Nader takes on and sues corrupt, power hungry Democrat party

You can't blame others for Gore's loss. The Democratic Party expects America's vote simply because they are not Bush. They are learning that it's not that easy.
Both parties are truly awful the way they rig the process.

I have no doubt that Dano is just as concerned about the GOP's actions in this regard.
There is evidence that the republican party cheated hard in all the the current elelctions.

They did .. and democrats did, and have done, nothing about it.

Republicans are staged to cheat again .. and the democrats will do nothing about it.
Both parties are truly awful the way they rig the process.

I have no doubt that Dano is just as concerned about the GOP's actions in this regard.
Did the GOP sue to keep the lp off the ballot? I was not aware of that, please post a link to them doing so.
Gores campaign was fine and he won the election. The Rs cheated their asses off and Nader helped them. He did not do it on purpose but he did help them. If they truely did anything illegal I hope he wins his case. GORE WON THE ELECTION.

Is Gore now, or has he ever been, the President?

What makes you think that people like me who voted for Nader would have voted for Gore?

Geez .. at what point do democrats grow up?
Too bad Gore didn't run a good campaign.

Too bad Gore didn't win his own home state.

Too bad Gore wasn't smarter than picking Lieberman.

Too bad Gore didn't have the courage to fight for Florida.

Too bad Gore ran away from the most popular President in American history and his successful track record. Gore was virtually handed the presidency by Bill Clinton and he still managed to fuck it up.

Too bad .. so sad .. but unless Nader was running Gore's campaign, Gore's loss had nothing to do with Nader.

Who told you that people like myself who voted for Nader would have voted for Gore if Nader wasn't running? The reason people didn't vote for Gore was because they didn't want to.

Are you blaming people who voted for Bush for Gore's loss?

How about those who didn't vote at all?

How about Libertarians and Constitutionalists. Are they at fault for Gore's loss as well?

How about the concept of EARNING the vote instead of expecting it .. which is something democrats do a lot.

Excellent post. Herein lies a big part of the problem, the members of the duopoly feel as though they and only they are entitled to our votes. The heat I got from the Bush apologists for voting for Badnarik in '04 was remarkable. It was as if I was stealing something from the Republicans by not voting for them. That entitlement mentality is the crux of the problem, and most of the partisan sheep follow their shepherds like a good little obedient flock. Not me. Fuck that.
I'm not crusading for Nader, anymore than I am outraged. I am glad that he is taking it to the Dem party, because no party should be allowed to sue to stop anyone from running on the ballot. That's the most undemocratic thing that can be done.

Shut up Mr. phony baloney. Your own party does it too, so clean up your own garbage and until your own garbage is sparkling stop whining about "the democrats" because you look like what you are; a phony fool.
Shut up Mr. phony baloney. Your own party does it too, so clean up your own garbage and until your own garbage is sparkling stop whining about "the democrats" because you look like what you are; a phony fool.
AHAHAHAHAHA, what the hell is that Darla? I went to your link and all I found was some update on how the Buchanan running as a Repub campaign was doing in 1996.

Maybe you should clean up your link stack and post something relevant...
All valid points BAC, Do you think I am a Demoncratic party cheerleader or something ? I think all current political parties suck.
The question remains though, would Kerry have won if Nader had not entered ?

maybe not, but it did not help the dems at all.

Kerry lost by a greater margin than what nader won. Most Nader voters said they wouldn't have voted had Nader not run, and Nader pulled equally from Bush and Gore and Bush and Kerry.
Excellent post. Herein lies a big part of the problem, the members of the duopoly feel as though they and only they are entitled to our votes. The heat I got from the Bush apologists for voting for Badnarik in '04 was remarkable. It was as if I was stealing something from the Republicans by not voting for them. That entitlement mentality is the crux of the problem, and most of the partisan sheep follow their shepherds like a good little obedient flock. Not me. Fuck that.

Exactly. It's ridiculous that Democrats and Republicans feel they are owed our votes. If they don't want vote splitting to happen, then they should have the courage to institute a voting system that isn't vulnerable to it. Otherwise, quite whining, because it's your fault for not running good candidates and for supporting our innefective voting system.

I once told a Democrat that I was thinking about voting for Bloomberg if he ran, and she whined till the cows came home. And Bloomberg would actually have a chance. John Anderson would've won in 1980 had it not been for plurality voting, and we wouldn't have had that senlie bastard Reagan in our most powerful office.
Spoken like a true, dyed-in-the-wool GOP hack.

Congrats, Dano.

Ok so no link, no proof of that. You love to throw out statements of both parties being equally bad or Repubs worse, but where is your evidence?
The Dems sued to keep Nader off the ballot, who did the Repubs sue to keep off the ballot? I could be wrong, but I have never seen evidence of that.
Logical Conclusion: The Republicans aren't saints but the Democrat party is much dirtier and more anti-democratic.

Why not do the Darla thing and post a link to something completely irrelevant, at least it shows you look like you are trying something....until someone clicks on your link and laughs at you.
Ok so no link, no proof of that. You love to throw out statements of both parties being equally bad or Repubs worse, but where is your evidence?
The Dems sued to keep Nader off the ballot, who did the Repubs sue to keep off the ballot? I could be wrong, but I have never seen evidence of that.
Logical Conclusion: The Republicans aren't saints but the Democrat party is much dirtier and more anti-democratic.

Why not do the Darla thing and post a link to something completely irrelevant, at least it shows you look like you are trying something....until someone clicks on your link and laughs at you.

Hello, how is what I posted irrelevant? You're in such denial Dano. It's sad.
Excellent post. Herein lies a big part of the problem, the members of the duopoly feel as though they and only they are entitled to our votes. The heat I got from the Bush apologists for voting for Badnarik in '04 was remarkable. It was as if I was stealing something from the Republicans by not voting for them. That entitlement mentality is the crux of the problem, and most of the partisan sheep follow their shepherds like a good little obedient flock. Not me. Fuck that.

Well said my brother.

Yes, criticize republicans for where they are most definately at fault .. but it's also time for democrats to stand in front of the mirror. This Congress we have right now is a GLARING demonstration that democratic voters have been pussyfied into lemmings .. which is exactly why this Congress hasn't accomplished a goddamn thing other than passing a new minimum wage. They face little to no outrage from democratic voters who are still trying to blame Nader for Gore's surrender in 2000.

More than 70% of the nation and 95% of democrats are against the Iraq war, yet democrats are about to nominate Hillary "Xena the War Queen" Clinton as the next president .. who also signed almost the exact same excuse Bush used to invade Iraq that he can now use to bomb the fuck out of Iran and kill lots more innocent people.

And we on the left call ourselves the "intelligent" ones.

We might truly be intelligent, but we have no courage, no balls, and we are not true to our so-called convictions.

Gore was a pussy who needed to be told what color shirt to put on.

He was an absolute fool to have Joe Lieberman and the Mossad standing behind him.

At what point will democratic voters grow the fuck up and become citizens, not just subjects to the Crown?
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