Mr. President, here's how to add life to our economy...


Staff member
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•Repair the stimulus. Freeze the funds that haven't yet been spent and redirect them to immediate, private sector job-creation priorities.

•Create tax incentives that promote business expansion and hiring. For example, install a robust investment tax credit, permit businesses to expense capital purchases made in 2010, and reduce payroll taxes. These will reignite construction, technology and a wide array of capital goods industries, and lead to expanded employment.

•Prove to the global investors that finance America's debt that we are serious about reining in spending and becoming fiscally prudent by adopting limits on non-military discretionary spending and reforming our unsustainable, unfunded entitlements. These are key to strengthening the dollar, reducing the threat of rampant inflation and holding down interest rates.

•Close down any talk of carbon cap-and-trade. It will burden consumers and employers with billions in new costs. Instead, greatly expand our commitment to natural gas and nuclear, boosting jobs now and reducing the export of energy jobs and dollars later.

•Tell the unions that job-stifling "card check" legislation is off the table. Laying new burdens on small business will kill entrepreneurship and job creation.

•Don't allow a massive tax increase to go into effect in 2011 with the expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The specter of more tax-fueled government spending and the reduction of capital available for small business will hinder investment and business expansion.

•New spending should be strictly limited to items that are critically needed and that we would have acquired in the future, such as new military equipment to support our troops abroad and essential infrastructure at home.

•Install dynamic regulations for the financial sector – rules that are up to date, efficient and not excessively burdensome. But do not so tie up the financial sector with red tape that we lose a vital component of our economic system.

•Open the doors to trade. Give important friends like Colombia favored trade status rather than bow to protectionist demands. Now is the time for aggressive pursuit of opportunities for new markets for American goods, not insular retrenchment.

•Stop frightening the private sector by continuing to hold GM stock, by imposing tighter and tighter controls on compensation, and by pursuing a public insurance plan to compete with private insurers. Government encroachment on free enterprise is depressing investment and job creation.

The 10% unemployment crisis hangs like an albatross around President Obama's neck. Eventually, as with every recession and recovery, the economy will improve and jobs will be created, but those who were unnecessarily unemployed due to the president's faulty economic program will not forget. In order to most rapidly re-employ all Americans and to speed a strong recovery, the president must change course. If he does not, Republicans will bring a change of their own to Washington in the 2010 elections.
1. Ban the Republican party.

2. End free speech privileges for Republicans.

3. Revoke the citizenship of Republicans.

4. Introduce new 90% tax rate for rich.

5. Nationalize the banking system.

6. Nationalize the healthcare system.

7. Make union membership mandatory for employment.
1. Ban the Republican party.

2. End free speech privileges for Republicans.

3. Revoke the citizenship of Republicans.

4. Introduce new 90% tax rate for rich.

5. Nationalize the banking system.

6. Nationalize the healthcare system.

7. Make union membership mandatory for employment.


With a 10.2% unemployment figure rising to 10.3 by the time you awake probably, the best and most immediate thing he can do is to declare a total tax holiday on new businesses and on new employees. Then he must instruct banks to release funds to small businesses who can prove their business plan.
There will be people determined to cheat the system. The country must determine what is an acceptable figure and police accordingly.
I dont know what property taxes you have in the states but there should be a period of reduced rental on small industrial premises with accounts audited to determine which new businesses are viable at the end of a certain period and a time at which taxes (sliding scale) should be resumed.

Then tomorrow ......
Drill, Drill, Drill
There is no better faster way to fix it then adopting and "Energy independence Policy"
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•Repair the stimulus. Freeze the funds that haven't yet been spent and redirect them to immediate, private sector job-creation priorities.

•Create tax incentives that promote business expansion and hiring. For example, install a robust investment tax credit, permit businesses to expense capital purchases made in 2010, and reduce payroll taxes. These will reignite construction, technology and a wide array of capital goods industries, and lead to expanded employment.

