My New T-Shirt

It's so funny, I follow JPP on twitter and I see a lot of thread titles, once in a while click on them playing the "let's see if I know who this is" thing. I get a lot of them right! This one I had no idea. It's good to see you have some common sense threedee!
3d doesn't have common sense. he's mad cause trump wont ban abortions and other stuff. trump is too liberal for him :)
he literally said the other day that among the reasons he is not supporting trump is because trump is pro-choice. so while you think 3d is your little darling wonderful example, he actually wants to take away your rights darla :)
he literally said the other day that among the reasons he is not supporting trump is because trump is pro-choice. so while you think 3d is your little darling wonderful example, he actually wants to take away your rights darla :)

This reminds me of when SF used to run to DH to call his attention to something "moronic" I had said and try and get him to denounce me, or express disappointment in me. It was so cute.

Ah well, okay, if that's true then I stand corrected.
Grind is being Trumpish (lying). While I don't like Douchebag Donald's leftist tendencies, I specifically have stated, ad nauseam, that his character and personality are what turn me off the most, and that he may turn-out to be a fascist thug in the mold of Mussolini.

And to think that Grind was offended when I banned him from my #FuckTrump thread, out of fear that he might troll me...
you also said you are against his pro choice stance. sorry that is going to dq you from darlas good list. welcome to the other column 3d! lol
Grind is being Trumpish (lying). While I don't like Douchebag Donald's leftist tendencies, I specifically have stated, ad nauseam, that his character and personality are what turn me off the most, and that he may turn-out to be a fascist thug in the mold of Mussolini.

And to think that Grind was offended when I banned him from my #FuckTrump thread, out of fear that he might troll me...

I suspected these would be your reasons, and I agree.
Threedee earned some respect with his reaction to Sandy Hook and even to Zimmerman, but especially Sandy Hook when he bravely bucked the vicious trinity cabal and let Grind and Billy know how despicable he thought their behavior was. No taking that away from him Grind, sorry. :)
I also explained the other day, with regard to this "party unity" controversy, that if a ticket formed, consisting of Lincoln Chafee and Susan Collins, that I would have no problem with unifying. Anecdotally, they are two of the more liberal statesmen out there. Since they aren't monsters, they don't particularly frighten me. They also wouldn't have run an ASB campaign with stupid name-calling like Lyin' Ted, Little Marco, 1-for-41 Kasich, Snarly Carly, Creepy Carson, etc. That's why I call him Douchebag Donald.
Furthermore, it's the GOP. Nominate a long-time, old-school liberal who has been an entrenched member of the party. Don't embrace the Wendel Wilkie of our time who has spent most of his life in the Democratic Party, and contributed heavily to his presumptive opponent.
3d doesn't have common sense. he's mad cause trump wont ban abortions and other stuff. trump is too liberal for him :)

conservatives are just butthurt that there might be other opinions in the "big tent" that is the gop. as far as they are concerned it should be an echo chamber.