Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Scott Brown Could Defeat Obama in Presidential Race


Loyal to the end
A stunning new poll conducted by Newsmax/Zogby reveals that Massachusett's new Republican Senator-elect Scott Brown could defeat President Barack Obama in a presidential election.

The Newsmax/Zogby poll released Tuesday found that the pair would be statistically deadlocked if the presidential election was held today.

The poll indicates surprisingly weak support for the president among independent voters, who favor the tyro Brown by 48.6 percent to 36 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama.

Mark McKinnon, the respected political strategist who created former President George W. Bush's successful television ad campaigns in 2000 and 2004, told Newsmax that the survey results should trigger alarms for Team Obama.

"The real problem for Obama is that he has lost the middle, and losing the middle means losing independents," McKinnon said. "And it is independents that are responsible for swinging elections one way or the other in this country. So if you lose independents, you're going to lose the presidency."

Definitely a one-termer, like Carter. :)
What can the republicans run on?!


Definitely a one-termer, like Carter. :)


How quickly they forget, Indeed!
Seriously though I'd campaign on an Enumerated Powers Act, and a hiring and wage freeze on any Fed agency that doesn't comply with it. This would be followed up with more aggressive reductions in staff and wages until the agencies are reduced to a certain percentage, then they get completely eliminated.
Newsmax poll. Well, according to a poll, Obama can not only hold on against all comers, but he can slaughter 80 kittens at any given kitchen table in one sitting.

Definitely a one-termer, like Carter. :)

So "Team Obama" needs to be worried that a poll on a RightWing website showed him tied with some Republican?

Actually, Conservative voters need to be worried that President Obama FINISHED TIED STATISTICALLY with a RightWing conservative, hand picked by some partisan RightWing site!
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So "Team Obama" needs to be worried that a poll on a RightWing website showed him tied with some Republican?

Actually, Conservative voters need to be worried that President Obama FINISHED TIED STATISTICALLY with a RightWing conservative, hand picked by some partisan RightWing site!

Zogby did the poll, paid for by NewsMax. Obama is the POTUS, Your Dear Leader Maximus, while Brown is a Senator-elect from a small state.
A Zogby interactive poll? This isn't a scientific poll? And it was done, apparently, on the readers of Newsmax?

Why am I being told this? Stop wasting my time.