•Prove to the global investors that finance America's debt that we are serious about reining in spending and becoming fiscally prudent by adopting limits on non-military discretionary spending and reforming our unsustainable, unfunded entitlements. These are key to strengthening the dollar, reducing the threat of rampant inflation and holding down interest rates.

•Close down any talk of carbon cap-and-trade. It will burden consumers and employers with billions in new costs. Instead, greatly expand our commitment to natural gas and nuclear, boosting jobs now and reducing the export of energy jobs and dollars later.

•Tell the unions that job-stifling "card check" legislation is off the table. Laying new burdens on small business will kill entrepreneurship and job creation.

•Don't allow a massive tax increase to go into effect in 2011 with the expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The specter of more tax-fueled government spending and the reduction of capital available for small business will hinder investment and business expansion.

•New spending should be strictly limited to items that are critically needed and that we would have acquired in the future, such as new military equipment to support our troops abroad and essential infrastructure at home.

•Install dynamic regulations for the financial sector – rules that are up to date, efficient and not excessively burdensome. But do not so tie up the financial sector with red tape that we lose a vital component of our economic system.

•Open the doors to trade. Give important friends like Colombia favored trade status rather than bow to protectionist demands. Now is the time for aggressive pursuit of opportunities for new markets for American goods, not insular retrenchment.

•Stop frightening the private sector by continuing to hold GM stock, by imposing tighter and tighter controls on compensation, and by pursuing a public insurance plan to compete with private insurers. Government encroachment on free enterprise is depressing investment and job creation.

The 10% unemployment crisis hangs like an albatross around President Obama's neck. Eventually, as with every recession and recovery, the economy will improve and jobs will be created, but those who were unnecessarily unemployed due to the president's faulty economic program will not forget. In order to most rapidly re-employ all Americans and to speed a strong recovery, the president must change course. If he does not, Republicans will bring a change of their own to Washington in the 2010 elections.

good what have we sunk.....the USA Today is smarter than our president......
With a 10.2% unemployment figure rising to 10.3 by the time you awake probably, the best and most immediate thing he can do is to declare a total tax holiday on new businesses and on new employees.

amazing....even Low gets it......and he's stuck behind the Bamboo Curtain.....
•Repair the stimulus. Freeze the funds that haven't yet been spent and redirect them to immediate, private sector job-creation priorities.

Well, Mitt, the stimulus is working quite alright. And really, what in the fuck do you mean when you say to redirect them to "immediate, private sector job creation priorities." What the fuck are you talking about? Direct transfer payments from the government to the private sector for the purpose of hiring people? That sounds a bit redistributive.

•Create tax incentives that promote business expansion and hiring. For example, install a robust investment tax credit, permit businesses to expense capital purchases made in 2010, and reduce payroll taxes. These will reignite construction, technology and a wide array of capital goods industries, and lead to expanded employment.

Not terribly bad ideas with the exception of reducing payroll taxes (will Republican ever stop trying to raid SS and Medicare through the back door?). The trouble with tax incentives, though, is that they are not terribly stimulative. And tax incentives to promote business and expansion in hiring will not do anything to reignite the construction industry when there is no demand whatsover for new development.

•Prove to the global investors that finance America's debt that we are serious about reining in spending and becoming fiscally prudent by adopting limits on non-military discretionary spending and reforming our unsustainable, unfunded entitlements. These are key to strengthening the dollar, reducing the threat of rampant inflation and holding down interest rates.

Stupid, stupid, stupid. First of all, how do you intend to pay for the various tax cuts that you just said that you want to implement. We are deficit spending as it is and your tax cuts will just be more deficit spending. Oh, that's right, we should screw over the elderly and middle class by cutting entitlements while making transfer payments to businesses and allowing the defense budget to continue to grow.

And the bit about the "threat of inflation and holding down interest rates" is mind-numbingly stupid. There is no threat of inflation and interest rates are at just about zero.

•Close down any talk of carbon cap-and-trade. It will burden consumers and employers with billions in new costs. Instead, greatly expand our commitment to natural gas and nuclear, boosting jobs now and reducing the export of energy jobs and dollars later.

