Mybe liberals should stick to atheism

Maybe liberals should stick to atheism

"America is the greatest sin against God", shrieked Father Pfleger in his best Amos n' Andy style, while the Obamaites howled their approval from the aisles.

But now, the price of the Hildebeasts' submission includes chucking Pfleger under the bus, where he joins Pastor Wright and the Trinity Temple of Hate ...I mean Church.

Obamas' cozy relationship with Pfleger spanned decades.

Just last September, Obama flew Pfleger to Iowa, to host a forum for his Crusade ...I mean, campaign.

Pfleger has given money to Obama campaign chests, and Obama returned the favor by earmarking $225,000 for social programs at Pfleger's pairsh, according to the Chicago Tribune.

But now, all that doesn't matter.

In the Stalinization process so familiar to leftists, Pfleger the non-person appears to have been scrubbed from the Obama website, and therefore has been consigned to the Memory Hole.

It'd be racist to mention him again, wouldn't it?
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For anyone who considers Obama's church or minster a critical piece in an understanding of Obama, the man, I offer this simple request, please send me the sermons of the churches, synagogues, or mosques you attend so I can judge your character. I'll let you know what I think of you as soon as I can digest them and see what you think.
I do know it is stupid to focus on what obamas preacher said vs talking about the real issues facing the USA.

Case closed gumby.
I will vote for obama in the fall because I think he will be the least damaging to my country. And there is a possibility he might even do a few positive things.

If you think I worship any politician you know me not.
Yeah one of those you would like to have a beer with. A stoopid way to select a president.
I listen to what he has to say and look at what he has done.
some truth in that, I resisted Bush and his dumbass supporters, but had to put up with him for over 7 years so far....
Of course it works both ways.
I do know it is stupid to focus on what obamas preacher said vs talking about the real issues facing the USA.

Case closed gumby.
Some of what his Rev. says has much to do with the issues today. Ignoring that would be a mistake.
I was involved with ARC for many years.

but for me personally I would have to be retarded to live in NY.
Middie would probably find most of the Catholic homilies I've listened to boring and non-political...

Try me, I too was raised Catholic.

The point is not whether you are running for office, it is, I want to judge you by the sermons you have heard. I'm using your yardstick.
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Well, then, you understand how most homilies work. The priest does the Gospel reading, and then gives a 15 min. lecture on what it means. We Catholics hate long-winded speeches, and love homilies partly for that reason.

Sometimes priests prefer to present stories, using humor and life experiences, although they can be annoying to a handful of people...

The only political homily I have ever witnessed was at my old Latin Mass. It was given by a Canadian priest named Fr. Ashley, who has filled in about a dozen times for the regular priest. Basically, he argued that John Kerry cannot honestly call himself a Catholic and that no one should support him. All five of the liberals (didn't even expect there were any at a Latin Mass) got up and walked out. That was about it, and the offender was not even US American...
Well, then, you understand how most homilies work. The priest does the Gospel reading, and then gives a 15 min. lecture on what it means. We Catholics hate long-winded speeches, and love homilies partly for that reason.

Sometimes priests prefer to present stories, using humor and life experiences, although they can be annoying to a handful of people...

At protestant church the speeches can last upward of an hour, maybe two hours. I don't know how the preacher does it.
At protestant church the speeches can last upward of an hour, maybe two hours. I don't know how the preacher does it.

LOL And they call it a Reformation!!! :lmao:

Catholic Mass is structured to last an hour. Roughly 25-30 min. is spent on consecrating, giving reverence to, receiving and reflecting upon the Eucharist, which is the center of the Mass. It further receives attention, because everytime you walk before center of the alter and go to and from your pew, you take the trouble to genuflect towards it...

Besides not receiving long-winded speeches, here are a few other things we Catholics enjoy: :clink: :guin: :shots:
LOL And they call it a Reformation!!! :lmao:

Catholic Mass is structured to last an hour. Roughly 25-30 min. is spent on consecrating, giving reverence to, receiving and reflecting upon the Eucharist, which is the center of the Mass. It further receives attention, because everytime you walk before center of the alter and go to and from your pew, you take the trouble to genuflect towards it...

Besides not receiving long-winded speeches, here are a few other things we Catholics enjoy: :clink: :guin: :shots:

You really do have a point here. :clink: When a mass goes over an hour, the congregation gets more than antsy.