My Dumbass Professor

I have 2 sisters and one brother in law that teach at universities. You should hear the dog ate my homework type of stories I hear from them :D

One of my favorites was a student who told me that they were renovating the rec room in the basement and her statistics homework got plastered into the wall. I hadn't done any of that type of work at the time, but my reaction was still, uh-huh ... Wow. All of it?

Or the answer to the question about arithmetic means that diverge notably from the midpoint. One student made a teeny spelling error (or comprehension error is more likely) and said that the "data are screwed". It was rarely funny enough for chuckles, all too often just enough to give you a headache.
I want to be like,

"Hi professor, if I knew what you said in class today, I would not be emailing you. Would I? You stupid shit. Nor would I have said I may have missed if you said so in class, you dumbass. How about you answer my fucking question instead of being in arrogant prick?


It depends on what they teach.

If they teach logic, use it in your response even if it sounds arrogant.

"If I knew what you said in class yesterday it would be unlikely for me to have reason to ask the question..."

Tailor your e-mail to the professor and his subject.
Buy a tape recorder. Then you can listen if you think you missed something.

Take the walk around Boston and offer to show him the pics of breasts that you got on your walk. (altered version of Darla's academic gameplan)

Or try...

"Sir, I must have been unclear when I stated my problem . I thought you mentioned a quiz in class, but I am not sure. Would you please give me the date for the quiz? I want to be as prepared as possible."
I'm not going to do anything as it is/was too late. I think I can make it up, plus I can always pay students to do my work for me.

Also toppy, it's a big lecture hall and I just switched in. blow me.
Darla, I have a degree in secondary ed. If I make up a test, you wanna shoot for an A?

(sorry, couldn't resist being the dirty old man)
A professor recently commented that college is the only place where students are excited to not get their full money's worth - he was letting us out 40 min. early.
I pretty much don't learn anything by hearing my teachers blabber on, so I spend twice the time of normal students ignoring my teachers and then actually learning through doing stuff.
LOL! A friend of mine said that an attractive student approached him early in the semester, saying that she would do anything to pass his class. He said, "Anything?". Her reply, complete with steamy eye contact, "Anything!".

He said, "Even study?" She turned on her heel and marched out of his office. I don't know if she stayed in the class or not.

I miss you thorn