Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign


eat up you idiots!!

OK for now there is no indictment

he was not cleared

He was not charged currently

other investigations can unearth further information that creates enough of a pathway to indictments.

with that you can now treat Hilary with the same level of acceptance of no crimes


what does that do to your claim ?


can we stop Russia from fucking with our next election
"Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein decided the evidence was "not sufficient" to support a prosecution of the President for obstruction of justice."

"While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him," Barr quotes Mueller as saying"

And the actual memo, top of page three

It is up to the government to prove their case against Trump, they didn't. So Trump is still PRESUMED innocent.

you blithering idiot!
there is always some "evidence" for an investigation, but what matters is was there was no evidence towards
a CRIMINAL activity by Trump

I can’t fix your illiteracy problem, idiot. I can only point it out. Where does it say there was “no evidence”?

I’ll wait for your babbling response.
Glad it’s completed. The nation needed to know that Trump did not collude with a foreign power who attempted to interfere with our election. The nation needed this to preserve the respect for one of our highest institutions. Hard core Democrats May be pissed but the public now knows that our election process is one that can be trusted. This is what is important and I’m glad for our nation that this is the case.

Now that we have this out of the way what is Trump going to do about Putin? This attempt to interfere with our nations governing institutions cannot go unpunished.

A better question is what is Trump going to do about Hillary? Uringate hasn't been fully investigated.
OK for now there is no indictment

he was not cleared

He was not charged currently

other investigations can unearth further information that creates enough of a pathway to indictments.

with that you can now treat Hilary with the same level of acceptance of no crimes


what does that do to your claim ?


can we stop Russia from fucking with our next election

LOL, the government could not prove obstruction and found nothing about collusion or conspiracy and you still can't accept that, nor can you accept you've been wrong and lying for 2 years.

You fail, again.
I can’t fix your illiteracy problem, idiot. I can only point it out. Where does it say there was “no evidence”?

I’ll wait for your babbling response.
deflective bullshit. asked and answered..cling to collusion if you want that attachment for all I care
Mueller’s job is not to exonerate anyone. Either charge or not charge.

there was no obstruction

Let’s try that quote again for you illiterates:

“The Special Counsel states that ‘while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,’” Attorney General William P. Barr wrote. Mr. Barr said that he had concluded that there was not sufficient evidence to establish that the president committed obstruction of justice.
Have you forgotten who wrote the memo to Trump that Comey be fired lol?

Could this whole charade be any more jacked-up? How can Rosenstein recommend Trump be charged with obstruction *when he wrote the fricking memo* to Trump?!

This just needs to stop right here. It’s getting ridiculous. It’s over.

Far from over, were the questions surrounding Clinton's server over when Comey issued his statement? Just the opposite, the GOP took any thread they could to meander into all kinds of Clinton innuendos and "deep state" conspiracies, the same will occur now except there are also three offices investigating Trump on separate matters

Far from over
Lulz. Fun to watch you openly weep at the fact he's still neck-deep in investigations.

I don't care... The big two have been laid to rest with nothing against Trump..
Now you partisan monkeys are moving the goal posts after being humiliated over collusion and obstruction.
Really? One more time, liar, I challenge you to find one of my posts claiming that.

You won’t, will you, liar? You’ll merely divert, as you always do.

I said.... Iirc.... You illiterate monkey. I still don't believe you...

Poor Dumber, can't read
Far from over, were the questions surrounding Clinton's server over when Comey issued his statement? Just the opposite, the GOP took any thread they could to meander into all kinds of Clinton innuendos and "deep state" conspiracies, the same will occur now except there are also three offices investigating Trump on separate matters

Far from over
you're insane. no other word for it. Benghazi was before the 2016 election.
When Comey issued his 'non indictment statement' it was about the Clinton Emails and there were no other investigations into Clinton since Trump took office

frankly i'm LMAO at the DESPERATION by the can smell it - :rant:
they know it's a nothingburger but are chomping at the empty bun!