NBA finals

My sister just had a baby and when she turns two I'm going to buy her a cell phone so I can drunk dial her instead of my sister.

When the peanut says 'mommy why does Uncle Cawacko call me at 2 in the morning?' my sister will tell her 'your Uncle is a drunk dear'...

You drunk dial your sister? That’s adorable.

Congrats on becoming an uncle!
After what you posted last night, I’m afraid to ask which flagpole!
Oh come on. He is a USC fan. We ALL know which "FLAGPOLE" he would like to meat me at. I am a very tolerant person Cawacko but I just don't roll that way. But I am flattered you asked.:lmao:
Now point me in the direction of these infamous posts. I need some afternoon, feeling good on pain meds because of dental work, entertainment.