Most likely dem legislation to pass in 2009

no shit considering they tell us.. um well you may not get SS when u retire.. may not be there.. ohh we are moving the age to 70 nor ahhh 72 since you will probably live longer... and um well if u collect more then 100k a year you are not elligable.. ah em you have to be under 500K in assets to collect... ohh well lifting the tax limit so now all income included.. um ahh moving the rate to 10%...

fucking biggest scam going run by our government.

could u imagine what super and I at our ages. super being 10years younger then me could retire with like 50M if he got to keep the 14% for Medicare and SSI. instead he will get 70% of some poverty level monthly check when hes 70years old.

how old are you? If I remember correctly, you are younger than I am.
Damm chap your 35ish right, freak is 10 yrs younger.
NO wonder he's always so pissed. As a high wage earner in is late 20's he will be paying through the ass till he's 60 and get about 1% return if that.
My bad, to keep your sanity both of you should never again compute what that 7.5% that your putting in could get you in 30 yrs at 10%:clink:

Actually, I am 36.