Mueller: NO collusion & NO Obstruction by Trump or Trump campaign

It is up to the government to prove their case against Trump, they didn't. So Trump is still PRESUMED innocent.


Was there a "case against Trump" to prove? Last I knew Mueller was appointed to investigate Russian interference and if there was any coordination with the Trump campaign. Barr is telling us he did find contact but not enough evidence is present to charge anyone in the campaign, meaning Manaford didn't tell Mueller what occurred in that Trump tower meeting
it did not exonerate him

If the money laundering cases that are still in process turn up more evidence to some collaboration by the trumpies the DOJ does nt have to ignore it.

its the same as there is right now no evidence hilary did ANYTHING worth locking her up.

IF you found some evidence would you have to ignore it?


so if you INSIST trump be treated with the respect you are bemanding then I expect you to do the same to Hilary


Hilary has NO CASES outstanding charging her and or her family with crimes

So you better never fucking say another word about Hilary and crimes unless you produce NEW evidence mmmkay??????

TRUMP did not get indicted for this crime

he was NOT exonerated

those are the facts
Nothing, can't do anything about that which never occurred
There is ample evidence to suggest that she paid for the Dossier and colluded with a foreign individual to get it done. And in an attempt to use the FBI to take down a sitting president.

Is the punishment for treason still death by hanging?
BARR made sure the document did not say trump was exonerated

that is a fact clearly written into the document by the highest level of our government
I don't care... The big two have been laid to rest with nothing against Trump..
Now you partisan monkeys are moving the goal posts after being humiliated over collusion and obstruction.

LOL! Fun to see you not not care about the criminal liabilites of your lord and savior.
it did not exonerate him

If the money laundering cases that are still in process turn up more evidence to some collaboration by the trumpies the DOJ does nt have to ignore it.

its the same as there is right now no evidence hilary did ANYTHING worth locking her up.

IF you found some evidence would you have to ignore it?


so if you INSIST trump be treated with the respect you are bemanding then I expect you to do the same to Hilary


Hilary has NO CASES outstanding charging her and or her family with crimes

So you better never fucking say another word about Hilary and crimes unless you produce NEW evidence mmmkay??????

TRUMP did not get indicted for this crime

he was NOT exonerated

those are the facts

Mueller job was not to exonerate anyone it was to find collusion and obstruction found None!!!
There is ample evidence to suggest that she paid for the Dossier and colluded with a foreign individual to get it done. And in an attempt to use the FBI to take down a sitting president.

Is the punishment for treason still death by hanging?

LOL! There is exactly zero credible evidence for tht nor can you provide any, silly whore.
There is ample evidence to suggest that she paid for the Dossier and colluded with a foreign individual to get it done. And in an attempt to use the FBI to take down a sitting president.

Is the punishment for treason still death by hanging?

fuck you all they way to satans front door

you want trump treated with some dignity

then shut the fuck up about your lies about Hilary

you cant have it both ways shit puddle
Leftists guaranteed us Mueller would get Trump for OBSTRUCTION

I can’t wait to watch Mika and Joe Underwood tomorrow. She is going to look like she got had a night of bukakke from African mandingos




LOL! Fun to see you not not care about the criminal liabilites of your lord and savior.

You said I was crying, I refuted your pissant antics. And I don't care because I don't particularly care for Trump.

You guys said this was a sure thing and we're proven wrong. I'll take a big wait and see on the rest. This is major egg on the Dems faces. Major.

Trump will get a boost in ratings now and the public will be less likely to believe your witch hunts.
you're insane. no other word for it. Benghazi was before the 2016 election.
When Comey issued his 'non indictment statement' it was about the Clinton Emails and there were no other investigations into Clinton since Trump took office

frankly i'm LMAO at the DESPERATION by the can smell it - :rant:
they know it's a nothingburger but are chomping at the empty bun!

What part of "GOP took any thread they could to meander into all kinds of Clinton innuendos and "deep state" conspiracies?" Even Sessions had to lecture Jordan in public why he couldn't appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate the Clinton conspiracies. And Trump himself is still demanding to know why there wasn't any investigation into the Clinton campaign

The precedent has been set, we are going to live the same melodrama from now till 2020