Mr. President, here's how to add life to our economy...

They may be an expense reduction to taxpayers, but when the government is not running a surplus, tax cuts are an expense to the government and in practical effect amount to the government borrowing money to pay those tax cuts.

then if I am spending more than I earn and I lose my job and paycheck, does that mean my expenses have been increased?.......
then if I am spending more than I earn and I lose my job and paycheck, does that mean my expenses have been increased?.......

It's futile, logic means nothing to them. This money is not the government's to begin with. They have confiscated our money under the threat of jail-time.

Note: I don't mind paying taxes as long as they are put to good use. They haven't been.
OOPPPSSS the number has been revised down on unemployment and not up

Well, that's good news then, isn't it?
Now, the little plan that I proposed would not involve any expense to the government because unemployed people are not contributing anyway.
So. Step 2.
I want to set up a company. What should I do? Well I'm pretty good at making apple pies. So I'll start an apple pie making business.
Mmm. You dont need to be good at making apple pies to start an apple pie making business. You need to be good at business!
Start again.
What assets are available?
What kind of premises do I need?
Uhuh. What premises are available?
I'll go to an estate agent to see if he can get me something.
You find the premises (empty) you find out who owns it and you say Look, at present you are making nothing from that property. I will pay you a percentage of my profit, to be taken first, for an open ended contract. Gotta be better than you are getting now, right? Right.
Step 3. What to do/make?
On the outskirts of town is a factory making gizmos. Business is not brilliant but you discover that they are importing flogglegrommets from China.
You say, 'Mr. Nice Factory Owner, if I can make and supply you with flogglegrommets using local labour and local facilities will you buy them off me for what you are paying now?'
Of course, he will. When he sees the benefits to his local community go and negotiate a better rate.
Step 4. How the F do you make flogglegrommets?
Research, cost, business plan. The bank is under instruction to assist small business. You need a flogglegrommet making machine. You find one rusting away at an auction and your first Rolls Royce enters its production somewhere in far off England.
You will pay no tax until you are in audited profit and you and your workers are earning a minimum wage. You will then pay according to your disposable income and the factory will pay rent/rates/local taxes according to its profitability. Your landlord will sit on the board so he knows what is happening to his property, you bank manager will be similarly involved until the business is up and running.
Simple? Of course not. Worth having a go? I would think so.
You will notice that at no time did I mention any American Keywords. No mention of Obama, freedom, god, republicans, democrats, commies, socialists, guns or the can-sti-too-shun!