New Terrorist Attack In New Orleans


American citizens sprayed with chemicals. I hope we get who is responsible for this.

Police, Protesters Clash in New Orleans
Posted: 2007-12-20 16:26:48
Filed Under: Nation News
NEW ORLEANS (Dec. 20) - Police used chemical spray and stun guns Thursday as dozens of protesters seeking to halt the demolition of 4,500 public housing units tried to force their way through an iron gate at City Hall.

One woman was sprayed with chemicals and dragged from the gates. She was taken away on a stretcher by emergency officials. Before that, the woman was seen pouring water from a bottle into her eyes and weeping.
Another woman said she was stunned by officers, and still had what appeared to be a Taser wire hanging from her shirt.

"I was just standing, trying to get into my City Council meeting," said the woman, Kim Ellis.

Arrests were made as officers tried to establish order.

Inside, a scuffle also occurred in the City Council chambers as the meeting opened. Several protesters were forced out, including a woman who was carried, and a recess was called. The room was calm once the meeting resumed.

Protesters had planned to disrupt the City Council meeting, where members were expected to approve demolishing dozens of buildings - a move that would open racial and class divisions.

The council chambers seat less than 300. Once capacity was reached, people who were not permitted into chambers marched and chanted. Eventually violence broke out.

The City Council vote is a critical moment in a protracted fight between the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and residents, activists and preservationists.

HUD wants to demolish the buildings, most of them damaged by Hurricane Katrina, so developers can take advantage of tax credits and build new mixed-income neighborhoods.

The council's approval of the demolition is required under the city's charter.

HUD says the redevelopment, in the works before Katrina hit, will mark an end to the city's failed public housing experiment that lumped the poor into crime-ridden complexes and marooned them outside the life of the rest of the city.

But critics say the plan will shrink the stock of cheap housing at a time when housing is scarce and drive poor blacks out of the city. They also say the buildings are, contrary to popular opinion, mostly handsome brick structures that will outlast anything HUD builds in their place.

A news release from the Coalition to Stop the Demolition, one of several groups organizing protesters, characterized the pending action as a "rubber stamp" at a "sham meeting."

"It is beyond callous, and can only be seen as malicious discrimination. It is an unabashed attempt to eliminate the black population of New Orleans," said Kali Akuno, an organizer with the group.

A recent shake-up on the seven-member City Council turned it into a majority white chamber for the first time since the 1980s, a shift that will certainly make the vote even more racially charged.
This is the dumbest protest ever, imagine getting violent demanding that taxpayers keep paying for your welfare public housing.
This shit makes me angry, pay for your own housing, Christ rent an apartment like other poor people and work your way up.
Who the hell are these people to demand that working Americans are forced to pay taxes for them to live in public housing?
The protesters tried to force their way in, what do you want the police to do?

When someone kicks your ass out onto the street, and I can't wait for the day, and doesn't let you back in, and then bulldozes the place you live in, get back to me freak.

And I don't give a fuck what they did asshole, they were sprayed with CHEMICALS.

That's why we invaded iraq remember? I do. I was in the red alerts in NYC. "Chemical attack Imminent!!!". We have to take out Saddam, or NY will be hit the way they were almost hit today...with chemicals.

But cops do it, and you defind it,

You know why? You're a nazi hack, that's why.
When someone kicks your ass out onto the street, and I can't wait for the day, and doesn't let you back in, and then bulldozes the place you live in, get back to me freak.
Why would my landlord not let me back in when I am working and paying rent?
They don't OWN these homes, they are public welfare housing. If they want to have a place to live, rent an apartment and work your way up.

And I don't give a fuck what they did asshole, they were sprayed with CHEMICALS.
That's why we invaded iraq remember? I do. I was in the red alerts in NYC. "Chemical attack Imminent!!!". We have to take out Saddam, or NY will be hit the way they were almost hit today...with chemicals.
But cops do it, and you defind it,
You know why? You're a nazi hack, that's why.
Ok...what do you want them to use to stop them from forcing their way in?
Rubber bullets?

