Mrs. Clinton Takes A Page From Hitler's Book

I have to agree with everything the guy does?

Because you love undeclared unconstitutional wars and the BIG government Military Industrial Complex, huh?

Why does America need 11 nuclear powered sitting duck aircraft carriers? Why is America's taxpayers paying the lion's share of NATO and western Europe's national defense? Why won't the Republican Congress declare official war on radical Islamic Terrorism and thereby make GITMO prison constitutional?

Will The Donald ask the Congress for an official congressional declaration of war?
What makes you think a guy who made his fortune developing real estate want war? Is that in his platform?

If he should be elected, he'd already have a war. The only solution for it now since the duopoly dopes exaggerated radical terrorism, is for the Congress to declare official war and charge the President, whoever, to use the full extent of American military power to eliminate as far as possible Radical Islamic Terrorism.