Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein has said that he’s been told that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will show how President Donald Trump helped Russia “destabilize the United States.”

Bernstein, who is renowned for his coverage of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of former President Richard Nixon, appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday to discuss two bombshell reports released this weekend, one from The New York Times and one from The Washington Post, which revealed new details about whether or not Trump and his aides have colluded with Russia.
This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the US government saying, ‘Oh my god, the President’s words and actions lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting or half-witting Vladimir Putin.'”

The Post reported that Trump has gone to “extraordinary lengths” to conceal direct conversations he has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Times article revealed that the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Trump after he fired former bureau director James Comey in 2017, suspecting the president could be working on behalf of Russia. Trump has angrily denied allegations that he worked with Russia and has regularly attacked the media for reporting on the investigation. But Bernstein slammed Trump’s dismissal of the probe.
“From a point of view of strength… rather, he has done what appears to be Putin’s goals. He has helped Putin destabilize the United States and interfere in the election, no matter whether it was purposeful or not,” the journalist added. He then explained that he knew from his own high-level sources that Mueller’s report would discuss this assessment.

“And that is part of what the draft of Mueller’s report, I’m told, is to be about,” he said. “We know there has been collusion by [former national security adviser Michael] Flynn. We know there has been collusion of some sort by [Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul] Manafort. The question is, yes, what did the president know and when did he know it?”

Trump's administration recently moved to remove financial sanctions on an ally of Putin, and has recently pulled troops out of Syria -- a long-standing demand from the Russian President.
Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein has said that he’s been told that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will show how President Donald Trump helped Russia “destabilize the United States.”

Bernstein, who is renowned for his coverage of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of former President Richard Nixon, appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday to discuss two bombshell reports released this weekend, one from The New York Times and one from The Washington Post, which revealed new details about whether or not Trump and his aides have colluded with Russia.

Will that link take me to evidence of collusion?
Wait, I thought Mewler never leaks. Make up your mind morons.

You better hope that is true! BUT then BERNSTEIN was part of WOOD-STEIN and part of the most infamous leaker source in US history. And he kept that secret for 35 years. Maybe someone trusted him--maybe twice. Some of the "old timers" are still out there. Or it was 'leaked' by a 2nd or even tertiary source.
Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist
Before it is washed to the sea?
Yes, and how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see

It aint blowin in the wind, we see, we see.
We see your treason. Another shoe drops, pretend you don't...
We Americans expect that now. Your party is a disgrace.
It is our country now. We wanted to share it, but you didn't.
You wanted to destroy it. We will maintain it. We will defend it against your criminal leader.
We will salvage it after he is gone. The spark will be preserved thanks to us and in spite of you traitors.
This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the US government saying, ‘Oh my god, the President’s words and actions lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting or half-witting Vladimir Putin.'”

The Post reported that Trump has gone to “extraordinary lengths” to conceal direct conversations he has had with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Times article revealed that the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Trump after he fired former bureau director James Comey in 2017, suspecting the president could be working on behalf of Russia. Trump has angrily denied allegations that he worked with Russia and has regularly attacked the media for reporting on the investigation. But Bernstein slammed Trump’s dismissal of the probe.

And THEY HELD OFF! I can't quite capture the date but I think they had ENOUGH to do before the election. So they wouldn't put TRUMP inside the "Subject:" line of a COUNTER-INTEL report before the election but had no problem RESURRECTING and finding NOTHING AGAIN with Clinton's emails 10 days from the election.

Someone please explain this to me! I swear I don't get it. I'm putting it out there...

If Trump is in cahoots with Putin, can somebody sensible explain why he is theatening sanctions against companies involving in building Nordstream2 pipeline?
Collusion is a preposterous suggestion dredged up by the Cabal ( more bland word then Deep State).

#1. start with the premise that Putin would collude with a US campaign -
a nonsensical (ridiculously impractical or ill-advised) action on his part.

2. see #1.
And THEY HELD OFF! I can't quite capture the date but I think they had ENOUGH to do before the election. So they wouldn't put TRUMP inside the "Subject:" line of a COUNTER-INTEL report before the election but had no problem RESURRECTING and finding NOTHING AGAIN with Clinton's emails 10 days from the election.

Someone please explain this to me! I swear I don't get it. I'm putting it out there...


