Most liberal states = least free states

According to a new study released by the Mercatus Center of George Mason University, some of the most liberal U.S. states rank lowest when it comes to personal freedom.

The study, which calls itself the “first-ever comprehensive ranking of the American states on their public policies affecting individual freedoms in the economic, social, and personal spheres,” made a host of findings:

# The freest states in the country are New Hampshire, Colorado, and South Dakota, which together achieve a virtual tie for first place. All three states feature low taxes and government spending -- and middling levels of regulation and paternalism.

# New York is the least overall free by a considerable margin, followed by New Jersey, Rhode Island, California, and Maryland.

Unfortunately, say the report authors, these freedom-disadvantaged states “make up a substantial portion of the total American population. Moreover, these bottom five states have considerable ground to make up even to move off this ignoble list, let alone into a creditable position in the rankings.”

# When weighing personal freedom alone, Alaska is the clear winner, while Maryland brings up the rear.

Sarah Palin’s Alaska does extremely well on personal freedom, conclude study authors. Reasons for its high personal freedom alone score include: fully legalized possession of small amounts of marijuana (accomplished through a court ruling), the best (least restrictive) gun laws in the country, recognition of same-sex domestic partnerships, and possibly the best homeschooling laws in the country.

# As for freedom in the different regions of the country, the Mountain and West North Central regions are the freest overall -- while the Middle Atlantic lags far behind on both economic and personal freedom.

There are real benefits to scoring high on economic and personal freedoms, conclude the study’s authors. Their analysis demonstrated that states enjoying more economic and personal freedom tend to attract substantially higher rates of internal net migration.

The Problem with Being Liberal

According to the study, previous research has shown that, as of 2006, Alabama and Mississippi were the most conservative states in the country, while New York and New Jersey were the most liberal. In the index put forth by the new study, Alabama and Mississippi fall in the middle, while New York and New Jersey are at the bottom.

“The problem is that the cultural values of liberal governments seem on balance to require more regulation of individual behavior than do the cultural values of conservative governments,” say the study’s authors. “While liberal states are freer than conservative states on marijuana and same-sex partnership policies, when it comes to gun owners, home schoolers, motorists, or smokers, liberal states are nanny states, while conservative states are more tolerant.”

Some Individual State Profiles

# Illinois is one of the worst states to live in from a personal freedom perspective (#49). On economic freedom it is in the middle of the pack (#29). Illinois has the fourth harshest gun control laws in the country, after California, Maryland, and New York, and the state’s victimless crimes arrest rates are almost unfathomable: In 2006, more than 2 percent of the state’s population was arrested for a victimless crime (and that figure does not count under-18s). Nearly one-third of all arrests were for victimless crimes.

# Texas (#7 economic, #5 personal, #5 overall) has one of the smallest state governments in the country. As a percentage of corrected GSP, Texas has the second lowest tax burden in the country and the third lowest grants-adjusted government spending. However, government employment is a standard deviation higher than the national average. Gun control is better than average, but the state falls short on open-carry laws, stricter-than-federal minimum age for purchase rules, and dealer licensing.

Alcohol is less regulated than in most other states, and taxes are low. Low-level marijuana cultivation is a misdemeanor, but otherwise marijuana laws are very harsh.

# Colorado, the #2 state, achieved its ranking through excellent fiscal numbers and above-average numbers on regulation and paternalism. The state is the most fiscally decentralized in the country, with localities raising fully 44.5 percent of all state and local expenditures. By percentage of adjusted GSP, Colorado has the third lowest tax burden in the country, surpassed only by Tennessee and Texas. It has resisted the temptation of “sin taxes,” with low rates on beer, wine, spirits, and cigarettes. On the other hand, Colorado’s smoking bans are among the most extreme in the country, with no exceptions or local option for any locations other than workplaces. Colorado is 1 of 12 states to have decriminalized low-level marijuana possession.

