Most Red (Republican) States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In


Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In. This shouldn't even be a possibility. The very people telling us we shouldn't be spending more than we are taxing are doing exactly that, spending more than taxing. And it's not just the states, it's the Red/(Republican)Presidents too.

I noticed this personally for years and was searching tonight for links to back up my opinion. I found a Left Wing media that explained it pretty good. So you can either tuck your tail and walk out with the idea that it's not true because of the source....Or you can man up and have a debate.

Tell me why Gary Nolan and Sarah Pain's states are the biggest "taker states". Why are Libertarians and Tea Party members spending more than they are taxing while "Liberals" are taxing more according to what they are spending. Or is that what a "Liberal" is to you? Paying for what you want..
Hey moron did you ever consider all of the unfunded mandates imposed on the States by Washington’s bastard politicians that force spending by the States at the point of a fucking gun? Did you ever consider that the RED States actually do TAX LESS than California and Jersey and those bankrupted Blue States?

To boot Goober, where can we find the Constitutional authority for the federal government to return any money to any State for social welfare programs? I need to know the Article and or the Amendment, OK?
the people already decided that one you brain dead fool.

we don't need to keep telling you.

You will just pretend it was never said anyway.

Your a NUTTBALL who thinks the constitution says whatever YOU decide its says and we have to OBEY you
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In. This shouldn't even be a possibility. The very people telling us we shouldn't be spending more than we are taxing are doing exactly that, spending more than taxing. And it's not just the states, it's the Red/(Republican)Presidents too.

I noticed this personally for years and was searching tonight for links to back up my opinion. I found a Left Wing media that explained it pretty good. So you can either tuck your tail and walk out with the idea that it's not true because of the source....Or you can man up and have a debate.

Tell me why Gary Nolan and Sarah Pain's states are the biggest "taker states". Why are Libertarians and Tea Party members spending more than they are taxing while "Liberals" are taxing more according to what they are spending. Or is that what a "Liberal" is to you? Paying for what you want..
Old news there. Same with the angry rural white guys who rail about the social welfare State. Guess who the biggest abusers of welfare are?
Most Red States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In. This shouldn't even be a possibility. The very people telling us we shouldn't be spending more than we are taxing are doing exactly that, spending more than taxing. And it's not just the states, it's the Red/(Republican)Presidents too.

I noticed this personally for years and was searching tonight for links to back up my opinion. I found a Left Wing media that explained it pretty good. So you can either tuck your tail and walk out with the idea that it's not true because of the source....Or you can man up and have a debate.

Tell me why Gary Nolan and Sarah Pain's states are the biggest "taker states". Why are Libertarians and Tea Party members spending more than they are taxing while "Liberals" are taxing more according to what they are spending. Or is that what a "Liberal" is to you? Paying for what you want..
It doesn't work like that. The Federal Government spends money where it's needed. Not proportionally.

The so caled "Red" conservative, mostly southern and rural states have the most people on welfare, unemployed and those workng jobs that don't pay living wages. A lot of federal support goes to them. Those States have the weakest worker protection laws, a lot of federal money goes there in the form of disability. Those States have the lowest rates of public investment so a lot of federal dollars go there to subsidize education, community infrastructure, etc.

Are those States free loaders mooching off the rest of the nation. Hell yes they are but it's our own damned fault. We let them get away with it.
Old news there. Same with the angry rural white guys who rail about the social welfare State. Guess who the biggest abusers of welfare are?

Federal funds=/=welfare. Most red states also support a lot of military bases. Gee, I wonder who pays for those...
the people already decided that one you brain dead fool.

we don't need to keep telling you.

You will just pretend it was never said anyway.

Your a NUTTBALL who thinks the constitution says whatever YOU decide its says and we have to OBEY you

Actually idiot I say exactly what the Constitution says and you’ve been challenged several times to post your opposing interpretations. So far you’ve avoided any attempt at that because you’re a fucking moron.

The Constitution is the law of the land moron. It’s your only written guarantee of your rights and freedoms. Of course a left-ass moron like you thinks all rights and freedoms belong to BIG fucking government and the Constitution is toilet paper in your world.
Hey moron did you ever consider all of the unfunded mandates imposed on the States by Washington’s bastard politicians that force spending by the States at the point of a fucking gun? Did you ever consider that the RED States actually do TAX LESS than California and Jersey and those bankrupted Blue States?

To boot Goober, where can we find the Constitutional authority for the federal government to return any money to any State for social welfare programs? I need to know the Article and or the Amendment, OK?

I'm fully aware that the Red States tax less than Blue states. But taxing less doesn't mean you are spending less kiddo. That's kind of the point here. Just because you don't agree with an unfunded mandate doesn't mean it isn't a mandate. It's not something you can just cross your arms and say "Well I'm not paying that". Otherwise you will end up a Taker State.

