Most Red (Republican) States Take More Money From Washington Than They Put In


racists fuck wont even answer to his racism.

htat is what these fucking fact adverse incompetent assholes do.

I cant answer you intelligently so Illk pretend you never said anything.

The are so brain atrophied that they actually think that works.

then reality slaps them up the fucking side of the head and Poof "gee I thought robmoney would win?"
the shit you say is racist

just ignoring that people see you the fuck for who you are doesn't make black people NOT see you as the racist fuck you are.

Oh yeah and cheating in elections wont get you seats anymore.

your dead asses are found out
Who is necessarily talking about the church Goober? Do you propose that ONLY churches provide private charity? It is perfectly apparent Goober that you’re totally at a loss for rational argument here so your feebly attempting to cover your lost ass by babbling incoherently.

Actually it's the statistics on the "Fair Tax" that go into charity. They call the Church charity in order to prove that we will donate to charity and more if we keep our system. It's a simple lie. The church is in A BUSINESS and the business is to spread the word of Christ or whatever that church follows. It's not the church's job to support the needy. They just do it sometimes because they are good people. Welcome to America kid.
Let me jog your memory Kid! Just a few short threads ago you issued your socialism interpretation challenge thread which I presented the total comprehensive identification, interpretation and logical framework for. You in response crawled back under your pathetic “fucking moron” rock without a word of refute or debunk.

So Goober, you can call government socialist programs whatever the fuck you want, but the fact remains that they’re wasteful incompetent self-serving gimmicks orchestrated by crooked politicians to bribe the vote and furthermore they’re totally unconstitutional for the federal government to even be involved in. That you cannot refute!

You prove your ignorance here. In that thread I stated "do not copy/paste" a definition". You Copy/Pasted a definition and you STILL TODAY don't know what Socialism is because you think it's what Fox news says it is. You didn't learn anything from that thread and clearly don't want to. If you had a clue you would know that Socialist programs would be more about Society and Welfare programs would be more about Welfare, but you are brainwashed and don't know the difference.

You should at least CARE to think.
But you ”lean right” remember? How many times have you made that pronouncement? So now you’re denouncing your own fucking bribery?

If it’s so idiotic, why can’t you ever refute and debunk that proposition Goober?

And someday you’ll produce evidence that I ever proposed such an idea, huh?

Too fucking bad you don’t show any signs of wisdom huh Goober? When you discover what my “party” is child, let me know I must have forgotten it’s label.

Basically you are stating that you will follow the Right no matter the path. You glorify the Right as a party that can not make mistakes. And you CERTAINLY haven't seen the movement made by the Right be put Profit before Humanity. Anyone that can't see that is blind and bias.

I believe you can be smart, follow god, spend less money, save the environment, stop the draw/need for abortion with medicine, and have the Liberties that are worth having.

Your problem is you never question any Liberty. Should I be able to drink and drive 'yes, you are free as a Libertarian" basic stupidity of history and consequence. Wake up kid.

I say YOU CAN BE SMART and be Republican. But today, you can't be smart and be Tea Party or Libertarian. I've yet to see a smart one. And the Irony of this thread is that Libertarians and Tea Party are the ones driving up the Debt, not the Blue states or even the moderate states.

Learn anything kid?
You prove your ignorance here. In that thread I stated "do not copy/paste" a definition". You Copy/Pasted a definition and you STILL TODAY don't know what Socialism is because you think it's what Fox news says it is.

I placed in evidence two definitions from the English dictionary Goober. The only reason you attempted to prohibit copy & paste was because you knew that dictionary definitions prove you’re a fucking phony without a rational argument related to the subject or anything else for that matter. I threw the challenge back in your face and you ran and crawled back under your rock and avoided all comment on the challenge.

So Goober let’s see how much you know about socialism. Here’s the challenge again for ya.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit. (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the two above definitions describe best Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, government subsidies, corporate and social welfare programs?

Other than socialism and capitalism, what other political economic systems are being followed in the industrial & technological countries on planet earth?

