New political party

Both parties are. They are just worrying about their getting elected and power, but are not smart enough to realize they are being used and have already sold that power.
So your party would still pander for votes? Instead of doing what needs doing?


If you have a platform that a majority does not support, how would ever be in a position to do anything?

I am not willing to pander, but I am willing to adapt. For example: I don’t believe in global warming because 1. We don’t have enough observational data to warrant a global warming hypothesis and 2. We have no way to experimentally test any hypothesis involving climate change that anyone may formulate because we don’t have a spare planet to serve as a control group. But I would be willing to spend government money to combat global warming if doing so means we have less urban sprawl (which disrupts societal cohesion) and less dependence on hostile energy sources (good for national security) and less dependence on big corporations (good for liberty).
If you have a platform that a majority does not support, how would ever be in a position to do anything?

I am not willing to pander, but I am willing to adapt. For example: I don’t believe in global warming because 1. We don’t have enough observational data to warrant a global warming hypothesis and 2. We have no way to experimentally test any hypothesis involving climate change that anyone may formulate because we don’t have a spare planet to serve as a control group. But I would be willing to spend government money to combat global warming if doing so means we have less urban sprawl (which disrupts societal cohesion) and less dependence on hostile energy sources (good for national security) and less dependence on big corporations (good for liberty).

So, yo don't believe in global warming, how about just taking care of the planet and not trying so hard to leave an indelible finger print?
Not necessarily since I am not center/center-left on most economic issues. However, unlike you I would be willing to adapt center/center-left economic positions to my conservative goals- meaning (unlike the libs here) I would be willing to compromise for the sake of getting something accomplished.

The LAST thing this country needs is more center/center left economic policies. We need to back to the true fiscal conservative days of Ike. Back when we paid down the national debt in good years and didn't continue outspending our revenues year after year after year as we have done for the past 50 years. Yes, this is the 50th consecutive fiscal year our nations debt will rise year over year.
American Populist Party

Would pull from conservative and liberal circles. It's a flat rejection of the strong fascist middle, the brainwashed internationalist fascist noahide nihilist crowd, which believes in using a fiat money system to play favorites and sculpt society according to their sick paradigm.
So, yo don't believe in global warming, how about just taking care of the planet and not trying so hard to leave an indelible finger print?

Actually I am a conservationist. I won’t call myself an environmentalist since environmentalism has left-wing associations that I don’t want any part of.

Personally I do not support hunting for either sport or fashion because it is an immoral waste of natural resources, and with modern agriculture hunting for food is not all that critical. When a heart condition made it look like I would have to give up my garden, I started thinking about taking up fishing (something I hadn’t done in almost 30 years), but I don’t support fishing for sport.

While in college I developed an interest in organic agriculture and sustainable building and energy technologies. This interest has lead me to develop what I call holistic calculus. Holism is the philosophy that sees everything as part of an inter-connected whole, and calculus is the branch of mathematics that deals with limits. Holistic calculus is a plan whereby the greatest amount of material good can be provided to the largest number of people for the longest period of time. To this end I support the conservation of natural resources so they can be used by future generations.

Global warmongers have nothing but hype. Even if the globe’s temperatures are rising (something I doubt since there was a record low where I live in Florida last night and we didn’t even make to 90 degrees today) there is no way to test whether or not human activity is the cause because we don’t have a spare earth that does not have human activity. We cannot scientifically determine how human behavior is affecting the globe because we do not know and could not isolate all of the other possible causes for anything that we think we are observing.
The LAST thing this country needs is more center/center left economic policies.

I haven’t said this is what the country needs, but it is what the electorate wants and therefore is what the country will have. Conservatives may as well accept this fact, get themselves elected and concentrate on dealing with the rest of the country’s problems.

We need to back to the true fiscal conservative days of Ike. Back when we paid down the national debt in good years and didn't continue outspending our revenues year after year after year as we have done for the past 50 years. Yes, this is the 50th consecutive fiscal year our nations debt will rise year over year.

Wasn't the budget balanced when GWB took office? How do you add to the debt if you don't have deficit spending and how do you have deficit spending with a balanced budget?
dude....we didn't HAVE a Republican congress for the last two decades.....

The Republicans controlled one or both houses of Congress from 1995 to 2007. They controlled the Senate from 1981 to 1987 and had a working majority with Boll Weevil Democrats in the House of Representatives from 1981 to at lest 1983.
The Republicans controlled one or both houses of Congress from 1995 to 2007. They controlled the Senate from 1981 to 1987 and had a working majority with Boll Weevil Democrats in the House of Representatives from 1981 to at lest 1983.

they controlled BOTH houses for the 104th, 105th, and 106th Congress but did not control the presidency at that time, they controlled both for the 108th and 109th and did.....

that is NOT two decades of control, it is not even one decade of's not even five years of full control....

further, my comment was regarding the last two years of the Bush administration specifically because of the TARP spending that occurred in that period.....half of the "Bush" deficit came from TARP.....
American Populist Party

Would pull from conservative and liberal circles. It's a flat rejection of the strong fascist middle, the brainwashed internationalist fascist noahide nihilist crowd, which believes in using a fiat money system to play favorites and sculpt society according to their sick paradigm.

Since leaving the Republican Party when 10 GOP senators voted to acquit Clinton on February 12, 1999 I have investigated every 3rd party I could find on the net. I cannot say right off that I have investigated anything called the American Populist Party. I would not have supported the original Populist Party, and if there is a new version, I wouldn’t support it if it has an isolationist foreign policy. I supported Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush’s foreign policy. I didn’t support Clinton’s because he didn’t understand history enough to know what he was doing (I don’t support Obama’s for the same reason). I supported GWB’s war in Iraq based on the information that his people gave us, but I always doubted GWB’s greater foreign policy, i.e., the war on terror that he didn’t understand and didn’t know how to win.
Actually I am a conservationist. I won’t call myself an environmentalist since environmentalism has left-wing associations that I don’t want any part of.

Personally I do not support hunting for either sport or fashion because it is an immoral waste of natural resources, and with modern agriculture hunting for food is not all that critical. When a heart condition made it look like I would have to give up my garden, I started thinking about taking up fishing (something I hadn’t done in almost 30 years), but I don’t support fishing for sport.

While in college I developed an interest in organic agriculture and sustainable building and energy technologies. This interest has lead me to develop what I call holistic calculus. Holism is the philosophy that sees everything as part of an inter-connected whole, and calculus is the branch of mathematics that deals with limits. Holistic calculus is a plan whereby the greatest amount of material good can be provided to the largest number of people for the longest period of time. To this end I support the conservation of natural resources so they can be used by future generations.

Global warmongers have nothing but hype. Even if the globe’s temperatures are rising (something I doubt since there was a record low where I live in Florida last night and we didn’t even make to 90 degrees today) there is no way to test whether or not human activity is the cause because we don’t have a spare earth that does not have human activity. We cannot scientifically determine how human behavior is affecting the globe because we do not know and could not isolate all of the other possible causes for anything that we think we are observing.

I disagree on your point that hunting for food is not critical. It is critical for two reasons. If we do not hunt for food, then with the natural predators gone, populations of game explode which cause them to do one of two things... starve to death or eat our crops/plants. It is a part of the natural process for us to hunt for food. Every species does it, whether they are herbivores or carnivores.

I do agree that those who hunt just to hunt and that do not respect the natural order need to educate themselves.

I also agree with your point that many of the global warmers (especially those who proclaim no further discussion is needed) are simply trying to cash in on fear. There are plenty of reasons to reduce pollution and emissions that are legitimate. There is no need for all the fear mongering that extremists like Gore and others do. It only sets back the cause they proclaim they are working for.
I haven’t said this is what the country needs, but it is what the electorate wants and therefore is what the country will have. Conservatives may as well accept this fact, get themselves elected and concentrate on dealing with the rest of the country’s problems.

Wasn't the budget balanced when GWB took office? How do you add to the debt if you don't have deficit spending and how do you have deficit spending with a balanced budget?

Look at the words you are using. BUDGET.... that does not reflect ACTUAL numbers. It reflects what someone put on paper at the start of the year as their expectations.

In the late 90's, Clinton and the Rep led Congress did a good job at promoting a balanced budget and they tried to stick to it. In 2000, they came close and only increased national debt by about $18b. This should be applauded for the effort, but at the same time we have to realize this was a year that benefited from the record breaking year the stock market had in 1999.

Bush was horrid when it came to economics. He spent like the worst of the left.

As for your final question... if you budget that you will spend $50k this year and that your revenue will match it at $50k, you have a balanced budget. If over the course of the year you actually spend $60k and your revenues come in as expected at $50k, then you run a deficit. Likewise if your expenses stay at $50k as projected but revenue comes in at $45k then you still have a deficit.

This is why you see updates to the 'deficit spending' throughout the year. That is where the government says either 'revenues are coming in weaker than expected' or 'expenses are greater than expected' or some combination of the two.
they controlled BOTH houses for the 104th, 105th, and 106th Congress but did not control the presidency at that time, they controlled both for the 108th and 109th and did.....

that is NOT two decades of control, it is not even one decade of's not even five years of full control....

If you have been elected to the national government and have an opportunity to deal with national problems, how many years should it take- providing that you sincerely wish to accomplish something and aren’t simply in Washington to play politics?

Consider the fact that according to the Constitution the federal government cannot spend money without a law withdrawing money from the U.S. Treasury and, according to the Constitution, all laws meant to spend money must originate in the House of Representatives. Thus, even when a Democrat sat in the White House and even when the Democrats controlled the Senate a Republican majority in the House of Representatives could have balanced the budget and shut down any federal agency, bureau, division, office or department they wanted to shut down simply by passing spending laws that kept the budget balanced and did not appropriate money for the federal agencies, bureaus, divisions, offices and departments that the Republicans (claimed they) did not want.

further, my comment was regarding the last two years of the Bush administration specifically because of the TARP spending that occurred in that period.....half of the "Bush" deficit came from TARP

Bush didn't know what a veto was?

By making excuses for why the Republicans couldn't do what needed to be done when they have sufficient power to do so, you are as much part of the problem as the Republicans are. The Republicans in Congress were more concerned with placating a whiny electorate and being re-elected than they ever were with doing what needed to be done for the country’s survival.
Since leaving the Republican Party when 10 GOP senators voted to acquit Clinton on February 12, 1999 I have investigated every 3rd party I could find on the net. I cannot say right off that I have investigated anything called the American Populist Party. I would not have supported the original Populist Party, and if there is a new version, I wouldn’t support it if it has an isolationist foreign policy. I supported Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush’s foreign policy. I didn’t support Clinton’s because he didn’t understand history enough to know what he was doing (I don’t support Obama’s for the same reason). I supported GWB’s war in Iraq based on the information that his people gave us, but I always doubted GWB’s greater foreign policy, i.e., the war on terror that he didn’t understand and didn’t know how to win.

Right. Use our boys to make the world safe for corporations, you're a fascist in disguise. And you don't even know it.
I disagree on your point that hunting for food is not critical. It is critical for two reasons. If we do not hunt for food, then with the natural predators gone, populations of game explode which cause them to do one of two things... starve to death or eat our crops/plants.

But if we hadn't allowed our greed to disrupt nature to the point that it is out of balance, we wouldn't have a surplus of game due to a lack of natural predators.

I also agree with your point that many of the global warmers (especially those who proclaim no further discussion is needed) are simply trying to cash in on fear. There are plenty of reasons to reduce pollution and emissions that are legitimate. There is no need for all the fear mongering that extremists like Gore and others do. It only sets back the cause they proclaim they are working for.

Within my lifetime the earth was supposed to have been destroyed by global cooling, acid rain and the ozone hole and now global warming. None of the previous fears ever achieved the socio-economic or political force that global warming has managed to accumulate. I don’t really know how to explain why global warming has gained so much traction when the previous fears did not. The end of the Cold War may have been a factor- Soviet sympathizers had to have something else to latch onto when the Wall came down. And Americans have had their thinking skills eroded by another 20 years of TV and bad schools (public and private) so they will believe anything that has enough hype around it. But as I have said, I am perfectly willing to use the global warming hype to promote things we should be doing anyway.