Name one accomplishment by Hillary or Obama?


New member
TV News shows have been covering the tight race between Hillary and Obama, and several have gotten groups of supporters for the various candidates on screen to ask them why they support their candidate. The supporters usually reply that Hillary has more experience, or that Obama will provide fresh new direction, etc. etc.

When Fox News does such interviews, Sean Hannity always comes on at the end, and asks the supporters to name one accomplishment their candidate has successfully done.

Every time he has done this, at least in the shows I've caught, the supporters draw a complete blank. It's truly comical to watch. Even the people who like Hillary or Obama, cannot come up with a single real reason for doing so, other than "He is inspiring" or "She offers universal health care" - both simply examples of rhetoric and promises from politicians. A few try to change the subject to other candidates, but not one has yet named an actual accomplishment of their own favored candidate.

Would anyone here like to try answering the question?

What have either Hillary or Obama accomplished in their careers?
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Passed the single most pro-incumbent campaign finance reform act, helped and continues to help cheerlead a costly and unneccessary war, and is a hypocrite who talks against torture but caves to Bush on it.

All major accomplishments if running for Douchebag of the 2008.
The trouble with this question is it creates fantasy. Imagine if Bush were asked this 8 years ago? Actually he was and the BS flew hot and heavy concerning his accomps in Texas. All Fantasy but who new. What did FDR do before becoming president? Point is Obama and Hillary have values that are inline with a sensible view of middle America. But I prefer Obama.

Bring em home now.

"By almost all measures, Obama has been a solid liberal, both in his early career as a community organizer and then as a local politician. In the Illinois State Senate he supported increased funding for healthcare and education and wrote bills to publicly finance judicial campaigns and create a state earned-income tax credit. His charisma, intellect and ability to build bipartisan coalitions were evident early in his career, fueling progressives' high hopes for him. In the US Senate, for the most part he has stuck with his party on key votes when so-called moderates didn't. For example, Obama voted against the corporate-written Central American Free Trade Agreement. And he was particularly outspoken after Hurricane Katrina, leading the charge among lawmakers demanding answers about the government's failure to protect New Orleans."

Hillary and Obama have accomplished taking BS! the ultimate degree!!
John McCain graduated from Annapolis,served honorably during the VN crisis,raised his children and others(Adoption)...passed many good bills as well as a few poor bills,has remained a Senator for a few running for President and is at the top for potential nomination...;)
Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard Law School. He was the president of the Harvard Law Journal, a feat damn few of us including the lawyers here could probably accomplish. He was a successful attorney and taught con law at the University of Chicago Law School, the number 6 law school in the country, from 1993 till 2004. Chicago Law doesn't let just ANYONE teach their students. So he is an accomplished man, everybit as much as Hillary John McClinton

Obama graduated near the top of his class at Harvard Law School. He was the president of the Harvard Law Journal, a feat damn few of us including the lawyers here could probably accomplish. He was a successful attorney and taught con law at the University of Chicago Law School, the number 6 law school in the country, from 1993 till 2004. Chicago Law doesn't let just ANYONE teach their students. So he is an accomplished man, everybit as much as Hillary John McClinton

Soco...this does not belay the fact he and Hillary are flaming 'Socialist',Commies to be blunt...what part of the ACLU doctrine do you not understand...counselor?
Mcain has achieved fossilization!!!!
Obama is ranked as the most liberal senator, that sells with democrats looking for change. Out with the bootstrapping battleborne bubba's.

Mcain has achieved fossilization!!!!
Obama is ranked as the most liberal senator, that sells with democrats looking for change. Out with the bootstrapping battleborne bubba's

Ya sawed off runt that is shorter than your tennis racket...have a nice day at the court!:rolleyes:
Soco...this does not belay the fact he and Hillary are flaming 'Socialist',Commies to be blunt...what part of the ACLU doctrine do you not understand...counselor?

I've told you before, but you must not have heard me.

A wishy-washy protectionist like you who knows nothing about economics is in absolutely no position to call anyone a Socialist.
Soco...this does not belay the fact he and Hillary are flaming 'Socialist',Commies to be blunt...what part of the ACLU doctrine do you not understand...counselor?
Really I guess I missed the day when they called the nationalization of american industry. They are participating in a two party election, another fine example of communism. I see how you have discovered this.

As for the ACLU agenda. What part of the ACLU "Doctrine" are you talking about? Is that the one where they fought for the Nazi's in Skokie Ill. to march without having their free speech rights infringed? Or maybe it was the one where they fought to make sure that states did not infringe on the religious rights of Jehova's Witness kids who were being forced to take an oath to an inanimate object, the flag, which specifically violated their free exersize rights. Or Maybe it was their advocating in Loving v. Virginia for the right of two people to marry regardless of their race, or their filing of Amicus briefs in Brown v. the Board of Ed. Or MAYBE the thing that REALLY bothers you is that they argued on behalf of Rush Limbaugh and said his privacy rights should not be violated by allowing the police to ransack his medical records. That ACLU just chock full of the communist agenda. Defending peoples constitutional rights.