Also, this deserves it's own thread, but why the hell do the crazy Right Wingers always talk about taxes being forced with a gun to their head. AMERICA HAS TAXATION. ALWAYS HAS. Taxation is Constitutional and backed by law. This law, if broken can put you in jail. If you resist arrest, sure, an officer might put a gun to your head. It's really an idiotic statement to say the very least.

If you don't like a taxed bill then use your brain to be influential and inform others of the damage it can or is doing. Acting like a 13 year old will never get anyone to take you seriously.

Last, what is with you and your "there is no Constitutional authority" phrase. The Constitution limits what needs to be limited. It also says America is open to changes. The Constitution doesn't need to be amended for every change in America. It only needs to be amended for changes to the Constitution. You should read it sometime.
Old news there. Same with the angry rural white guys who rail about the social welfare State. Guess who the biggest abusers of welfare are?

I wonder if there is any statistic on that. I live in a rural state, in a rural area. I know dozens of people abusing disability who are perfectly capable of working and they are all white. Some of them just manipulated a doctor but others used a disability lawyer to fight for them. Their lawyer doesn't need pay but only gets a portion of their disability check once it starts coming in. The lawyer basically gets paid directly by the Federal Government. It's Learned that on a 20/20 episode.

Every time I see someone with down syndrome/other working somewhere I get angry about all these perfectly capable people around me not working. Ironically, every one of them are open Fox News junkies and post Right Wing posts on Facebook. They make posts about Welfare abuse even talking about how people will never work if given a free ride. I have to wonder if it's their cry for help.
The Dude groans at this post. I wish I hadn't banned him to see what he would say. I'll bet it was full of information like "You are stupid" or something useful to the conversation like that.
If something is worth mandating, it is worth funding as well. There should never be an unfunded mandate issued, because that calls credibility into question, among other things.
Federal funds=/=welfare. Most red states also support a lot of military bases. Gee, I wonder who pays for those...
I have to correct your statement. We all support those military bases. That most of them are located in the south is our tax payer dollars providing federal jobs programs in those States due to the lack of jobs paying living wages. Why do you think those Federal military bases enforce prevailing wages to civilian contractors?
I wonder if there is any statistic on that. I live in a rural state, in a rural area. I know dozens of people abusing disability who are perfectly capable of working and they are all white. Some of them just manipulated a doctor but others used a disability lawyer to fight for them. Their lawyer doesn't need pay but only gets a portion of their disability check once it starts coming in. The lawyer basically gets paid directly by the Federal Government. It's Learned that on a 20/20 episode.

Every time I see someone with down syndrome/other working somewhere I get angry about all these perfectly capable people around me not working. Ironically, every one of them are open Fox News junkies and post Right Wing posts on Facebook. They make posts about Welfare abuse even talking about how people will never work if given a free ride. I have to wonder if it's their cry for help.
Trust me. Plenty of statistics available on that. I'm just to lazy right now to search for them but you can find them without to much effort. If I remember correctly, the States with the highest per capita payments in Federal disability rates, I believe, are Alabama, South Carolina and Louisiana. I believe the States show that the majority of people in those States claiming disability are white males. That's not to say they all are abusing the system. Many are victims of States with weak worker safety protections or have lack of safety enforcement.
I'm fully aware that the Red States tax less than Blue states. But taxing less doesn't mean you are spending less kiddo. That's kind of the point here.


Just because you don't agree with an unfunded mandate doesn't mean it isn't a mandate. It's not something you can just cross your arms and say "Well I'm not paying that". Otherwise you will end up a Taker State.

No shit Dick Tracy! That was kinda my point here. Point being for y’all leftist morons out there, maybe Red States would be SPENDING LESS if the fucking federal government wasn’t mandating they pay for sooooo fucking many federal programs, huh Idiot?

Also, this deserves it's own thread, but why the hell do the crazy Right Wingers always talk about taxes being forced with a gun to their head. AMERICA HAS TAXATION. ALWAYS HAS. Taxation is Constitutional and backed by law. This law, if broken can put you in jail. If you resist arrest, sure, an officer might put a gun to your head. It's really an idiotic statement to say the very least.

Nice job idiot, you just answered your own fucking stupid question. Now you know why taxes are theft.

Actually our founders intended that federal taxes would be ”FEE FOR SERVICE” taxation until the greedy sons-of-bitches like Woodrow Wilson thought it would be a good idea to fuck over the masses and rob the fruits of their labors.

If you don't like a taxed bill then use your brain to be influential and inform others of the damage it can or is doing. Acting like a 13 year old will never get anyone to take you seriously.