# Oregon (#36 economic, #7 personal, #27 overall) is the freest Pacific state. Oddly, government spending is high but taxes are low, resulting in rather high state debt. Public safety and administration look particularly ripe for cutting. Gun control laws are

about average. Marijuana possession is decriminalized below a certain level, and there is medical marijuana (cultivation and sale are felonies, though). Oregon is one of the few states to refuse to authorize sobriety checkpoints. Oregon is the only state to permit physician-assisted suicide. Private and home school regulations are quite reasonable. State land use planning is far advanced. The minimum wage is the highest in the country when adjusted for average wages.

The study touts that it improves on prior attempts to score economic freedom for American states in three primary ways: (1) it includes measures of social and personal freedoms such as peaceable citizens’ rights to educate their own children, own and carry firearms, and be free from unreasonable search and seizure; (2) it includes far more variables, even on economic policies alone, than prior studies, and there are no missing data on any variable; and (3) it uses new, more accurate measurements of key variables, particularly state fiscal policies.

“We develop and justify our ratings and aggregation procedure on explicitly normative criteria, defining individual freedom as the ability to dispose of one’s own life, liberty, and justly acquired property however one sees fit, so long as one does not coercively infringe on another individual’s ability to do the same,” note the authors.

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OK, so a poll that ranks freedom based on mostly on gun "rights" and embracement of laissez-faire lunacy ranks conservative states highly. Gotcha. This is surprising, newsworthy stuff.
Good post! Excellent study! Way to go, George Mason U!

This goes to the root of something I have always maintained, that "liberals" are the least "liberal" of all groups as a whole. They want to remove and restrict freedoms, they want to redefine societal norms, and they want to mandate how we all live our lives. Not only do they want to do this, they are willing to suspend democracy and do this through judicial activist tyranny, against the will of the people. Liberals are anything BUT Liberal!
Good post! Excellent study! Way to go, George Mason U!


They want to remove and restrict freedoms, they want to redefine societal norms,

I want you to be able to redefine societal norms as you wish, not to have the state enforce them by Dixie's whim of what a "societal norm" is.

and they want to mandate how we all live our lives.

If gays marry I'll EXPLODE@!!!!!

Not only do they want to do this, they are willing to suspend democracy

Link to so-called suspension of democracy? I was sure, now, that we handed your ass to you in the last election.

and do this through judicial activist tyranny

Judicial activist tyranny is the new conservative buzzword for defending freedom from conservative legislators wanting to enforce their narrow vision of society on us, eh?
That's hillarious. What an oxymoron. Have you forgotten that the root word for liberal is "liberty" and therefore in reality the most liberal states would by definition be the most free state! LOL What a hoot! LOL You really ought to think twice before you use a useless resource like NewsMax as a reference. You might as well be siting the National Enquiror.

can't attack the message, so attack the messenger. really bad tactic.

as it stands, yes liberal is the root word for liberty, however, liberals today are not the classic liberals of yesteryear. Todays liberal wouldn't know what liberty was even if it performed their same sex marriage and then performed their abortion on demand.
STY is siting NewsMax and you call Waterhead biased? Isn't that about like Bella Absug calling Andrea Dworkin ugly? LOL

newsmax cited a university study. apparently it wasn't in the interests of mainstream media to show liberal states are not liberty minded. I have no preference for newsmax, wnd, cnn, or any other. news is news and i'll evaluate it as i read it.
That's hillarious. What an oxymoron. Have you forgotten that the root word for liberal is "liberty" and therefore in reality the most liberal states would by definition be the most free state! LOL What a hoot! LOL You really ought to think twice before you use a useless resource like NewsMax as a reference. You might as well be siting the National Enquiror.

The root word for liberal is indeed liberty, which is what makes it so ironic. Liberals are not interested in liberty. At least not democratically decided liberty. All too often, liberals want to mandate how we must live. Forget about what We The People want, just get a few liberal agenda-driven judges to make a ruling, and declare the liberal way as the law of the land!

