NASA Administrator... "(My) Primary Charge Is To Reach Out To Muslims"...

One policy was to rebuild and stay and the other is to rebuild and leave. Just because both involve rebuilding does not mean both policies are the same.
The base is still in Iraq, it will still be peopled with US forces, no permanent base was being built in Afghanistan, that hasn't changed.

It's like you have a total incapacity to just look at what is rather than what you want to feel. The reality is, there has been no real change in foreign policy in regards to these two wars between the past and present administrations.

Even the things he promised to change didn't, for example rendition and warrantless wiretapping...
So why is obama committing massive troops and time? Nationbuilding. Just like neocons. your shit stinks too, despite your psychotic inability to make the comparison.

If we had left shortly after removing the Taliban instead of interfering in the daily lives of the Afghans we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now.
Now, if you want to discuss how they're both controlled by the hidden hand of coalitions of rich people, the discussion can evolve.
No we don't. He replaced him with a General who is already speaking of victory as well, as well as his wishy-washy "People are paying too much attention to time lines"... it appears as if he isn't sure we'll be leaving at his deadline.

I wonder if he'll start saying that Bin Laden is no longer important and how people who freaked when Bush said it will act when he says it. My guess is you'll be here talking about how right he is.

One does not have to change the lives of the average Afghan in order to get Bin Laden. It's the changing or attempting changing of their lives and customs that has caused the problem.
So what do you expect Obama to do? Simply say, 'Oops, we're sorry for disrupting your lives for the last eight years. We'll go home now."
No. I expect the discovery of valuable minerals in Afghanistan pretty much guarantees a permanent US presence to protect our "interests". It will be said differently, but it will happen. Do I think it is what should happen? No, but I believe it is what will happen.