We are PAST the unwitting part. That is the point WE know about when "collusion" ocurred. The nanosecond they took the TRUMP TOWER MEETING and walked in.

If Jared wanted to play the INNOCENCE CARD he should not have taken Manafort into that room.
Ok lol.

If the Mullet report consists of Trump ‘helping Russia to destabilize’ the US it’s going to be a Nothing Burger unless they can establish intent. Put yourself in the prosecutor’s shoes. Do you really want to go to court armed with nothing more than a theory that an individual *unwittingly* helped another government ‘destabilize’ our country.

After the judge gives you a funny look he prepared to define whatever the hell it is you mean by ‘destabilize’ lol.

Regarding the Clinton email ‘matter’. The most plausible explanation is that Comey didn’t want to reopen the investigation—but he was forced to, either by the sheer weight of the evidence or by a rebellion within the agency. There are a lot of honest people in the FBI who didn’t care for the way the Clinton ‘non-investigation’ was handled—before, they found additional emails on Weiner’s laptop. In fact, there’s an ongoing investigation into THAT investigation for the way it was handled under Comey, McCabe, Strzok and co.

You might notice they have all been fired. Also note that the re-opening of the Clinton email investigation was open and shut. Unlike some other investigations.

I hope that helps.

We're past that. Over and over and over.