred in the US since we took Hussein's regime out?

This is mostly Bush's war, although he can't take all the credit.

Substantial majorities on both sides of the aisle in both Houses of Congress voted "yea".

Most Dems haven't done anything but talk about how they opposed it when the polls told them that would be advantageous.

Dianne Feinstein even turns a tidy profit from the war while she opines - but doesn't vote - against it.

Most Jackasses didn't vote against it, and still haven't.

The ones who did are on the wrong side of history.

As Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) said, most CowardCrats are "emotionally invested in a narrative of defeat and retreat in Iraq."
I had no clue you were so opposed to the war, Indisputable.

Good job calling out the spineless, warmongering Democrats.

I expect a similar thread for Republicans soon.
This war hasn't made us safer. Ever hear of an NIE? Ever try reading one?

This was has made us less safe, and been an incredible recruiting tool for terrorists. You're such a fucking fool.
Since we're in so much more danger now....

Let's see a list of the terror attacks perpetrated by Islamists in the USA since our military knocked Saddam Hussein off his perch...
Let's see a list of the terror attacks perpetrated by Islamists in the USA since our military knocked Saddam Hussein off his perch...

Why don't you show me the list of attacks IN the USA prior to 9/11, bonehead.

The biggest myth going - "Bush prevented any more attacks," like they had a huge repetoire just waiting to unleash on us. 9/11 took 10 years for OBL to plan, and he needed a huge stroke of luck to pull it off near the end. They had nothing in the wings.

We will be attacked again, and probably by the people who were inspired to terrorism by this war, but Bush will get off scot free, because he'll be out of office. People like you - who are really, really dumb - won't be able to connect the dots in any way, shape or form.

We're less safe. The facts are on my side; look up "NIE," and read one. Then, come back and apologize, politely.
Ever heard of a search engine?

On January 25, 1993, Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fired an AK-47 directly into traffic waiting to enter CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, which killed two CIA employees.

On February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorists attempted to bring down the World Trade Center towers by detonating truck bombs in the underground parking garage. The attack failed to topple the twin towers but killed six and injured over 1,000.

On February 24, 1997, an armed man shot at tourists on the Empire State Building observation deck. The gunman's note claimed that the attack was punishment against the "enemies of Palestine."

On December 14, 1998, Ahmed Ressam was captured on the border between the U.S. and Canada. He later confessed to planning to bomb LAX airport as part of the 2000 millenium plots.
Wow; so, by your definition of "terrorist attack," we HAVE been attacked during the Bush years since 9/11. The D.C. sniper was Islamic.

Thanks; I didn't know that. Bush has made us even less safe than I thought....
You were misinformed.

The attacks you refer to occured in October 2002, prior to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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I said since 9/11. Can you read?

Your contention is that the sniper attacks would have been prevented if we had invaded Iraq sooner?

It's beyond koolaid with you. Well beyond.
Onceler, why go round and round with a tool who thinks Bush and his Iraq War made us safer from terrorism? What's the point? Obviously, this tool has a shrine to George Bush in his/her bedroom, and dreams about having sex with George. It's beyond hackish. Its not even good trolling.
"Wow; so, by your definition of "terrorist attack," we HAVE been attacked during the Bush years since 9/11. The D.C. sniper was Islamic. Thanks; I didn't know that. Bush has made us even less safe than I thought...."

It is ludicrous to attribute the Beltway sniper attacks to Islamist terrorism. You knew that.

As I pointed out, since the invasion of Iraq there have been no Islamist attacks in this nation.


Cause and effect? I don't know, but the record doesn't seem to bear out your unsubstantiated contention that the invasion of Iraq has made America less safe.

You can't refute the facts, so you resort to ad hominem attacks, call me childish names and pretend there's no way to reason with me.

You graciously invited me earlier to provide a list of domestic terrorist attacks committed by Jihadists; to wit: "Why don't you show me the list of attacks IN the USA prior to 9/11, bonehead."

I complied:

On January 25, 1993, Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani, fired an AK-47 directly into traffic waiting to enter CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, which killed two CIA employees.

On February 26, 1993, Islamic terrorists attempted to bring down the World Trade Center towers by detonating truck bombs in the underground parking garage. The attack failed to topple the twin towers but killed six and injured over 1,000.

On February 24, 1997, an armed man shot at tourists on the Empire State Building observation deck. The gunman's note claimed that the attack was punishment against the "enemies of Palestine."

