My Dilemma


Im in political limbo ... floating out there with no place to call home. I no longer have a Party to identify with.. , there are very few Politicians and/or Pundits that I identify with, Im trapped in Political purgatory.

The 2 major candidates? Mccain is not a choice I believe in. I do not have faith in his willingness nor ability to position this country on the path it needs to go... that is Energy our Number 1 issue. Addressing our energy situation addresses our economy, National Secuirty, even our situation in Iraq, and Environmental Concerns. I do not believe Mccain is the right man at the right time for this job.

Obama? yeah he pay lip service to our Energy that gas is but surely moving towards the 5.00 a gallon mark. It was not his concern a year ago... Does he have the ability, right stuff to lead this Country in the right terms of Energy? He does not support drilling on this side of the planet... therefore he is wrong.

I think we need a new party ....maybe we should call it the Energy Party. No not the Greens... they do no not understand the importance Nuclear Power Plants will play in our future.
What type of candidate will lead us in the right direction?

Mccain says the right things... We need to build more N Power Plants, We need to build more refineries, we need to invest more in renewables , we need to accelerate the production of Hybrids, Electric and alternative hydro. But he is against drilling in the Northern Slope, Out West or coastal area's. Unless we explore new drilling on this side of the earth...we will not fix our energy problem.

We do not have a candidate with a clear vision as to how we are going to attack our future (very real and very soon) energy needs .. and this scares the hell out of me.

If we do not act fast... we are traveling downhill very fast...
I agree with what you said and am pretty much in the same boat. I view Obama as the least dangerous of what we have to choose from. And hold a small degree of hope that he will have the balls and support to do what is needed. But I sure am not holding my breath.

And yes the future looks bad even if obama does all he can.
There is no easy solution.

There is no magic candidate who will make all our troubles just go away.

Too bad we did not work on this problem over the last 30 years like we should have.

You see if we had invested in alternative energy research long ago and kept it up we would likely be leading the world in the field right now and telling the likes of the oil rich countries to find someone else to bleed for their oil.

What we can do now has fewer options because of the conservatives who fought on behalf of the oil companies to keep the alternatives market from emerging, are you guys glad now?
I don't think there has ever been a candidate that has "spoken for me" in my lifetime. Did you feel that way about Bush in 2000? Your thoughts on the need for more options probably reflect the thoughts of many Americans, but we're more entrenched in the 2-party system than ever before.

For the record, I don't think you could be more wrong on the need for more domestic drilling & the role of nuclear in our future. In 50 years time, we will be getting all of our energy from wind, solar, water, geothermal & other natural, renewable alternatives. The technology to better harness & convert these sources is right on the brink.

Nukes continue to be the best momentary alternative, but that's it; they are disastrous in the long-term, and not anything beyond a quick fix right now.
Obama's energy fix is to reduce the Carbon Footprint... reduce emissions 80% by 2050. Invest in Clean Energy ...renewables ... Who does the investing? The Government? Us tax Payers?
He says nothing about producing more energy by drilling, Power Plants and Refineries... things that are doable now.
There is no easy solution.

There is no magic candidate who will make all our troubles just go away.

Too bad we did not work on this problem over the last 30 years like we should have.

You see if we had invested in alternative energy research long ago and kept it up we would likely be leading the world in the field right now and telling the likes of the oil rich countries to find someone else to bleed for their oil.

What we can do now has fewer options because of the conservatives who fought on behalf of the oil companies to keep the alternatives market from emerging, are you guys glad now?

Bullshit .. The Dems were part of the problem as well.. you had 8 years with Clinton and you did NOTHING.. as a matter of fact... more has been accomplished under Bush than under Clinton.
yeah Klaatu, the public is not too bright and he is pandering to them for votes. I hope he will have the balls to do what is needed once he gets in there. also the situation might be bad enough a year from now that the changes will be saleable to the people.
Bullshit .. The Dems were part of the problem as well.. you had 8 years with Clinton and you did NOTHING.. as a matter of fact... more has been accomplished under Bush than under Clinton.

Cllinton with a republican congress. And bush has not done more.
Cllinton with a republican congress. And bush has not done more.

Not true... Bush has ear marked way more R&D towards Alternative Energy than did Clinton.

Besides... under Bush's watch we see Hybrid, Windmill and Solar technology taking off ... not to mention that 10% corn fuel that goes into your car.

Now do not misunderstand me... I give credit where credit is due.. I am no Bush fan...
Obviously not a bush fan because they are mostly cursing ethanol right now and blaming higher food costs on it.
South Dekota is going to build the first refinery 32 years... When the lefty activists start lining up to save some field mouse.... will Obama be for this or against this?
If the Republicans put up a nice big drilling and exploration energy bill .... lets say..drilling in the Northern Slope, Coastal Exploration, Coal to Liquid, Building New Refineries..
Would Obama support such a bill?

No ...

Would the American People? Yes ... no doubt about it.

Should the Republicans put this bill now...before the election? Yes.... if they were smart.
Bullshit .. The Dems were part of the problem as well.. you had 8 years with Clinton and you did NOTHING.. as a matter of fact... more has been accomplished under Bush than under Clinton.

No we had two fucking years.

Two years where we controled the whole fucking thing. It scared the shit out of the R party and they came out with fists flying and told the country all sorts of fscare stories about taxes raising and socialism. At least we could pass the 1993 BRA which the GAO and CBO credit with giving us a momentary reprive and gave us a budget surplus for a short while. But the Rs also then passed GLB act which created the housing crisis and Phil gram also managed to pass a law written by lobbiest that freed up the speculation on oil futures to create a nice little profits for the oil sector.

Conservatives have fought to the death to hold back alternative energy for decades.
No we had two fucking years.

Two years where we controled the whole fucking thing. It scared the shit out of the R party and they came out with fists flying and told the country all sorts of fscare stories about taxes raising and socialism. At least we could pass the 1993 BRA which the GAO and CBO credit with giving us a momentary reprive and gave us a budget surplus for a short while. But the Rs also then passed GLB act which created the housing crisis and Phil gram also managed to pass a law written by lobbiest that freed up the speculation on oil futures to create a nice little profits for the oil sector.

Conservatives have fought to the death to hold back alternative energy for decades.

Im not going to argue that Republicans arent responsible... but you are not going to sit here and tell me that the Democrats have fought tooth and nail to bring Alternatives to the fore front. They only paid lip service. To keep a consitue4ncey happy. Clinton did nothing
Im sure their private stock holdings will expose that.

By the way .. if you are going to blame the Republican Majority you then have to give Newt and Co. credit for the good 'ol 90's as well ... you cant have it both ways...