New acquisition

Back when I lived in Upstate NY, late 80's, I bought a '69 F100 for $100. It was up to it's axles in the muddy back yard of a retired alcoholic carpenter. We filled the tires, put in on a trailer and hauled it up to my machinery barn. I redid the brakes, changed all the fluids and cleaned out the cab, which was full of liquor bottles and trash. I literally filled up the bed with all the shit that was in that truck. I drove it to the dump and got rid of it all. Except for a large granite slab that neatly took up most of the rusted out bed. Sides were solid.

I got 8 or 9 treated 2x6s to cover over the rust holes and put the granite on top. Bought two studded snow tires for the rear, and she would go through any snow.

I drove it for a "winter rat" for several years. My wife never rode in it.
See Pay me the 5 g's I will take it off your hands and keep code enforcement from giving you a citation. LOL

