My Dumbass Professor


on indefiniate mod break
Here is a recent email exchange. For some reason it pissed me off a lot. Maybe I'm just in a bad mood.

"Hello Professor McShane,

Will the quiz be scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday)? I may have missed if you had said so in class or not.


- matt"


Professors Response:

>>>>What did I say in class yesterday?


[ end email ]

I don't know how to respond to this email without basically saying/implying how stupid he is for not being able to read a sentence correctly. He's old and senile. No I can't contact any other students.

Advice please :)
I want to be like,

"Hi professor, if I knew what you said in class today, I would not be emailing you. Would I? You stupid shit. Nor would I have said I may have missed if you said so in class, you dumbass. How about you answer my fucking question instead of being in arrogant prick?


I want to be like,

"Hi professor, if I knew what you said in class today, I would not be emailing you. Would I? You stupid shit. Nor would I have said I may have missed if you said so in class, you dumbass. How about you answer my fucking question instead of being in arrogant prick?



You are in a no win situation (with regard to continuing correspondence with the prof). Just study for the quiz as if it is going to take place tomorrow. If it doesn't... you win. If it does... you will probably fail for having gotten hammered after studying for the quiz.
You are in a no win situation (with regard to continuing correspondence with the prof). Just study for the quiz as if it is going to take place tomorrow. If it doesn't... you win. If it does... you will probably fail for having gotten hammered after studying for the quiz.

I think that's the only reasonable approach. You don't want to draw further attention to yourself (I say this from experience; even a raised eyebrow can cause you problems). You have to know this stuff anyway and it's a lot easier to review (if the quiz isn't tomorrow) than to go over it the first time.
maybe next time pay attention to what he is trying to teach you and you will know when the quiz is.

I agree just study as if it were taking place.
I want to be like,

"Hi professor, if I knew what you said in class today, I would not be emailing you. Would I? You stupid shit. Nor would I have said I may have missed if you said so in class, you dumbass. How about you answer my fucking question instead of being in arrogant prick?



Back in the day when I was attending University, I would have just emailed back a picture of my breasts…the information would be forthcoming, and a surprisingly good grade too!

But, I guess that’s not an option for you.
Back in the day when I was attending University, I would have just emailed back a picture of my breasts…the information would be forthcoming, and a surprisingly good grade too!

But, I guess that’s not an option for you.

LOL, you never know the professor might be a Republican ;)
When I was in school I loved lecture.

Even the people who others thought were dry and boring were entertaining to me.

I plan on living near enough to a community college to attend just for fun in my old age.
Back in the day when I was attending University, I would have just emailed back a picture of my breasts…the information would be forthcoming, and a surprisingly good grade too!

But, I guess that’s not an option for you.

LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.
LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.

LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.

Your friend is a class act and one funny person.
LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.

What a loser!
LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.

LOL I like that one.
hey guys:

the quiz involves me walking around boston for 3+ hours. It's a really stupid class. So it's something I would have needed to know earlier, this is why he is such a dick, because he knows it was an important question.
A quiz that involves waliking around boston for 3+ hours ? No wonder our education system is gonig to hell in a handbasket.
hey guys:

the quiz involves me walking around boston for 3+ hours. It's a really stupid class. So it's something I would have needed to know earlier, this is why he is such a dick, because he knows it was an important question.

How about you pay attention in class and stop wasting thread space!!!!!:321: