Name one way policy wise Bush is differnt than McCain

Secure the border first. This is a new policy for him, but it is decidedly different than Bush's total vapidness concerning border security.

Going after employers who illegally hire illegal immigrants is another one.

He is pro-research when concerning stem cell research, as well as far more pro-research concerning energy.

Family Friendly Workplace Act, co sponsored by McCain, less than welcomed by Bush.

National Commission on Workplace Flexibility, related to above, not part of Bush's policy or even on his radar.

He would work to repeal the tarrif on Ethanol allowing us to purchase sources other than our corn, also not on Bush's radar.

A pledge to balance the budget in his first term working bi-partisanly as they were able to do in the 90s, DEFINITELY not on Bush's radar.

Those are just a few.
And unlike a lot of folks, I don't dislike every one of Bush's policies. I like the fact that McCain is coming over to the drill here, drill now idea, and if you have listened, he speaks of it as a bridge to alternative fuel. I like the fact taht Bush is pro-second ammendment and let's face it, McCain, though he is not as pro 2nd ammend. as I would like, is way better than Obama. I like the overall taxation plan that has been in place the past few years even though I end up owing more every year. I can't help but to think that if you raise the tax, say, on oil companies for instance, they will then pass that taxation on to the consumer in the form of higher prices, thus taxing the little guy that is supposed to be getting this great tax cut from Obama. So in addition to Damo's list, there are some things that I like that McCain is the same as Bush on.
A pledge to balance the budget in his first term working bi-partisanly as they were able to do in the 90s, DEFINITELY not on Bush's radar.

I thought that was a bush pledge as well.
A pledge to balance the budget in his first term working bi-partisanly as they were able to do in the 90s, DEFINITELY not on Bush's radar.

I thought that was a bush pledge as well.
Nope. He promised to spend our cash on the pill bill and to lower taxes because of the recession. One thing I know, one of these guys was in government when we got close to actually doing that. Hint: It wasn't Bush.
Nope. He promised to spend our cash on the pill bill and to lower taxes because of the recession. One thing I know, one of these guys was in government when we got close to actually doing that. Hint: It wasn't Bush.

That was after he got into office.
Bush told lots of lies to get elected. Like not into nation building and being the police force of the world.
That was after he got into office.
Bush told lots of lies to get elected. Like not into nation building and being the police force of the world.
He promoted regime change in Iraq before the election, etc.

Yes he did say 'no nation building' but was speaking to a bad economy when urging his tax cuts. It wasn't until 2007 that he suddenly broke out a plan to 'balance the budget' but that plan was soundly rejected by the Ds because it assumed the extension of his tax cuts.

Bush has never shown an urge to balance the budget on any level. McCain makes it clear it is a priority for him. It is definitely a difference between Bush and McCain, hence in a thread that speaks to differences between them is where I brought it up.
Secure the border first. This is a new policy for him, but it is decidedly different than Bush's total vapidness concerning border security.

Going after employers who illegally hire illegal immigrants is another one.

He is pro-research when concerning stem cell research, as well as far more pro-research concerning energy.

Family Friendly Workplace Act, co sponsored by McCain, less than welcomed by Bush.

National Commission on Workplace Flexibility, related to above, not part of Bush's policy or even on his radar.

He would work to repeal the tarrif on Ethanol allowing us to purchase sources other than our corn, also not on Bush's radar.

A pledge to balance the budget in his first term working bi-partisanly as they were able to do in the 90s, DEFINITELY not on Bush's radar.

Those are just a few.

But we know his real feelings on immigration from when he tried to force through amnesty. It's laughable you include that as a difference.
Secure the border first. This is a new policy for him, but it is decidedly different than Bush's total vapidness concerning border security.

Going after employers who illegally hire illegal immigrants is another one.

Are you kidding? You actually believe he changed his view on this. I tend to be more sympathetic to McCain's initial position, but both "amnesty only" and "secure the border first" are cop outs that avoid the real problem.

A pledge to balance the budget in his first term working bi-partisanly as they were able to do in the 90s, DEFINITELY not on Bush's radar.

