New Rule Forbidding Banning


Well-known member
That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.
That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.

The subject of whether to allow thread bans has been made before, with the result that it stands.

FWIW, I use it as a test of character. People who thread ban most of the active forum are proving themselves to be afraid of confrontation and intelligent debate.

While those listed on a thread ban can be subjective as to who is and who isn't a troll, the people who have massive lists of thread bans are clearly people of low intelligence, low character and not worth my time.

OTOH, the unregistered foreign agents need to be reported and, hopefully, arrested either in the US or abroad.

PS. the new guy is proving himself to be a fucking moron and a liar.
The subject of whether to allow thread bans has been made before, with the result that it stands.

FWIW, I use it as a test of character. People who thread ban most of the active forum are proving themselves to be afraid of confrontation and intelligent debate.

PS. the new guy is proving himself to be a fucking moron and a liar.

This is about Earl's bans; he was doing it when I came here. Evading debate on a site intended for debate is exactly the point.
That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.

who fucking cares
This is about Earl's bans; he was doing it when I came here. Evading debate on a site intended for debate is exactly the point.

Captain Earl Turner, ex-USAF, is a disgrace to his uniform, violates his oath daily and, IMO, a traitor to American ideals. When he drops offline, it'll be a blessing.

That said, Damo sets the rules and he's already ruled a few times on the thread ban issue.
That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.

Previous discussions on the issue.

FWIW, if we ban stupidity on JPP, how will everyone know who is a fucking moron or not?

How long does it take now to recognize that a person is a cockholster for White Supremacy? How long would it take if Damo banned talk about white supremacy?

Captain Earl Turner, as his chosen username makes clear, both a white supremacist and a WSE supporter. The good news is that, like all the other WSE supporting geezers on JPP, he's too pussified/old/weak/brain-damaged to actually do anything except send money and post on messages boards. The bad news is that he's a lowlife traitor and white supremacist.

Again, how would everyone be able to see that for themselves if Damo banned such anti-American authoritarians from JPP?
That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.

Who cares if they want to be cowards!
Cowardice should be checked not given a license. It sullies the forum.

Checked how?

I support identifying cowardice 100%. A good way to identify the cowards, losers, liars and pedophiles is to let them identify themselves, then educate the rest of the forum on why they are not to be trusted.

Jus' sayin'. :thup:

PS, FWIW, threads like this help educate why those what ban others out of political disagreement and simple dislike are cowards. :)
Captain Earl Turner, ex-USAF, is a disgrace to his uniform, violates his oath daily and, IMO, a traitor to American ideals. When he drops offline, it'll be a blessing.

That said, Damo sets the rules and he's already ruled a few times on the thread ban issue.

of course, no such person exists, my dear.
Checked how?

I support identifying cowardice 100%. A good way to identify the cowards, losers, liars and pedophiles is to let them identify themselves, then educate the rest of the forum on why they are not to be trusted.

Jus' sayin'. :thup:

PS, FWIW, threads like this help educate why those what ban others out of political disagreement and simple dislike are cowards. :)

The suggestion in this thread is how.
The suggestion in this thread is how.

Ain't gonna happen. While this thread is great for advertising the weak-minded and cowardly thread-starters, like Earl, Moon and other douchebags, it won't change Damo's mind on it since the problem has been rehashed before.

To avoid the mistake of "repeating the same thing and hoping for different results", I suggest looking for alternate solutions. The best lesson I recalled from Dale Carnegie's book is that, if you want to persuade someone of something, don't push why you want it, push why they want it. Suggestions should be factual.

One example is that, too many thread bans limit conversation and, therefore, traffic. This is not in the forum's best interests if the forum is to grow. He can preserve the privilege of thread-banning, but limit them to 1-3 threads per day to encourage more posting or attracting more lurkers/newbies who dislike people like Earl, Moon and Legion.

Although I haven't counted them up, casual observation shows Earl's threads quickly die, probably after the usual echo chamber bullshit. Also note that "open" threads, even if dying quickly, average higher View counts.

As the second pic below displays, many threads die within a few posts, but a handful end up with high post counts. The totals of one regular page seem to far outweigh Earl's threads over three pages at a cost of wasted bandwidth with a similar result of clogging up the forum. Ergo, threads banning a high number of members waste forum assets.

In some ways, Rule #13 applies; posting multiple threads with high threadban counts (over 5?) ends up cluttering the forum and can be seen as "self-moderation" against the best interests of the forum.

Sure, preserve the right to thread ban, but let's be adults here...just like Rule #13 states: No Self-Moderation of the Board. Definition: making a thread unreadable through using extra large fonts or other means to block usage of a thread/forum. Rules will be enforced by the Administration or by Staff Members... Let's be adult here....

From last SEP/OCT to give them time. Note dates and last post date. The links are to a larger picture.


In the end, it's Damo's call. Whining seems to work for the RWNJs so maybe it'll work here too. :)
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That we permit threads with wholesale bans on participation is asinine. One member does it repeatedly. Today the member launched five new threads each banning dozens of members who typically express political views at odds with his own.

Put an end to this.

Here’s how to deal with it

Start a thread of the same or near same title

Answer their remarks in your own thread while quoting their idiot thread

It makes them look real weak