Newsmax/Zogby Poll: Scott Brown Could Defeat Obama in Presidential Race

You first. :)

What makes you think it wasn't?
From the OP link:
The poll indicates surprisingly weak support for the president among independent voters, who favor the tyro Brown by 48.6 percent to 36 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama. ... Based on the 4,163 responses, Obama leads Brown by 46.5 percent to 44.6 percent. That amounts to a statistical tie because the Zogby survey has a margin of error of plus or minus 1.5 percent.

1. It was specific on the type of responders;
2. That's a typical number of responses for a Zogby poll;
3. An interactive poll doesn't typically claim a margin of error.

What makes you think it was?
From the OP link:

1. It was specific on the type of responders;
2. That's a typical number of responses for a Zogby poll;
3. An interactive poll doesn't typically claim a margin of error.

What makes you think it was?

Zogby does two types of polls, one traditional phone polling and one by polling people who sign up to be polled by email -- the interactive poll. The phone polling is generally OK while the interactive polling is generally shit because it violates the basic precepts of polling by using a self-selected sample.

This is quite obviously an interactive poll because it talks about "responses," which is a reference to people responding to the email solicitation. And the sheer number of respondents for a fucking Newsmax poll on a such a stupid fucking question simply could not have been done be telephone. Additionally, if you actually performed this poll by telephone I'm sure as shit that you'd get quite a few "who the fuck is Scott Brown" responses.

Lastly, the mere fact that Zogby doesn't have shit on its website about this poll and Newsmax hasn't released the details either has my bullshit meter pegged at 11.
Zogby does two types of polls, one traditional phone polling and one by polling people who sign up to be polled by email -- the interactive poll. The phone polling is generally OK while the interactive polling is generally shit because it violates the basic precepts of polling by using a self-selected sample.

This is quite obviously an interactive poll because it talks about "responses," which is a reference to people responding to the email solicitation. And the sheer number of respondents for a fucking Newsmax poll on a such a stupid fucking question simply could not have been done be telephone. Additionally, if you actually performed this poll by telephone I'm sure as shit that you'd get quite a few "who the fuck is Scott Brown" responses.

Lastly, the mere fact that Zogby doesn't have shit on its website about this poll and Newsmax hasn't released the details either has my bullshit meter pegged at 11.

Dude everyone knew who Scott Brown is since even CNN was talking about the Mass special election. Also, folks "respond" by telephone just like they "respond" by email. Finally, 4000 some-odd responses is not a lot for a Zogby telephone poll.

Just admit that you don't know. :pke: