Most likely dem legislation to pass in 2009


Verified User
Assuming a Dem win and larger control of House and senate as all the credible polls show will happen.
What's your prediction for the largest impact 3 bills.:clink:
Assuming a Dem win and larger control of House and senate as all the credible polls show will happen.
What's your prediction for the largest impact 3 bills.:clink:

1) Tax increases on the wealthy
2) Some form of nationalized health care that will be yet another out of control drain like Medicare, Medicaid and SS.
3) More tax increases on the wealthy

If the Dems win the WH and maintain control of the House and Senate, they lose at least two of the three in 2012
Assuming a Dem win and larger control of House and senate as all the credible polls show will happen.
What's your prediction for the largest impact 3 bills.:clink:

With the Chimp not there to veto anything:

1) Timeline for withdrawl from iraq, attached to defense funding bill.

2) Children's health insurance program expansion

3) Something related to global warming, environment.
very good list cy but not very ambitious.
I hope they don't settle for shit that can sail through
very good list cy but not very ambitious.
I hope they don't settle for shit that can sail through

You said 2009.

Tax reform and universal healthcare will probably take longer than 12 months, is my guess. But, what do I know?
The most immediate that come to mind are:

1) The Employee Free Choice Act

2) Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research

3) Energy Bill

4) Iraq War Timeline
1) Tax increases on the wealthy
2) Some form of nationalized health care that will be yet another out of control drain like Medicare, Medicaid and SS.
3) More tax increases on the wealthy

If the Dems win the WH and maintain control of the House and Senate, they lose at least two of the three in 2012


Yeah, that's right superfreak. Medicare and Social Security are hugely unpopular programs. LOL

I'll tell you what. Let's see the GOP run on a platform to eliminate Medicare and SS. Please?
1) Tax increases on the wealthy
2) Some form of nationalized health care that will be yet another out of control drain like Medicare, Medicaid and SS.
3) More tax increases on the wealthy

If the Dems win the WH and maintain control of the House and Senate, they lose at least two of the three in 2012

On taxes, aside from doing a reform of the AMT, the Dems aren't likely to do much by way of tax increases. They're more likely to just let the upper echelon Bush tax cuts expire. You can call it a tax increase if you want but the reality is that it is Bush's legislation, not the Democrats'.
On taxes, aside from doing a reform of the AMT, the Dems aren't likely to do much by way of tax increases. They're more likely to just let the upper echelon Bush tax cuts expire. You can call it a tax increase if you want but the reality is that it is Bush's legislation, not the Democrats'.

It is most certainly a tax increase. Allowing a tax bill to expire that results in an increase in tax rates is the same as raising taxes. IF the end result of their action or inaction is an increase in taxes, then they are increasing taxes.
no shit, seniors are a huge voting block. They love SS and Medicare. The 30 something's like chap and freak's heads explode every time they stare at the huge amount coming out of their paychecks and the actuary in them gets thier butwhole's spazzing.
no shit, seniors are a huge voting block. They love SS and Medicare. The 30 something's like chap and freak's heads explode every time they stare at the huge amount coming out of their paychecks and the actuary in them gets thier butwhole's spazzing.

It wouldn't be bad if I knew that money was actually going to be there when I retire. Instead, the ponzi scheme is going to leave my generation (and those that follow) holding the short straw.
It is most certainly a tax increase. Allowing a tax bill to expire that results in an increase in tax rates is the same as raising taxes. IF the end result of their action or inaction is an increase in taxes, then they are increasing taxes.

Oh, OK. So now not passing legislation is the same thing as passing legislation? That's odd.

The Bush tax cuts were sold on the premise that they would expire. That's the only way they could make the budget numbers look pretty. Having them be permanent was (and is) simply too fiscally reckless for even the Republicans.

I noticed your comments about Social Security and Medicare. Funny that you didn't mention that the extension of the Bush tax cuts would cost substantially more than the projected cost of both combined. To the extent that you hate SS and Medicare for creating a fiscal crisis, you should be equally appalled at the prospect of making the tax cuts permanent for the same reason. It will cost $2 trillion.
no shit, seniors are a huge voting block. They love SS and Medicare. The 30 something's like chap and freak's heads explode every time they stare at the huge amount coming out of their paychecks and the actuary in them gets thier butwhole's spazzing.

I forgot who the rapper is that said it but I look at the S.S. money taken out of my paycheck as 'Money Gone'.
Oh, OK. So now not passing legislation is the same thing as passing legislation? That's odd.

The Bush tax cuts were sold on the premise that they would expire. That's the only way they could make the budget numbers look pretty. Having them be permanent was (and is) simply too fiscally reckless for even the Republicans.

I noticed your comments about Social Security and Medicare. Funny that you didn't mention that the extension of the Bush tax cuts would cost substantially more than the projected cost of both combined. To the extent that you hate SS and Medicare for creating a fiscal crisis, you should be equally appalled at the prospect of making the tax cuts permanent for the same reason. It will cost $2 trillion.

So not allowing them to expire would be a huge spending increase.
Oh, OK. So now not passing legislation is the same thing as passing legislation? That's odd.

The Bush tax cuts were sold on the premise that they would expire. That's the only way they could make the budget numbers look pretty. Having them be permanent was (and is) simply too fiscally reckless for even the Republicans.

I noticed your comments about Social Security and Medicare. Funny that you didn't mention that the extension of the Bush tax cuts would cost substantially more than the projected cost of both combined. To the extent that you hate SS and Medicare for creating a fiscal crisis, you should be equally appalled at the prospect of making the tax cuts permanent for the same reason. It will cost $2 trillion.

What a load of crap. Bottom line... as a result of their actions, would taxes increase, stay the same or decrease? They would allow taxes to increase by their inaction.... and yes, inaction is still a decision. It is inaction that allowed Rwanda (clinton) and the Sudan (Bush) genocides to occur.

Yes, I do agree that the tax cuts are not fiscally responsible without corresponding cuts in spending. I have stated that numerous times. Top asked for what I thought the dems would do first.... I gave my answer. Adding to the burden with yet another poorly run social program is doomed to the same fate that the current fiascos like Medicare etc... hold.

Bottom line.... I do think that raising the taxes is a mistake. It would be far better for them to cut spending. (my opinion)

However, if they do not cut spending (which we all know they won't) then I agree they do need to raise the taxes to compensate.