Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign

I can’t help if you RW morons don’t know the difference between “innocent” or “no evidence” and “beyond a reasonable doubt”.

The whole thing was based on collusion and conspiracy, whi h you lying Dems claimed was a fact. Now you have egg on your face and most will no longer believe your hysterical claims about Trump. Suck on that.
The words were not “no evidence”. Barr wrote there was not sufficient evidence. Understand the difference?
you blithering idiot!
there is always some "evidence" for an investigation, but what matters is was there was no evidence towards
a CRIMINAL activity by Trump
What was released was a summary of the Mueller report - prepared by trump cock sucker Barr.

Obviously Barr is NOT going to release the FULL Mueller report.

And Mueller made it VERY CLEAR that he did not have sufficient evidence to charge trump or any of his russian mates.

Hmmm - who refused to participate in the Mueller investigation? Yep the fucking orange cunt.

What colour is your cunt?
Ah, yes, have you forgotten who hired Barr?

Have you forgotten who wrote the memo to Trump that Comey be fired lol?

Could this whole charade be any more jacked-up? How can Rosenstein recommend Trump be charged with obstruction *when he wrote the fricking memo* to Trump?!

This just needs to stop right here. It’s getting ridiculous. It’s over.
Mueller basically says there is no conclusion (public evidence) of Obstruction -
but leaves the determination up to Barr and Rosenweasel.

Because there was no intent to collude, there was no underlying attempt (intent) at obstruction -
but Mueller left that final determination to Barr and Rosenweasel - who completely cleared Trump!

LOL! The report literally sais 'this does not exonerate him.'
Ah, yes, have you forgotten who hired Barr? now you wanna impeach Barr's bona fides?? are you out of your mind??
ROSENSTEIN was also co-author and review process-do you think Rosenweasel would cut Trump any slack??
FFS sake...GIVE IT UP!
But not for collusion or obstruction which you idiots claimed as basically proved. You have been saying for a long time, iirc, that Trump is going down for collusion and or obstruction.

Now you idiots are moving the goal posts after being proven wrong.

Really? One more time, liar, I challenge you to find one of my posts claiming that.

You won’t, will you, liar? You’ll merely divert, as you always do.
I have been fucking right for two years

I always knew

Leftists just got fucked in the ass big league

All those Hillary supporters on Muellers team

Shit I am beginning to believe Trump is one of the most honest people in the US
The whole thing was based on collusion and conspiracy, whi h you lying Dems claimed was a fact. Now you have egg on your face and most will no longer believe your hysterical claims about Trump. Suck on that.

Find that post, lying cocksucker.