Maybe Mitt is right about the timing for cap-and-trade but here again he is promoting more government spending on natural gas and nuclear power. Where do you intend to get that money Mitt? From those tax cuts you talked about? Oh, right, entitlements again. No.

•Tell the unions that job-stifling "card check" legislation is off the table. Laying new burdens on small business will kill entrepreneurship and job creation.

Standard Republican nonsensical clap-trap and, again, an attack on middle class folks in favor of business.

•Don't allow a massive tax increase to go into effect in 2011 with the expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The specter of more tax-fueled government spending and the reduction of capital available for small business will hinder investment and business expansion.

Nonsense. Again, government revenues do not grow on trees. And really, the goverment pumped a shitload of capital into the system that the banksters used not to lend and grease the wheels of capitalism but instead they gambled it on types of risky investments that got us into the mess in the first place. Moreover, the theory that government spending during a recession reduces the capital available for small business expansion is just plain wrong.

•New spending should be strictly limited to items that are critically needed and that we would have acquired in the future, such as new military equipment to support our troops abroad and essential infrastructure at home.

Yeah, the 50% of our discretionary spending devoted to defense spending should increase, the rest of the budget should stay the same and entitlement spending should be cut. I agree with infrastructure spending but at the outset, ol' Mittster wanted to freeze infrastructure spending in the stimulus bill over the next two years and shift it to feel-good gobbledygook.

•Install dynamic regulations for the financial sector – rules that are up to date, efficient and not excessively burdensome. But do not so tie up the financial sector with red tape that we lose a vital component of our economic system.

This is OK, although I suppose the Mittster and I would disagree as to what "excessively burdensome" means in this context.

•Open the doors to trade. Give important friends like Colombia favored trade status rather than bow to protectionist demands. Now is the time for aggressive pursuit of opportunities for new markets for American goods, not insular retrenchment.

No one is talking about "insular retrenchment."

•Stop frightening the private sector by continuing to hold GM stock, by imposing tighter and tighter controls on compensation, and by pursuing a public insurance plan to compete with private insurers. Government encroachment on free enterprise is depressing investment and job creation.

Shorter Mitt: leave the fat cats and banksters alone! No thanks. And he takes a little healthcare dig in there but what amazes me about the healthcare dig is that I thought Republicans were all about free-market competition. What's the problem with a public insurance plan competing with private insurers.

All in all, it's pretty standard Republican fare. Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts. Cut entitlement spending. Increase military spending. Fuck unions. Fuck healthcare reform. Deficit spending is OK as long as it comes in the form of tax cuts. Blah, blah, blah.

The 10% unemployment crisis hangs like an albatross around President Obama's neck. Eventually, as with every recession and recovery, the economy will improve and jobs will be created, but those who were unnecessarily unemployed due to the president's faulty economic program will not forget. In order to most rapidly re-employ all Americans and to speed a strong recovery, the president must change course. If he does not, Republicans will bring a change of their own to Washington in the 2010 elections.

"Unnecessarily unemployed due to the president's faulty economic program?" The program that the CBO found had increased GDP over 3% points from the baseline and has led to increased employment of up to 1.6 million from the baseline? Crock. Of. Shit.
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With a 10.2% unemployment figure rising to 10.3 by the time you awake probably, the best and most immediate thing he can do is to declare a total tax holiday on new businesses and on new employees. Then he must instruct banks to release funds to small businesses who can prove their business plan.
There will be people determined to cheat the system. The country must determine what is an acceptable figure and police accordingly.
I dont know what property taxes you have in the states but there should be a period of reduced rental on small industrial premises with accounts audited to determine which new businesses are viable at the end of a certain period and a time at which taxes (sliding scale) should be resumed.

Then tomorrow ......

OOPPPSSS the number has been revised down on unemployment and not up
HAHA, tax cuts are not an expense to the government, they are an expense reduction to the taxpayers.

They may be an expense reduction to taxpayers, but when the government is not running a surplus, tax cuts are an expense to the government and in practical effect amount to the government borrowing money to pay those tax cuts.
If the government is running a deficit and cuts taxes without an equivalent cut in spending, it must borrow money and is thereby effectively deficit spending on a tax cut.