Tear gas and such is probably the most humane way to stop a raging mob. That's pretty much what they use around the world.
This false outrage of yours needs to be tempered by reality.
This is the dumbest protest ever, imagine getting violent demanding that taxpayers keep paying for your welfare public housing.
This shit makes me angry, pay for your own housing, Christ rent an apartment like other poor people and work your way up.
Who the hell are these people to demand that working Americans are forced to pay taxes for them to live in public housing?

Oh you're angry?

some people, one might say normal people, are angry that an american city was destroyed on your watch, on your vote, and on your boy's say so. some people are upset that just as people, already poor, were at the worst moments of their lives, vultures came in, vultures like you dano, on your watch, on your vote, on your boy's say-so. And these vultures took these destroyed lives, and threw them onto the streets, so that they might finally get rid of a program that they found ideologically upsetting, and institute for-profit housing, leaving the poor people, many of whom lost family members and any possessions they had, on the streets with nothing.

These are Americans. They suffered a tragedy. And on your watch, and on your vote, and on the say-so of your boy, they were left to drown either right away, or eventually. And the world watched as America, the greatest, richest country in the world, looked to it's desperate citizens, and didn't "send in the marines' but said:



And some of us, felt shame.
Why would my landlord not let me back in when I am working and paying rent?
They don't OWN these homes, they are public welfare housing. If they want to have a place to live, rent an apartment and work your way up.

Ok...what do you want them to use to stop them from forcing their way in?
Rubber bullets?

Tear gas and such is probably the most humane way to stop a raging mob. That's pretty much what they use around the world.
This false outrage of yours needs to be tempered by reality.

fuck you scumbag.

take your false outrage and stick it in your ample ass.
Oh you're angry?

some people, one might say normal people, are angry that an american city was destroyed on your watch, on your vote, and on your boy's say so. some people are upset that just as people, already poor, were at the worst moments of their lives, vultures came in, vultures like you dano, on your watch, on your vote, on your boy's say-so. And these vultures took these destroyed lives, and threw them onto the streets, so that they might finally get rid of a program that they found ideologically upsetting, and institute for-profit housing, leaving the poor people, many of whom lost family members and any possessions they had, on the streets with nothing.
They should count themselves lucky they ever got public welfare housing, most poor just live in apartments, of course they are more the working poor (which I was) paying taxes for people who force them to so they can live in nicer social welfare townhomes.
Do what regular poor Americans do, get an apartment without welching off taxpayers and work your way up, they'll be much better off in the long run.
Social housing only encourages government dependence.

These are Americans. They suffered a tragedy. And on your watch, and on your vote, and on the say-so of your boy, they were left to drown either right away, or eventually. And the world watched as America, the greatest, richest country in the world, looked to it's desperate citizens, and didn't "send in the marines' but said:
Actually they did send help in, but you see it's very difficult to drive aid trucks in water that deep. There are far poorer people in Missisippi who got aid quickly enough, you are just being emo.

And some of us, felt shame.
I feel shame in things I personally do, never for what I don't do. I also have no interest in profitting off people's misery anymore than I want them to die.
I wish them the best, but they have to realize that just like food and clothing, housing is something you are required to pay for yourself, don't force others to pay for your social welfare housing and certainly don't get violent over it like you have some right to make others your fucking slaves.

Lastly, what did you want the police to do to stop the mob from crashing the gate? Rubber bullets? Pick something.

Is this not Angelina Jolee's lover boys project...they bought alot of property in New Orleans...he put $5m of his own money into the project of buliding 'mixed housing' projects to replace the damaged 'housing projects' Darla is up in arms at one of her own...socialist funny!
This is the dumbest protest ever, imagine getting violent demanding that taxpayers keep paying for your welfare public housing.
This shit makes me angry, pay for your own housing, Christ rent an apartment like other poor people and work your way up.
Who the hell are these people to demand that working Americans are forced to pay taxes for them to live in public housing?

Yep, imagine people getting angry about being kicked out of their home. Shameful behavior.
Dhula with little or not facts kicks into liberal tantrum mode. she wins the false outrage on this one.:clink:

I say it all day on the local news, the protesters were a violent mob than injured reporters and spectators.
The pepper spray was required and did work. I'm serious it looked like a home depot power paint sprayer.
When someone kicks your ass out onto the street, and I can't wait for the day, and doesn't let you back in, and then bulldozes the place you live in, get back to me freak.

