New young voter data spells good news for progressives

No wonder they want to control school boards and curricula. Must brainwash them into being good little Germans beginning in grade school.

But it is also why they now want to end Democracy and move to autocracy.

They see the very rapid approaching inevitability of the GOP never again winning a National Election. The popular vote gap gets bigger and bigger each year, making any Electoral College win less and less possible.

So they need to break the system and seize power and move to a 'Might Makes Right' model.

And it did not need to be that way. The republi'can' party had another very viable path to power and that was to embrace the PoC (blacks and latino's) who are very socially conservative, into the party and share power with them. but it is that last part the GOP racists could not stomach. They will take their vote but they and their current base could not stand sharing power with PoC, which would mean addressing issues in their communities.

So ultimately, as was very predictable the ardent racism in the GOP won out, forcing them to the only path left, autocracy.
And herein lies the reason for my discouragement.
Except for economic inequality, these social issues are NOT the things about which I care most.

I care about health care, education, and strong unions a lot more.

Just another example of how people my age aren't living in their own world anymore.
We're stuck in a new generation's world which makes leaving it, perhaps, a little easier to take.

Unions and union type jobs played a far bigger role in your youth than today. Many kids today are far more concerned with getting stock options than joining a union.

Edit: Regarding economic inequality we live in a technologically advanced globalized society which has created tremendous wealth but also grown inequality. You combine that with a federal reserve which has catered to Wall St with easy money and low interest rates and you have your biggest driver of inequality and the financialization of the economy. Because we've become addicted to it it's hard to pull the plug on it.
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Unions and union type jobs played a far bigger role in your youth than today. Many kids today are far more concerned with getting stock options than joining a union.

You're 100% right.

We now live in a world of working class people actually believing that they're bourgeoisie.
It will lead to catastrophic misery, I'm absolutely sure,
but that sometimes has to occur before people smarten up.

Not my problem anymore, thankfully.
You're 100% right.

We now live in a world of working class people actually believing that they're bourgeoisie.
It will lead to catastrophic misery, I'm absolutely sure,
but that sometimes has to occur before people smarten up.

Not my problem anymore, thankfully.

(I added more to my previous comment)

I read this book years ago so kind of have forgotten all the details but remember it being a good read about the 70's and the last days of the working class
True, plutocracy is here and almost completed. Trump tried, but one more shot and we never go back to our form of Democracy.

plutocracy is here because of your two main parties. If you are of the mindset that democrats are trying to fight against plutocracy, then you are being willfully ignorant.

on that note, as long as there are tens of millions of gun owners in this country, we will always be able to retain our form of democracy.
And herein lies the reason for my discouragement.
Except for economic inequality, these social issues are NOT the things about which I care most.

I care about health care, education, and strong unions a lot more.

Just another example of how people my age aren't living in their own world anymore.
We're stuck in a new generation's world which makes leaving it, perhaps, a little easier to take.

So education question for you. There's a movement in this country towards equity. The basic premise is there are educational disparities, specifically black (and also Latin X) students, compared to Asian and white students. The current way to address them has been so-called lowering of standards. That's taking away standardized testing such as the SAT and ACT and then, for example, what they are doing in California and Cambridge lowering math requirements.

We could get more into how to address disparities but what's your take on the current trend?
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Good list of people to ban. They are the lowest of the low. Stalkers.

You do post a lot of threads, and the one that is the worst of the troll of the bunch is Into the Scum, you ought to keep him off your threads, and that would save you a lot of aggravation.
You do post a lot of threads, and the one that is the worst of the troll of the bunch is Into the Scum, you ought to keep him off your threads, and that would save you a lot of aggravation.

You may be right. I have banned him in the past. Sometimes I just get tired of having to remember who to ban each time.
Would be interesting to see their polling on Gen Z towards Boomers. Now it would be too facile an answer to blame Boomers for everything. But the cost of education and the cost of housing is top of the list of concerns for young people and Boomers have fvcked both those up. Kids come out of school in debt and in many places owning a home is something years upon years away.

Or just tell the youngins

So education question for you. There's a movement in this country towards equity. The basic premise is there are educational disparities, specifically black (and also Latin X) students, compared to Asian and white students. The current way to address them has been so-called lowering of standards. That's taking away standardized testing such as the SAT and ACT and then, for example, what they are doing in California and Cambridge lowering math requirements.

We could get more into how to address disparities but what's your take on the current trend?

I believe in a complete color blind approach to standards.

I don't know if a racial disparity actually exists, I doubt it,
but if it does, it's a biological fact not subject to social engineering.
the younger generation polled in this thread are certain to destroy a free nation. From the complete disrespect they show towards older generations to their unrealistic expectations of how they should be able to live and work while having a great life............

congrats, progressives and destroyed a free society
the younger generation polled in this thread are certain to destroy a free nation. From the complete disrespect they show towards older generations to their unrealistic expectations of how they should be able to live and work while having a great life............

congrats, progressives and destroyed a free society

I see people far from young who slam old people and chop up Biden due to age. Congrats righty, you make America a nasty place to live.
So education question for you. There's a movement in this country towards equity. The basic premise is there are educational disparities, specifically black (and also Latin X) students, compared to Asian and white students. The current way to address them has been so-called lowering of standards. That's taking away standardized testing such as the SAT and ACT and then, for example, what they are doing in California and Cambridge lowering math requirements.

We could get more into how to address disparities but what's your take on the current trend?

Are you suggesting lowering the standards will take out the wealthy and elite? Lowering standards just mean more people would pass. But the best students and test takers would still be on top.