You can run and hide again Goober and prove you’re nothing less than a fucking coward or you can try some of your babbling bullshit to attempt to confuse the issue but you can’t rationalize government socialist programs as anything else but socialism by any rational definition.

Oh yeah! And since you proclaim to be some kind of a fucking genius and teacher of we morons, why don’t you grace us with your “personal” definition of socialism so we all can be just a little smarter and bow at your feet in thanksgiving?

All of you fucking moron socialist bastards and idiot Democrats claim only you hold the true meaning of socialism. Somehow it has to be kept secret and away from the non-believers. Y’all are a total bunch of fucking frauds, liars and corrupt bastards and sons-of-bitches.
You didn't learn anything from that thread and clearly don't want to. If you had a clue you would know that Socialist programs would be more about Society and Welfare programs would be more about Welfare, but you are brainwashed and don't know the difference.

You should at least CARE to think.

I didn’t learn anything from YOU Goober because you have absolutely nothing to teach.

Your above statement is the laughable babbling of a fucking idiot. Welfare is SOCIETAL you fucking waste!
Basically you are stating that you will follow the Right no matter the path. You glorify the Right as a party that can not make mistakes. And you CERTAINLY haven't seen the movement made by the Right be put Profit before Humanity. Anyone that can't see that is blind and bias.

Then apparently you’re either a fucking liar, or you haven’t ever bothered to read any of my post in opposition to and demeaning to the right on this forum Goober.

When I agree with the right, I agree with the right. When I agree with the left, I agree with the left. When I agree with neither, I agree with neither and the latter is so very often.
I believe you can be smart, follow god, spend less money, save the environment, stop the draw/need for abortion with medicine, and have the Liberties that are worth having.

What are the liberties not worth having Goober?

Of course all of your beliefs are fine and dandy except in America our Constitutional Republican form of government denies the power to produce most of it for you to the federal government and gives all that power to the States and you yourself.

Your problem is you never question any Liberty. Should I be able to drink and drive 'yes, you are free as a Libertarian" basic stupidity of history and consequence. Wake up kid.

Well Goober you prove yet once again you don’t know squat about libertarianism or constitutionalism. As a constitutionalist I promote the STATE’S authority to prohibit your right to drink and drive because it violates the rights of other’s safety thus there is no such thing as a ”right” to drink and drive. I’m a libertarian small l Goober, I’m not an anarchist.
I say YOU CAN BE SMART and be Republican. But today, you can't be smart and be Tea Party or Libertarian. I've yet to see a smart one. And the Irony of this thread is that Libertarians and Tea Party are the ones driving up the Debt, not the Blue states or even the moderate states.

Learn anything kid?

Of course you have absolutely no biases, right Goober?

Actually moron, you can’t produce a dime’s worth of evidence that the Tea Party has ever run up a dime’s worth of debt because the Tea Party has no collective power in government with a majority to produce any debt.

Secondly, ”SMART” is in the eye of the beholder and when politically motivated gets defined bassackwards by partisan creeps exactly like you.

You can’t debate your way out of a fucking paper bag. You’re a rambling blithering idiot, a fucking hypocrite and a liar, so why would any rational soul accept your idea of who’s smart?
I placed in evidence two definitions from the English dictionary Goober. The only reason you attempted to prohibit copy & paste was because you knew that dictionary definitions prove you’re a fucking phony without a rational argument related to the subject or anything else for that matter. I threw the challenge back in your face and you ran and crawled back under your rock and avoided all comment on the challenge.

So Goober let’s see how much you know about socialism. Here’s the challenge again for ya.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit. (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the two above definitions describe best Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, government subsidies, corporate and social welfare programs?

Other than socialism and capitalism, what other political economic systems are being followed in the industrial & technological countries on planet earth?

You can run and hide again Goober and prove you’re nothing less than a fucking coward or you can try some of your babbling bullshit to attempt to confuse the issue but you can’t rationalize government socialist programs as anything else but socialism by any rational definition.

Oh yeah! And since you proclaim to be some kind of a fucking genius and teacher of we morons, why don’t you grace us with your “personal” definition of socialism so we all can be just a little smarter and bow at your feet in thanksgiving?

