Mrs. Clinton Takes A Page From Hitler's Book


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Adolph Hitler often said, “If we lie we should make sure we tell the big lie because the people would rather believe the big lie and if we tell it often enough, even we will believe it.” (Paraphrase)

Hillary Clinton surely has taken a page out of Hitler’s book. So far only she heard FBI Director Comey say she told the truth about her never posting classified materials in her e-mails.

Mrs. Clinton would have the American people believe that a Secretary Of State of the United States of the United States is not required to be intelligent enough to recognize classified materials when she sees them. Apparently she doesn’t. Thus, aside from being a pathological liar, Mrs. Clinton is also incompetent or severely uncaring about the security of the United States and the intelligence officers serving abroad who’s lives she put at severe risk.

Is this woman qualified to be President?

I believe in America and democracy asshole

you believe in nothing but stupid

You're a globalist who thinks nations are an outdated institution, bordering on racism. You and your ilk should not be allowed within ten miles of national leadership.
she has to be against it to win the elections

the media is corporate and wont tell the truth about the facts
lying is ok when it's a Democrat politician, because the braindead sheeple progressives believe that they are being lied to for their own good.