And I don't give a fuck what they did asshole, they were sprayed with CHEMICALS.

That's why we invaded iraq remember? I do. I was in the red alerts in NYC. "Chemical attack Imminent!!!". We have to take out Saddam, or NY will be hit the way they were almost hit today...with chemicals.

But cops do it, and you defind it,

You know why? You're a nazi hack, that's why.

:tongout:Try the idiot Democratic Mayor of NO....Nagin....or go right to the top and blame the Democratic Governor....Ms. Blanco...:pke:
Dhula is funny as shit.
They want to demolish army barracks style rat infested project to build THEM single family housing integrated with mixed income families. Still near free housing, just no more drug dealers and shootings.
Ohh, these are not WMD hidden chemicals. I was a power spraying face slapping on TV!!!
Dhula with little or not facts kicks into liberal tantrum mode. she wins the false outrage on this one.:clink:

I say it all day on the local news, the protesters were a violent mob than injured reporters and spectators.
The pepper spray was required and did work. I'm serious it looked like a home depot power paint sprayer.

Now as for you Topper, and i think we can safely call you "Mr. Below Average", the fact is that the homeless rate in NO has doubled since Katrina, and held steady there, and, it's going to get a lot worse in 08 as the feds, run by the guy YOU voted for twice, attempt to get 30,000 refugees out of fema trailers.

These people had a place to live, and the minute Katrina hit, one of your friends, Republican representative Baker said: "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did."

And your friends, came in to install their so-called "mixed housing" which only a fool like you would fall for without asking questions, while thousands lay homeless, with thousand more to come. They cleaned out the poor blacks, and brung in the rich whites.

And you applaud this.

Congratulations Top.
Dhula the spinster, your almost as gullable as Deshtard.
They haven't even been torn down yet. fool
And it's a place I promise you wouldn't walk the streets of in daylight much less night.
You are less than clueless about my HOME city. Please shut the fuck up about it.
The majority of dems don't want the projects, the City council voted UNANIMOUSLY to bring them down. You are a pathetic exacmple of closed minded keep the poor trapped were they are wanna bee limosine liberal. You should try out for professional protester. We had a few down here today.
Dhula the spinster, your almost as gullable as Deshtard.
They haven't even been torn down yet. fool
And it's a place I promise you wouldn't walk the streets of in daylight much less night.
You are less than clueless about my HOME city. Please shut the fuck up about it.
The majority of dems don't want the projects, the City council voted UNANIMOUSLY to bring them down. You are a pathetic exacmple of closed minded keep the poor trapped were they are wanna bee limosine liberal. You should try out for professional protester. We had a few down here today.

The majority of Dems, most especially in corrupt LA, are as bought and paid for as any whore.

Where are you putting those homeless Topper? They're sleeping in fucking tents now Topper. But you're doing good by them because you got them out of the "trap" of their fucking homes and into tents Topper.

Maybe, you can give them two acres and mule too Topper, and let us know what all a good deal that is for them.
Fuck you and the false outrage wave you road in on. You've never been to Nawlins and don't have the first freaking clue. Your city has homeless to ya dumb spinster.
They don't have new housing yet cause they haven't torn the old down yet. Your helpless
Fuck you and the false outrage wave you road in on. You've never been to Nawlins and don't have the first freaking clue. Your city has homeless to ya dumb spinster.
They don't have new housing yet cause they haven't torn the old down yet. Your helpless

And they are just going to move the tens of thousands of homeless into this new "mixed housing" huh Topper? LOL. You are so fucking stupid, you shouldn't be allowed out of the house.

Don't you talk to me about false outrage.

An American city was layed to waste, and after the bodies stopped floating, America looked away, with the encouragment of the guy YOU voted for twice and his big business whores, who went down there to profit from it. In decades past, when this was still a great country, that is not how this country reacted to disasters like this, not at all. Brush up on your history, dummy, because you don't know what the fuck is going on in your own backyard nor what it means.

Your people were looking to clean out the black projects, and that's what they did and they don't give one fuck where those people end up and you look like a fool pretending that they do.

They're homeless now, they'll be homeless once the "mixed housing" (HAHHAHHA) goes up.