My New T-Shirt

Well, I just mailed in a primary ballot for Lyin' Ted. You tell me if I am going to check a box for Crooked Hillary when I mail in my general election ballot. Use the crystal ball you've had since the 2012 election.

dont sit out the most important election of your life :) youve never had this much power.
Gary Johnson. Frankly, between him, Douchebag Donald, Crooked Hillary, and Bernmaster Sandy, he is the only one who is not a head-case...

dont look at the people look at the ideas.

For the longest time the only difference between degrees. Look at obama / romney. How big a tax cut to give to the rich? Both would accept tpp in a heartbeat. both pro amnesty. Really the only thing they will fight about is minimum wage and social issues. and on min wage the only thing they would fight about is whether its a state or federal thing

this election has been characterized as lesser of two evils. Despite the unlikeability of both candidates it isnt. This might be the most profound election you will have in your life and I think maybe one of the most profound you have ever seen.

Forget the specifics first. Look at the direction.

Free trade or fair trade? Keep the alliances as is or rework them? Use economics as a weapon or no? keep up the strict pc rules of war or loosen the rules of engagement? actually commit to stopping illegal immigration or go open borders? Is the nation state important or is the global community more important?

You wont have a choice that makes this much of an impact maybe ever again. This is literally a history changing election. Personally I think history would not care wheter obama, mccain, or romney became pres. Clinton or Trump is like a flashpoint that leads to very divergent worlds. In the future if clinton loses they will write alternative history novels as if she won and vice versa. If you agree with the globalist side of things then vote clinton but dont sit out this election. You wont see it again.
LOLZ, we should very definitely consider the man. Particularly with a pathological liar such as Douchebag Donald, where you don't really know what you're going to get in terms of policy (he's been walking back his anti-Muslim statements lately, even though you don't really care).

As for your stated policy issues, I should point-out that in a nation built upon political liberty, we should compliment it with economic liberty. If you don't like that, there are plenty of command economies you can move to. I would like to see what you think of our current system of alliances. Are you wanting to ally with Russia, and drop some current allies, such as Israel?
LOLZ, we should very definitely consider the man. Particularly with a pathological liar such as Douchebag Donald, where you don't really know what you're going to get in terms of policy (he's been walking back his anti-Muslim statements lately, even though you don't really care).

As for your stated policy issues, I should point-out that in a nation built upon political liberty, we should compliment it with economic liberty. If you don't like that, there are plenty of command economies you can move to. I would like to see what you think of our current system of alliances. Are you wanting to ally with Russia, and drop some current allies, such as Israel?

then vote hillary :) Your voting for more than just a person this time around. Your voting for the entire directoin of the country.

Btw im serious. Hillary has a lot more in common with the standard neocon foreign and economic policies. This is the first election where you will truly pick from divergent paths. If you beleive the free market is working and that interventionism with nation building is the way to go vote hillary.

But dont not vote because you will never have another election with this much impact again.
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Every election is of enormous consequence. Look back at 2000 and 2008. You just don't always get great presidents like Lincoln, Ike or Reagan; or terrible presidents like Jackson, Buchanan, Wilson or LBJ.

Oh, yeah, and I just got back from my 5-mile run wearing my t-shirt.
he literally said the other day that among the reasons he is not supporting trump is because trump is pro-choice. so while you think 3d is your little darling wonderful example, he actually wants to take away your rights darla :)

Man...a girl walks in the room and you just throw the homey under the bus. You should lose your man card.
Gary Johnson. Frankly, between him, Douchebag Donald, Crooked Hillary, and Bernmaster Sandy, he is the only one who is not a head-case...

Oh where's your sense of humor? Pull the Hillary bar and think about Damos and ILA's head exploding if she gets elected.

Now I have no intention of voting for Donald but if he wins I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. :)
Oh where's your sense of humor? Pull the Hillary bar and think about Damos and ILA's head exploding if she gets elected.

Now I have no intention of voting for Donald but if he wins I'll laugh and laugh and laugh. :)

Damo is also #NeverTrump, as far as I know. His expectations for this election are as low as mine. I suppose it would be fun to see Trumptards like Tsuke and Philly Cheesesteak go ballistic.
Damo is also #NeverTrump, as far as I know. His expectations for this election are as low as mine. I suppose it would be fun to see Trumptards like Tsuke and Philly Cheesesteak go ballistic.

if we fail we fail but were going to take our shot to save this country from full globalization.