Ok lol.

If the Mullet report consists of Trump ‘helping Russia to destabilize’ the US it’s going to be a Nothing Burger unless they can establish intent. Put yourself in the prosecutor’s shoes. Do you really want to go to court armed with nothing more than a theory that an individual *unwittingly* helped another government ‘destabilize’ our country.

After the judge gives you a funny look he prepared to define whatever the hell it is you mean by ‘destabilize’ lol.

Regarding the Clinton email ‘matter’. The most plausible explanation is that Comey didn’t want to reopen the investigation—but he was forced to, either by the sheer weight of the evidence or by a rebellion within the agency. There are a lot of honest people in the FBI who didn’t care for the way the Clinton ‘non-investigation’ was handled—before, they found additional emails on Weiner’s laptop. In fact, there’s an ongoing investigation into THAT investigation for the way it was handled under Comey, McCabe, Strzok and co.

You might notice they have all been fired. Also note that the re-opening of the Clinton email investigation was open and shut. Unlike some other investigations.

I hope that helps.
How many times a day does some liberal breathlessly inform the world that this time...


If Trump is in cahoots with Putin, can somebody sensible explain why he is theatening sanctions against companies involving in building Nordstream2 pipeline?

Nordstream 2 Reveals the Extent of U.S. Weakness - Gold Goats ...

Trump is threatening people he has transitory leverage over in the EU. Nordstream 2 is a path to EU independence, not slavery to Russia. The EU’s politics are not controlled by Russian imperatives. So, all talk of “European Energy Security” is complete nonsense.

The latest twist of the Nordstream 2 Saga is the U.S. is now threatening to sanction the European companies acting as Gazprom’s financier’s for the pipeline. This threat has been there since President Trump signed sanctions bill spearheaded by a dying John McCain last summer.

But, don’t let appearances fool you. Trump wasn’t reluctant about signing that bill. He welcomed it. He went to the Three Seas Summit with “European Energy Security” on his lips and trade tariffs/barriers in his heart.

He knew where this would lead. And so did we. The recent report from RT linked above reveals just how desperate the U.S. is to stopping Nordstream 2, and, frankly, it’s pathetic.

“Everything is on the table. The administration is taking a whole-of-government approach to stopping the Nord Stream project,” the source said, as cited by the media.

Last summer, Congress approved the so-called Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). The legislation allows the White House to introduce punitive measures against the participants of the energy project, investing over $5 million in those enterprises.

“We have been clear that firms working in the Russian energy export pipeline sector are engaging in a line of business that carries sanctions risk,” a State Department spokeswoman told the media.

Trump and his increasingly erratic foreign policy inner circle continue to up the stakes for European companies and countries that do not go along with his plans to remake the world in his image.

Nordstream, along with Turkish Stream and potentially a revived Southstream into Bulgaria represent an existential threat to U.S. control over European politics and its economy.

Losing Face
So, it’s no wonder why the U.S. is taking such a hard-line approach to Nordstream 2.

But even if sanctions against companies like Royal Dutch Shell, OMV, Uniper, Engie and Germany’s Wintershall, the investors in Nordstream 2, pressure them to call their loans to Gazprom, if that’s even possible without significant losses, that won’t stop the pipeline from being built.

Because, it’s not like Russia doesn’t have the resources to reroute to Gazprom and offer ruble-denominated loans to cover any pull-out. It does.

Moreover, all legal challenges to the pipeline have failed. Permits have been issued. Oil prices are high so Russian government coffers are in good shape. Russian banks are carrying just 1.3% non-performing loans on their books and the Bank of Russia is, slowly, lowering interest rates.

So, at this point, you have to wonder what the point is of continuing the charade that Nordstream 2 can be stopped?

To my mind, the biggest issue is one of saving face at this point. The U.S. has invested so much political capital in stopping Nordstream 2, losing out and watching it get built is a monument to its lost influence in Europe.

Remember, Trump went, practically hat in hand, and tried to bribe German Chancellor Angela Merkel to stop Nordstream 2 last month when she was in Washington to get him to not leave the JCPOA.

Neither budged. Trump wants Merkel to spend 3% of GDP on NATO. She moved it up to 1.5%. He slapped steel and aluminum tariffs on. He’s mulling banning German luxury car imports. Bullies bully because they are weak.