Yeah right Goober! Problem with that is y’all’s fucking leftist Democrat bastards have turned the country into a bribed gang of takers feeding at the government trough out numbering and out voting the sane and honest folks.

Last, what is with you and your "there is no Constitutional authority" phrase. The Constitution limits what needs to be limited. It also says America is open to changes. The Constitution doesn't need to be amended for every change in America. It only needs to be amended for changes to the Constitution. You should read it sometime.

Hey Goober, the part in the Constitution that says “the Constitution is open to change” is called the ”AMENDMENT PROCESS.”

OK Goober you and the other idiot, (Fatty Shitty Panties), can put your pea-brains together and interpret the 10th amendment for us. Where I come from it says that the federal government ONLY has the power to do what is listed/enumerated in the Constitution for it to do. Everything else is a power granted to the States or the People. So idiot show me IN THE CONSTITUTION where the fucking feds have the power to create socialist programs and force the States by federal mandate to pay for any of that fucking shit. When you can do that Goober, you’ll be able to debate in the BIG LEAGUES. Until then you’ll simply be the fucking armature fucking moron on JPP.
found a very interesting comment in the OP article.....
A look at 2010 Census and IRS data reveals that the 50 states and the District of Columbia, on average, received $1.29 in federal spending for every federal tax dollar they paid.

let that sink in a moment.....what does THAT tell us about ourselves......
The state with the highest federal dollars going in is Virginia, and DC, though not a state, is equally high. This is the reason this worn-out argument has no basis: Virginia has federal employees, contractors, etc. that cause the size of federal dollars. With other states, the dollars are Social Security, Medicare, military bases (some states have over 20), national parks, military contractors, border patrol, courts, FBI, Homeland Security, Social Security, and on and on.
Trust me. Plenty of statistics available on that. I'm just to lazy right now to search for them but you can find them without to much effort. If I remember correctly, the States with the highest per capita payments in Federal disability rates, I believe, are Alabama, South Carolina and Louisiana. I believe the States show that the majority of people in those States claiming disability are white males. That's not to say they all are abusing the system. Many are victims of States with weak worker safety protections or have lack of safety enforcement.

I hoped you had it in favorites but I believe you. You have never been a liar here that I have seen.

No shit Dick Tracy! That was kinda my point here. Point being for y’all leftist morons out there, maybe Red States would be SPENDING LESS if the fucking federal government wasn’t mandating they pay for sooooo fucking many federal programs, huh Idiot?

Nice job idiot, you just answered your own fucking stupid question. Now you know why taxes are theft.

Actually our founders intended that federal taxes would be ”FEE FOR SERVICE” taxation until the greedy sons-of-bitches like Woodrow Wilson thought it would be a good idea to fuck over the masses and rob the fruits of their labors.

Yeah right Goober! Problem with that is y’all’s fucking leftist Democrat bastards have turned the country into a bribed gang of takers feeding at the government trough out numbering and out voting the sane and honest folks.

Hey Goober, the part in the Constitution that says “the Constitution is open to change” is called the ”AMENDMENT PROCESS.”

OK Goober you and the other idiot, (Fatty Shitty Panties), can put your pea-brains together and interpret the 10th amendment for us. Where I come from it says that the federal government ONLY has the power to do what is listed/enumerated in the Constitution for it to do. Everything else is a power granted to the States or the People. So idiot show me IN THE CONSTITUTION where the fucking feds have the power to create socialist programs and force the States by federal mandate to pay for any of that fucking shit. When you can do that Goober, you’ll be able to debate in the BIG LEAGUES. Until then you’ll simply be the fucking armature fucking moron on JPP.

You AGAIN express that you don't know the difference between spending and taxation. You get into the part of the Constitution where it says we shouldn't have an income tax yadda yadda. You call me a Leftist, yadda yadda. Oh, you call Leftist "takers", that's original. I know a lot of Leftists and they tend to be givers. They care about one another.

Your entire 12 year old post about the Amendment process is pretty basic in politics today. You think you are teaching people something but you are elementary in politics. The taxation process does cause concern for certain interpretations of the Constitution. (note there are many).

Calling everyone a "Goober you and the other idiot, (Fatty Shitty Panties), " does not make you informed. Smart people don't need to use these insults to be correct. The people who are WRONG are the ones who rely on this sort of talk.

So yea, there are a few breaches of the Constitution today. Most of them are unnoticed because of people like you that think EVERYTHING not listed in the constitution is a breach. When, if, ONLY the breaches were listed they could get more credibility. And possibly without the terms "fatty shitty panties".... Ignorant children trying to talk politics......heh