Liberals want to decide how to best spend our tax money, liberals want to tell us how to structure health care and education, liberals want to tell businesses how to run their enterprises, in short, liberals are all about control and power over the individual, not freedom and liberty.
can't attack the message, so attack the messenger. really bad tactic.

as it stands, yes liberal is the root word for liberty, however, liberals today are not the classic liberals of yesteryear. Todays liberal wouldn't know what liberty was even if it performed their same sex marriage and then performed their abortion on demand.

Oh please. A, how do we know that NewsMax didn't manipulate the study to advance it's own bias (OH NO! They would never do that) and the basis of the research is so weak even the most elementary review can punch holes in it.

On what basis do they define individual freedoms and liberties? I mean I can spot a half a dozen biases at just a cursory clance.

Bias1. Gun contral equates less freedom

Bias 2. Is Alaska is the most free state cause they have the least people or because of their laws?

Bias 3. Smaller government equate to less liberty.

Bias 4. Marijuana decriminalization equates to greater freedom.

Bias 5. lower taxes equate to greater liberty

Bias 6. what is a victimless crime rate and how does that equate with liberty?

This is a joke. It's a bunch of meaningless psuedo science in either direction comong from an unreliable source infamous as a purveyor of extreme right wing propaganda. Give me a break.
Oh please. A, how do we know that NewsMax didn't manipulate the study to advance it's own bias (OH NO! They would never do that) and the basis of the research is so weak even the most elementary review can punch holes in it.

On what basis do they define individual freedoms and liberties? I mean I can spot a half a dozen biases at just a cursory clance.

Bias1. Gun contral equates less freedom This is TRUE

Bias 2. Is Alaska is the most free state cause they have the least people or because of their laws? study says its the laws

Bias 3. Smaller government equate to less liberty. this is true

Bias 4. Marijuana decriminalization equates to greater freedom. this should also be true

Bias 5. lower taxes equate to greater liberty true

Bias 6. what is a victimless crime rate and how does that equate with liberty? victimless crimes are self explanatory. laws that prohibit activities where there is no victim equates to less liberty

This is a joke. It's a bunch of meaningless psuedo science in either direction comong from an unreliable source infamous as a purveyor of extreme right wing propaganda. Give me a break.

but you need to see the truth young padawan.
STY is siting NewsMax and you call Waterhead biased? Isn't that about like Bella Absug calling Andrea Dworkin ugly? LOL

pretty sure that' an ad hominem. Lets debate the substance of the poll. As it stands, yes watermark is being biased outright dismissing gun laws, home schooling etc as individual freedom issues, simply because he disagrees with them.

newsmax cited a university study. apparently it wasn't in the interests of mainstream media to show liberal states are not liberty minded. I have no preference for newsmax, wnd, cnn, or any other. news is news and i'll evaluate it as i read it.

It isn't a relevant study, since it is so clearly biased towards conservatism.
Seriously WTF is with the meaningless BB code in your message?

pretty sure that' an ad hominem. Lets debate the substance of the poll. As it stands, yes watermark is being biased outright dismissing gun laws, home schooling etc as individual freedom issues, simply because he disagrees with them.

Have I even mentioned my position on home schooling Grind?
STY is siting NewsMax and you call Waterhead biased? Isn't that about like Bella Absug calling Andrea Dworkin ugly? LOL

Newsmax ran a story that I have not seen you factually find fault with. Newsmax is conservative, that does not make what they print wrong.
The root word for liberal is indeed liberty, which is what makes it so ironic. Liberals are not interested in liberty. At least not democratically decided liberty. All too often, liberals want to mandate how we must live. Forget about what We The People want, just get a few liberal agenda-driven judges to make a ruling, and declare the liberal way as the law of the land!

Liberals want to decide how to best spend our tax money, liberals want to tell us how to structure health care and education, liberals want to tell businesses how to run their enterprises, in short, liberals are all about control and power over the individual, not freedom and liberty.

Modern liberals in the US want a kind of humanist religion to dictate our moralality. They use government, courts, and the culture to ram it down our throats.
Again, the survey is useless at proving anything to anyone besides someone who already agrees with it because it's clearly biased and subjective.