"Prove to the global investors that finance America's debt that we are serious about reining in spending and becoming fiscally prudent by adopting limits on non-military discretionary spending and reforming our unsustainable, unfunded entitlements. These are key to strengthening the dollar, reducing the threat of rampant inflation and holding down interest rates."

What the fuck do you call the above????

Oh yeah... sorry... you already called that 'tax cuts' and 'stealing from the elderly'

REFORMING entitlement programs does not equal stealing from them.

Curtailing spending does not equal 'tax cuts'.
"Standard Republican nonsensical clap-trap and, again, an attack on middle class folks in favor of business. "

Wrong again NIGEL.... elimination of the card check is a PROTECTION of the basic democratic RIGHTS of the workers to a secret ballot. Pretending the act does anything but eliminate the need for a secret ballot in order for the union to form is nothing short of partisan hackery.
"Prove to the global investors that finance America's debt that we are serious about reining in spending and becoming fiscally prudent by adopting limits on non-military discretionary spending and reforming our unsustainable, unfunded entitlements. These are key to strengthening the dollar, reducing the threat of rampant inflation and holding down interest rates."

What the fuck do you call the above????

Oh yeah... sorry... you already called that 'tax cuts' and 'stealing from the elderly'

REFORMING entitlement programs does not equal stealing from them.

Curtailing spending does not equal 'tax cuts'.

I call the above the standard Republican bullshit. To wit:

Stupid, stupid, stupid. First of all, how do you intend to pay for the various tax cuts that you just said that you want to implement. We are deficit spending as it is and your tax cuts will just be more deficit spending. Oh, that's right, we should screw over the elderly and middle class by cutting entitlements while making transfer payments to businesses and allowing the defense budget to continue to grow.

And the bit about the "threat of inflation and holding down interest rates" is mind-numbingly stupid. There is no threat of inflation and interest rates are at just about zero.

I didn't say anything about "stealing." I said "screwing over." Republicans always want to give the rich and powerful more and the middle and lower classes less. End of story. "Reforming entitlements" is more of the same story that's been told over the years. Extending the Bush tax cuts, increasing defense spending, adding additional tax cuts, opposing unionization. All of a piece.
I call the above the standard Republican bullshit. To wit:

I didn't say anything about "stealing." I said "screwing over." Republicans always want to give the rich and powerful more and the middle and lower classes less. End of story. "Reforming entitlements" is more of the same story that's been told over the years. Extending the Bush tax cuts, increasing defense spending, adding additional tax cuts, opposing unionization. All of a piece.

And statists always believe bureaucrats are somehow morally pure.

Both sides have their morons.
If they don't extend Bush's tax cuts then Obama's "no form of tax on those making less than $250,000 will be increased" will be broken again.
I call the above the standard Republican bullshit. To wit:

I didn't say anything about "stealing." I said "screwing over." Republicans always want to give the rich and powerful more and the middle and lower classes less. End of story. "Reforming entitlements" is more of the same story that's been told over the years. Extending the Bush tax cuts, increasing defense spending, adding additional tax cuts, opposing unionization. All of a piece.

While I agree the Reps do not tend to live up to the spending cuts... The actual discussion is still valid. It IS what we need to do.

You say 'screwing over' the elderly. Cleaning up the mess that is Medicare and SS is not screwing them. Your messiah has already pointed out that there is $500 billion in waste within Medicare. Does it screw seniors over to remove the waste? NO... it does not... hence the use of the term WASTE.

Also... keeping the democratic process in place for workers does not equate to opposing unions. It is ensuring the workers do indeed have a FREE CHOICE in whether or not they want unions.

That said, I do think we also need to address defense spending as there is just as much waste there as there is in Medicaid and Medicare.
If they don't extend Bush's tax cuts then Obama's "no form of tax on those making less than $250,000 will be increased" will be broken again.

Obama has said he was only going to let the above $250k tax cuts expire. Of course it remains to be seen until he does it but he has stated that.