Name one way policy wise Bush is differnt than McCain

Regardless of Schiavo's condition or prognosis, her parents agreed to take care of her and keep her alive as long as possible. She was essentially put to death because she didn't meet a criteria for 'quality' of life. This is a very dangerous precedent, a 'slippery slope' we don't need to start down. Many people have defied science and medical technology, and overcome the most perilous conditions, so where do you draw the line? How do you make the personal determination of 'quality of life' for someone else? Because her life didn't meet your particular standards for quality, doesn't mean her life had no quality. Obviously, her life brought joy and love to her parents, and it was against their wishes for her to be killed. Their wishes should have been respected in this case.

Some religious people will be angry at me for this, but I believe euthanasia is acceptable, IF all parties involved, are in agreement, including the patient. I have a real fundamental problem with courts, judges, and lawyers, making that determination, against the will of the family. The ex-husband had remarried, and the parents were willing to accept any and all responsibility for her care, it was not a burden on him in any way. Yet, he was able to use the law to execute her, with the cheers from Liberals nationwide. It wasn't right, it won't ever be right, and you can try and justify it all you like, it still doesn't make it right.

No, she was allowed to die because her husband (next of kin) and other witnesses testified that Terri herself had said she would not want to live as a vegetable.

The trials were about what Terri Schiavo's wishes were, and every single court that heard the case was satisfied that she had voiced her opinion.

Her parents had no say because TERRI had made her wishes known, even if she didn't write them down.

And numerous courts and judges agreed that she had made her wishes known.
Her husband was not "next of kin" he wasn't related to her. "Her wishes" were not revealed by him until long after the money to 'care for her and rehabilitate her' was awarded to him. Her blood relation, her parents, were completely shut out of the process, and lawyers and judges 'determined' her wishes for her. She was murdered by the courts and her 'husband' was an accessory.
Her husband was not "next of kin" he wasn't related to her. "Her wishes" were not revealed by him until long after the money to 'care for her and rehabilitate her' was awarded to him. Her blood relation, her parents, were completely shut out of the process, and lawyers and judges 'determined' her wishes for her. She was murdered by the courts and her 'husband' was an accessory.

Her husband is her next of kin. When you marry, that person becomes your next of kin. You may not like that, but its the facts of the situation. And it was not just him, there were other witnesses that said they heard her speak about what she wanted.

This was not about who was the closest relation. This was about reliable testimony concerning what Terri Schiavo wanted. When Terri's grandmother was in a hospital and dying she told her husband (and others) in conversation exactly how she felt.

Terri's parents kept saying she could move, she could recognize people, and that she would get better. Knowing what we know from her autopsy, they were obviously mistaken.

Her parents didn't want their little girl to die. I understand that. I have children. But I also understand that the CAT scans showed that their little girl (all that made her Terri) was already gone.

But it boils down to the fact that the courts heard both sides and agreed with the evidence that Terri had made her wishes known BEFORE the accident.
Also, Darla, the man walks funny because he was beaten and tortured while a POW. I know you disagree with his politics, but taking cheap shots at his disability is low. Its one of the few areas he has my total respect in. I understand he uses it as political leverage too often (at all is too often). But to make fun of his walk is beneath you. You are better than that, and I have seen it.
No she's not...
Yeah... LOL... Old cripple fart who's body was broken by the NVA... lol... lol.. *snort*'s really really funny shit there, I don't care who you are. uhuh uhuhuh


What I said was all I said. Not what you read and spin into it.

Are both of the Republicans candidates to be pitied as victims ?
What I said was all I said. Not what you read and spin into it.

Are both of the Republicans candidates to be pitied as victims ?


He has the shuffle for the same reason he doesn't use a computer, or raise his arms above his head, and it's why he looks so stiff. His body was broken by the NVA when he was a POW captive. What part of "disabled vet" do you not comprehend?

If you were a complete mental retard who had no idea that McCain had been disabled fighting for his country, it would be one thing, but you are a mental retard who knows this for a fact, and makes fun of him because of it! I'm not making him a victim, he WAS a victim! It's like you are tipping over people in wheelchairs at WalMart, and when someone stops it, you scream... must we make them all into victims? You are pathetically hopeless and without an ounce of class.
Hmm he did not seem to shuffle like this in years past. I think age is setting in.

In any case is sympathy for victims all you republicans have going for your candidates this time around ?

Sympathy for a disabled vet should not give him a free ride to command our country.
I am sorry but supposedly being qualified to be president is a bit more than playing a sympathy card.
John McCain didn't post in this thread, he didn't snicker at how he walks, YOU DID!

huh ?

I never made fun of Bob Drolls handicap. Because he never ran for president based on it.

You catching on to where I am conimg from yet dixie?
huh ?

I never made fun of Bob Drolls handicap. Because he never ran for president based on it.

You catching on to where I am conimg from yet dixie?

Oh, I know exactly where you are coming from, I just don't understand how you were able to go beneath the gutter. Below the standards of any decent American, or human being that I know of, other than maybe some terrorist thug or gangster. Certainly no intellectually civilized person is capable of making fun of someone for their disabilities.

John McCain is not running for president based on his disability. Please show me one thing McCain has ever said, which indicates his 'disabled vet' status entitles him to run for president or be elected? He has talked about the much publicized fact he was a POW in Vietnam, because it illustrates a lot about who 'the man' is. It shaped his life, in a profound and important way, and is attributable of the character and integrity he has. It doesn't have one goddamn thing to do with you feeling sorry for him because he has experienced this.

What I love about this, is how you are about to see the results of your 'humor' in a way I don't think you anticipate. While you lefties are all yucking it up, enjoying the feeling of really sticking it good, to the old crippled man, mainstream Americans are watching. You will regret your little jokes.
All "mainstream America" has been talking about for the past few days is how someone like McCain, who promised to take the high road & had seemed to exemplify integrity, came out with 3 ads in one week that were nothing but lies about Obama.
Oh, I know exactly where you are coming from, I just don't understand how you were able to go beneath the gutter. Below the standards of any decent American, or human being that I know of, other than maybe some terrorist thug or gangster. Certainly no intellectually civilized person is capable of making fun of someone for their disabilities.

John McCain is not running for president based on his disability. Please show me one thing McCain has ever said, which indicates his 'disabled vet' status entitles him to run for president or be elected? He has talked about the much publicized fact he was a POW in Vietnam, because it illustrates a lot about who 'the man' is. It shaped his life, in a profound and important way, and is attributable of the character and integrity he has. It doesn't have one goddamn thing to do with you feeling sorry for him because he has experienced this.

What I love about this, is how you are about to see the results of your 'humor' in a way I don't think you anticipate. While you lefties are all yucking it up, enjoying the feeling of really sticking it good, to the old crippled man, mainstream Americans are watching. You will regret your little jokes.

Obviously you did not listen to his convention speech.

Short translation: I have suffered so much that I deserve to be your president.
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