Merkel visited Putin twice and resurrected an EU law that punishes companies for bending to foreign government demands.

But, as I’ve been saying for over a year now, Europe is staring a sovereign debt crisis in the face. Merkel’s position as Chancellor in Germany is weak and could collapse by the end of Trump’s first term.

Third Wave of Opposition
It is possible that Gazprom could run afoul of the EU’s Third Energy Package over the part of the pipeline that crosses Germany’s territorial waters if its European financiers pull out thanks to Trump’s sanctions threats. But, even then, the worries over that are about tariff structure of delivered gas, not about ownership.

A deal can be worked out once the pipeline begins shipping gas, around the same time that a new deal with Ukraine’s Naftogaz will be needed. Those two issues are linked but very solvable.

The Third Energy Package is why Southstream was originally canceled because the EU included a clause demanding the pipeline’s owner and operator be unbundled. This means that Gazprom gets to build the pipeline but can only own 50% of it.

The U.S. put heavy pressure on the Bulgarian government to stop it as well, which ultimately cost them their jobs.

Nordstream 2 was designed to be a joint venture between Gazprom (50% ownership) and a 10% stake by the five companies I listed above. Poland nixed the JV in January of 2016, prompting the current arrangement with those five companies loaning their stake to Nordstream 2, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gazprom, to build the pipeline.

The terms aren’t as good this way, but it was the only way to get the pipeline off the ground. By having these companies from core EU countries invested, Nordstream 2 was a brilliant piece of political maneuvering, which would always lead us to the current situation.

Reality Strikes Back
Trump is fighting against the economic tide with his opposition to Nordstream 2. He won’t be able to stop Turkish Stream from bringing gas into Eastern Europe, the very countries he’s trying to bolster with his opposition to Nordstream.

It is Poland and the Baltics who stand to lose the most over Nordstream 2. The Neocons that infest Trump’s cabinet are still convinced they can pressure Russia into a mistake in Ukraine, dumping billions into a sinking ship to goad Putin into invading on behalf of the separatists in the Donbass.

He hasn’t done it yet in nearly four years, it isn’t likely to happen now, especially with UAF desertions rising catastrophically, no matter how many anti-tank guns we ‘sell’ them or hospitals they bomb.

They still dream of putting missile ‘defense’ systems on Russia’s border to intimidate Putin into submission. They are, to paraphrase Darth Vader, as clumsy as they are stupid.

But, with the Russia inching closer to putting its hyper-sonic weapons into the field and Europe vulnerable financially and politically, this is the last chance they have to stop Eurasian integration and continue the Empire.

Trump is threatening people he has transitory leverage over in the EU. Nordstream 2 is a path to EU independence, not slavery to Russia. The EU’s politics are not controlled by Russian imperatives. So, all talk of “European Energy Security” is complete nonsense.

This is about maintaining the post-WWII institutional control the U.S. and the U.K. have had for the past three generations. But, the rest of the world has had it. Europeans have had it with their leaders doing Washington’s and Wall St.’s bidding.

This is where the populism is coming from. And if Merkel wants to last out her full term she has to stand up to Trump over Nordstream 2, back the companies she’s supposed to protect from foreign influence and come up with a better way.

The rest of the world is ready to switch to euros and yuan to settle their trade. Iran, China and Russia are inviting Trump to act like he is. They want him to burn bridges, make unreasonable demands and transparently push policies against his allies’ best interests.

It makes it easier for them to break down the barriers to new relationships. To end frozen conflicts like a divided Korea, an intractable Iran/Israel divide and a Russian/Japanese state of war.

If he pushes the world into a full-on trade war the subsequent debt deflation (beginning now) will not be controllable the way it was in previous iterations of strong dollar ‘diplomacy.’ And it may provide the perfect opportunity for Europe to find out just who its friends truly are.
Legendary journalist Carl Bernstein has said that he’s been told that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will show how President Donald Trump helped Russia “destabilize the United States.”

Bernstein, who is renowned for his coverage of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of former President Richard Nixon, appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources on Sunday to discuss two bombshell reports released this weekend, one from The New York Times and one from The Washington Post, which revealed new details about whether or not Trump and his aides have colluded with Russia.

Is this it