Bush made the same bs promises. Here is a clue for you Damo. When a candidate tells you he is going to cut taxes and balance the budget without talking about any specific or significant spending cuts, he's fucking lying.
Bush believes it is within his Constitutional authority as President, to be able to nominate judges of his choosing, and Congress should give them an up or down vote.... McCain believes you can get 13 Senators in a back room and iron out a compromise on this principle.

Bush believes in increasing the national debt to give a tax cut, McCain believes any tax breaks should be paid for through fiscal responsibility and budget cuts.

McCain supports CFR, Bush doesn't like it.

Damo already mentioned the stem cell and illegal immigration issues.
Actually, McCain has done more to work a bipartisan effort than most have.

He took a lot of flack for his reaching across the aisle to work with the Dems on occasion.

Also, Darla, the man walks funny because he was beaten and tortured while a POW. I know you disagree with his politics, but taking cheap shots at his disability is low. Its one of the few areas he has my total respect in. I understand he uses it as political leverage too often (at all is too often). But to make fun of his walk is beneath you. You are better than that, and I have seen it.
Here is the thing:

Obama is pretty much a repeat of the democratic platform (ie: policies) as it has been for decades. That is not to be unexpected, since Obama is a democrat. However, the manner in which he proposes to IMPLEMENT the democratic platform on issues is different from previous democratic candidates for president. If they were no different the democratic primary would have been no more than a coin toss between candidates.

Likewise, when you want to talk about basic policy, McCain pretty much (though not nearly as closely as others) follows the policies of the republican party platform. That, as Obama, is to be expected since McCain is essentially a republican.

However, when one looks at the way in which McCain proposes to implement those republican platform policies, they are, indeed, significantly different from the way Bush implemented republican policy;just as Obama's proposals differ significantly in implementation from the proposals of Clinton, or the actions of her husband, or Carter before him..
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Bush can still walk without needing to furiously pump his little arms to propel himself forward.


Making fun of a disabled person? Wow, I guess that's how liberals are. When you're not killing disabled people (like Terri Schiavo), you hate-smear them.

You truly are a CUNT of the lowest degree. :mad: Go fuck yourself!

I have NO respect for you whatsoever, you piece of shit.
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Making fun of a disabled person? Wow, I guess that's how liberals are. When you're not killing disabled people (like Terri Schiavo), you hate-smear them.

You truly are a CUNT of the lowest degree. :mad: Go fuck yourself!

I have NO respect for you whatsoever, you piece of shit.

Killing Terri Schiavo??? WTF?

I can see where you might have said that when things were still happening. But her autopsy showed that much of her brain was gone, liquified, nonexistant.

You still think Terri Schiavo could have been saved? There is no way she could have done anything but be a vegetable.

I took Darla to task for her comments too. But your comparison to the Schiavo fiasco is pure bullshit. Terri Schiavo was dead long before they pulled the tubes out.
Killing Terri Schiavo??? WTF?

I can see where you might have said that when things were still happening. But her autopsy showed that much of her brain was gone, liquified, nonexistant.

You still think Terri Schiavo could have been saved? There is no way she could have done anything but be a vegetable.

I took Darla to task for her comments too. But your comparison to the Schiavo fiasco is pure bullshit. Terri Schiavo was dead long before they pulled the tubes out.

Regardless of Schiavo's condition or prognosis, her parents agreed to take care of her and keep her alive as long as possible. She was essentially put to death because she didn't meet a criteria for 'quality' of life. This is a very dangerous precedent, a 'slippery slope' we don't need to start down. Many people have defied science and medical technology, and overcome the most perilous conditions, so where do you draw the line? How do you make the personal determination of 'quality of life' for someone else? Because her life didn't meet your particular standards for quality, doesn't mean her life had no quality. Obviously, her life brought joy and love to her parents, and it was against their wishes for her to be killed. Their wishes should have been respected in this case.

Some religious people will be angry at me for this, but I believe euthanasia is acceptable, IF all parties involved, are in agreement, including the patient. I have a real fundamental problem with courts, judges, and lawyers, making that determination, against the will of the family. The ex-husband had remarried, and the parents were willing to accept any and all responsibility for her care, it was not a burden on him in any way. Yet, he was able to use the law to execute her, with the cheers from Liberals nationwide. It wasn't right, it won't ever be right, and you can try and justify it all you like, it still doesn't make it right.