Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign


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eat up you idiots!!
Mueller basically says there is no conclusion (public evidence) of Obstruction -
but leaves the determination up to Barr and Rosenweasel.

Because there was no intent to collude, there was no underlying attempt (intent) at obstruction -
but Mueller left that final determination to Barr and Rosenweasel - who completely cleared Trump!
and Article II would completely nullify "obstruction" unless there was a corrupt intent by Trump which never happened
But Shiffty says there is plenty of evidence of collusion...

How is it he knows more than Mueller?
Mueller basically says there is no conclusion (public evidence) of Obstruction -
but leaves the determination up to Barr and Rosenweasel.

Because there was no intent to collude, there was no underlying attempt (intent) at obstruction -
but Mueller left that final determination to Barr and Rosenweasel - who completely cleared Trump!

Also said it the report "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

It was Barr that wrote the summary, Mueller wasn't even consulted, Barr that concluded that Trump didn't do anything, shocker, beginning to look an awful lot like the infamous Nunes memo
Mueller basically says there is no conclusion (public evidence) of Obstruction -
but leaves the determination up to Barr and Rosenweasel.

Because there was no intent to collude, there was no underlying attempt (intent) at obstruction -
but Mueller left that final determination to Barr and Rosenweasel - who completely cleared Trump!

Doesn’t Rosenstein owe Trump one for not firing him on the spot over the ‘wearing a wire’ fiasco lol?
But Shiffty says there is plenty of evidence of collusion...

How is it he knows more than Mueller?

Is, but as you should know with Comey, Barr determined there wasn't enough evidence to charge him, again, it was Barr's summary, not Muellers
Also said it the report "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

It was Barr that wrote the summary, Mueller wasn't even consulted, Barr that concluded that Trump didn't do anything, shocker, beginning to look an awful lot like the infamous Nunes memo

Also said it the report "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

It was Barr that wrote the summary, Mueller wasn't even consulted, Barr that concluded that Trump didn't do anything, shocker, beginning to look an awful lot like the infamous Nunes memo
Also said it the report "does not conclude Trump committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

It was Barr that wrote the summary, Mueller wasn't even consulted, Barr that concluded that Trump didn't do anything, shocker, beginning to look an awful lot like the infamous Nunes memo
Mueller completely turned over that decision to BOTH Rosenweasel and Barr - if anyone had malice towards Trump
it was Rosenweasel.
Yet both the Weasel and Barr both came to the conclusion there was no obstruction, or find any evidence of a crime.

That is 100% exoneration on both collusion and obstruction. get hip -it was always bullshit
Glad it’s completed. The nation needed to know that Trump did not collude with a foreign power who attempted to interfere with our election. The nation needed this to preserve the respect for one of our highest institutions. Hard core Democrats May be pissed but the public now knows that our election process is one that can be trusted. This is what is important and I’m glad for our nation that this is the case.

Now that we have this out of the way what is Trump going to do about Putin? This attempt to interfere with our nations governing institutions cannot go unpunished.
Mueller basically says there is no conclusion (public evidence) of Obstruction -
but leaves the determination up to Barr and Rosenweasel.

Because there was no intent to collude, there was no underlying attempt (intent) at obstruction -
but Mueller left that final determination to Barr and Rosenweasel - who completely cleared Trump!


The report offered a mixed assessment on the question of obstruction of justice. “The Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,’” Attorney General William P. Barr wrote. Mr. Barr said that he had concluded that there was not sufficient evidence to establish that the president committed obstruction of justice.
Wrong, Mueller wasn't even consulted on the summary, totally Barr's interpretation

It was the conclusion highlights, which I'm sure were written by Mueller. Do you honestly think if Mueller said there was evidence and Barr said there wasn't that Mueller would not say something? Good lord youre a conspiracy nut.