On December 14, 1998, Ahmed Ressam was captured on the border between the U.S. and Canada. He later confessed to planning to bomb LAX airport as part of the 2000 millenium plots.

You contend that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 has put the USA at risk of further attacks.

Where's your list?
Must be "faulty intelligence".

Nothing's happened, has it?

But, I understand you're scared. Let me know if you need somone to check under your bed for jihadists...
Using your logic, we were perfectly safe right up until 9/10.

I'm sure that's very comforting for most folks. Great call on that.
Try not to be afraid. Our all-volunteer military is doing a superb job protecting you.

Things have gotten better.

Here's a list to help you sleep:

On March 12, 1993, a series of coordinated car bombings in Mumbai, India killed 257 and left 1,400 wounded.

On July 18, 1994, the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina was bombed, leaving 86 dead and 300 wounded. Hezbollah was blamed for the attack, presumably acting as a proxy of Iran.

On July 19, 1994, Alas Chiricanas Flight 00901 was bombed over Panama. The flight killed 21 persons aboard (12 of Jewish descent) and an organization called Ansar Allah, or "Followers of God" claimed credit for the attack. Many sources believed that Hezbollah was the true culprit.

On July 26, 1994, the Israeli Embassy in London was bombed, which injured 20. The attack was blamed on Hezbollah.

On December 11, 1994, a bomb exploded aboard Philippines Air Flight 434, killing one. It turns out that Ramzi Yousef assembled a bomb in the lavatory, set the timer for four hours, and secreted it under Seat 26K before deplaning at Cebu.

On December 24, 1994, Air France Flight 8969 was hijacked by Islamic terrorists who planned to crash the plane in Paris. The hijacking ended with few casualties when French law enforcement took control of the situation.

On January 6, 1995, a large-scale Islamist plot to bomb 11 U.S. airliners over the Pacific was discoverd when a laptop computer was found in a Manila apartment by authorities after a fire. Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed were named by Philippine security personnel as the instigators.

On June 14, 1995, a six day hostage crisis began when Chechen Islamist rebels stormed the Budyonnovsk police station, hospital, city hall, and other buildings. They took between 1,500 and 1,800 hostages, including many women and children. 105 civilians and 25 Russian troops perished.

Between July and October 1995, a series of bombings in France by Islamic terrorists killed eight and wounded more than 100.

During the months of February and March, 1996, a succession of suicide bombings in Israel killed 60 and wounded 284.

On June 25, 1996, the Khobar Towers were bombed by Hezbollah with Iranian backing. Nineteen U.S. servicemen perished and 372 were wounded.

On November 17, 1997, Islamist gunmen attacked Western tourists in Luxor, Egypt and killed 62.

On Febuary 14, 1998, Islamic extremists set off bombs at an election rally in Coimbatore, India, killing 60.

On August 7, 1998, Al Qaeda bombed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Tanzania, killing 225 and wounding 4,000.

During September, 1998, Islamist Chechen rebels bombed a series of Russian apartment buildings, killing around 300.

In December, 1998, Jordanian security officials detected and prevented an attack on American and Israeli tourists, arresting 28 suspects that were part of the 2000 "Millenium attack" plots.

On December 24, 1998, Indian Airlines Flight 814 to Delhi, India was hijacked by Islamic terrorists and one passenger murdered before negotiations ended the crisis.

On October 12, 2000, Al Qaeda bombed the USS Cole, killing 17 U.S. sailors and wounding 40.
Oh...are we counting attacks against Americans OUTSIDE of the U.S.? Didn't realize; you lose badly, then. We've been attacked hundreds of times outside of the U.S. since 9/11...Bush has definitely made us less safe.
Reading and comprehension problems?

Maybe you should try "Hooked on Phonics". I hear it works in many cases like yours.

If you can , get someone to read the list to you, and you'll find that the vast majority of the attacks were perpetrated against other nationalities, in other countries.

Those Intelligence Estimates seem to have frightened you so....

Just pointing out that you should be safe, and in my opinion, grateful -that our Armed Forces are keeping the bad people away from you.
Why are you arguing that? Wasn't the original premise that Iraq has made us "safer" by virtue of the fact that we haven't been attacked IN the U.S. in that time?

You have a hard time staying on topic, indie. Weird.