All of you fucking moron socialist bastards and idiot Democrats claim only you hold the true meaning of socialism. Somehow it has to be kept secret and away from the non-believers. Y’all are a total bunch of fucking frauds, liars and corrupt bastards and sons-of-bitches.

I prohibited copy/paste because I knew you and others like you would not learn anything if you did copy/paste. A few posts later you ranted on about communists and proved my point that you STILL don't know what Communism or Socialism is.

Why are you against learning? I understand holding onto morals and values but when you just fail to learn new things you cannot be considered educated. I mean, if you think there is Communism and Socialism in our Country today, you shouldn't have the right to vote. You don't know anything about the words kid, give it up.
What are the liberties not worth having Goober?

Well Goober you prove yet once again you don’t know squat about libertarianism or constitutionalism. As a constitutionalist I promote the STATE’S authority to prohibit your right to drink and drive because it violates the rights of other’s safety thus there is no such thing as a ”right” to drink and drive. I’m a libertarian small l Goober, I’m not an anarchist.

Of course all of your beliefs are fine and dandy except in America our Constitutional Republican form of government denies the power to produce most of it for you to the federal government and gives all that power to the States and you yourself.

And you clearly haven't read my posts kid.

I generalize this with Seat Belts and Motorcycle Helmets. Should we be at liberty to go without them? You answer yes, because your party and belief is based on freedom no matter what. Yet when this freedom is granted THOUSANDS of people drive up healthcare bills for themselves and their families and some die leaving their families behind. Where was the families Liberty in this scenario? VERSUS What reward is there for driving without a seatbelt or riding a motorcycle without a helmet. The reward is in your head which probably won't last long if you or someone else on the road causes an accident.

I'm guessing you've heard "freedom isn't free" but didn't know what that meant exactly. Sorry....that's not a guess at all.
Of course you have absolutely no biases, right Goober?

Actually moron, you can’t produce a dime’s worth of evidence that the Tea Party has ever run up a dime’s worth of debt because the Tea Party has no collective power in government with a majority to produce any debt.

Secondly, ”SMART” is in the eye of the beholder and when politically motivated gets defined bassackwards by partisan creeps exactly like you.

You can’t debate your way out of a fucking paper bag. You’re a rambling blithering idiot, a fucking hypocrite and a liar, so why would any rational soul accept your idea of who’s smart?

"Actually moron, you can’t produce a dime’s worth of evidence that the Tea Party has ever run up a dime’s worth of debt" I'll stop you right there kiddo. This thread and the mathematical facts prove it. If you can't handle it and/or flaws in the party then you are just a sheep herded in the (R)ight direction.
I prohibited copy/paste because I knew you and others like you would not learn anything if you did copy/paste. A few posts later you ranted on about communists and proved my point that you STILL don't know what Communism or Socialism is.

Of course Genius sooner or maybe later you in all of your godly wisdom you will explain to us why copy & paste are prohibitive of learning, right Goober?

Actually moron I do believe it’s you that needs some learning. Fact is I proved several time that I knew exactly what socialism is and even gave you a challenge to prove me wrong which you ignored and continue to ignore to this day.

So Goober let’s see how much you know about socialism. Here’s the challenge again for ya.

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles (Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit. (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the two above definitions describe best Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, government subsidies, corporate and social welfare programs?

Other than socialism and capitalism, what other political economic systems are being followed in the industrial & technological countries on planet earth?
if you think there is Communism and Socialism in our Country today, you shouldn't have the right to vote. You don't know anything about the words kid, give it up.

So then Goober why are you allowed to vote? It’s perfectly apparent that you don’t know squat about communism and socialism you hide under your rock and refuse to answer the challenge I gave you, huh?
I generalize this with Seat Belts and Motorcycle Helmets. Should we be at liberty to go without them? You answer yes,

Let’s see you produce any quote of mine that even relates to such a conversation Goober. We never even had a discussion of that subject matter. All you’re doing now Goober is grasping at straws and babbling bullshit.