My Dilemma

Klatu , they have not had the control needed to fight the full onslaught of the republicans death grip on anything that helps big oil.

BTW its one issue and it is the one that ussually gets set aside as undoable by anyone who cares about it when the Republicans control any level of power in our government..
heck both sides were too busy fighting clowntoon investigations and impeachment to get anything done.
probably why those were good years for most of us. Neither side had much time to screw us.
To pretend that the Dems would not have been progressive on energy is just a load of fucking crap.

Im so tired of the Republicans fighting progress and then saying why didnt you guys do it.

Well you stood in the way and stooped to lying and even cheating in elections to keep it from happening.
Sorta weird to me when I hear energy is our greatest concern, while I love a long road trip, I have always traveled by bike and public transportation to work. We need to invest in trains etc but who is willing to foot the bill I wonder. Our interstate road system and cheap gas have spoiled us, time to change the landscape. I consider UHC and the growing number of working poor our greatest concern.
Im so tired of the Republicans fighting progress and then saying why didnt you guys do it.

Well you stood in the way and stooped to lying and even cheating in elections to keep it from happening.

Desh, agreed and mention taxes and the wackos go nuts while we waste billions on an unnecessary war because they elected a fool as president.
You could start actually using your brain instead of parroting idiotic divisive bullshit and making your side look even more foolish.

Not likely to happen though.
Im in political limbo ... floating out there with no place to call home. I no longer have a Party to identify with.. , there are very few Politicians and/or Pundits that I identify with, Im trapped in Political purgatory.

The 2 major candidates? Mccain is not a choice I believe in. I do not have faith in his willingness nor ability to position this country on the path it needs to go... that is Energy our Number 1 issue. Addressing our energy situation addresses our economy, National Secuirty, even our situation in Iraq, and Environmental Concerns. I do not believe Mccain is the right man at the right time for this job.

Obama? yeah he pay lip service to our Energy that gas is but surely moving towards the 5.00 a gallon mark. It was not his concern a year ago... Does he have the ability, right stuff to lead this Country in the right terms of Energy? He does not support drilling on this side of the planet... therefore he is wrong.

I think we need a new party ....maybe we should call it the Energy Party. No not the Greens... they do no not understand the importance Nuclear Power Plants will play in our future.
What type of candidate will lead us in the right direction?

Mccain says the right things... We need to build more N Power Plants, We need to build more refineries, we need to invest more in renewables , we need to accelerate the production of Hybrids, Electric and alternative hydro. But he is against drilling in the Northern Slope, Out West or coastal area's. Unless we explore new drilling on this side of the earth...we will not fix our energy problem.

We do not have a candidate with a clear vision as to how we are going to attack our future (very real and very soon) energy needs .. and this scares the hell out of me.

If we do not act fast... we are traveling downhill very fast...

You sound like a typical lefty fool? Who told you to come on here baring all of your inner fears and doubts, what if all of the lefties decided to do that? I shudder to imagine the reams of depravity we would have to sift threw in order to get to a politico posting? I am sensing at least 50% girl in your postings, butt, I could go either way, maybe you can too and that is the vibe I am picking up? Here is what a real man does, unless you are a girl and then I apologize, and would not skewer you badly. RJS gets on very well with the lefty babes, here, as they gather around him, and ignore the half and half lefty men, who can blame them? But if you are not a girl, take a look at how a real man acts, and maybe you will pick up some useful tips? RJS is voting for John McCain and this here that I am posting is a good reason why. He is not flumoxxong around like a girl, fanning himself, ohhh noos what do I do, what do I do, is he? No. He is saying, I’m a man, and gas is going up, not down, now suck it up bitches. It is political instincts like this that will make him the next President of the United States, capice?

McCain Says Gas Prices Won't Drop
Posted: 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
Filed Under: Elections News, John McCain
John McCain, the all-but-crowned Republican nominee for president, predicts gas prices won't drop before the November election and "could go higher." In an interview, McCain calls anew for a suspension on the federal gas tax, but he doesn't address a recent Senate proposal -- blocked by Republicans -- to raise taxes on the profits of oil companies.
Sorta weird to me when I hear energy is our greatest concern, while I love a long road trip, I have always traveled by bike and public transportation to work. We need to invest in trains etc but who is willing to foot the bill I wonder. Our interstate road system and cheap gas have spoiled us, time to change the landscape. I consider UHC and the growing number of working poor our greatest concern.

Its not just about driving a car.. its about the price of food ..., the cost of goods and services. While you greenies can make yourself feel good about the bikes you use or the buses you take... you still consume energy ...and lots of it..just like the rest of us. Petroleum products are all around us ....
take a look at how a real man acts, and maybe you will pick up some useful tips? RJS is voting for John McCain and this here that I am posting is a good reason why. He is not flumoxxong around like a girl, fanning himself, ohhh noos what do I do, what do I do, is he? No. He is saying, I’m a man, and gas is going up, not down, now suck it up bitches. It is political instincts like this that will make him the next President of the United States, capice?

McCain Says Gas Prices Won't Drop
Posted: 1 hour, 22 minutes ago
Filed Under: Elections News, John McCain
John McCain, the all-but-crowned Republican nominee for president, predicts gas prices won't drop before the November election and "could go higher." In an interview, McCain calls anew for a suspension on the federal gas tax, but he doesn't address a recent Senate proposal -- blocked by Republicans -- to raise taxes on the profits of oil companies.

Real Men dont have to remind folks they are real men.