Nietzsche on nihilism


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But if an individual thinks that life is worthwhile only if there is some higher purpose to it, and they come to believe that there is no such purpose, this latter belief will serve as a reason for finding life not worth living. In this case, since the individual’s belief in the purposelessness of life leads to a negative evaluation of life itself – thus serving as a reason to deny life – Nietzsche would designate the belief nihilistic.
If the disengaged, world-weary individual adopts the belief that there is a higher purpose to life around which she might meaningfully orient her life and action, she will likely experience an alleviation of her weariness with life and re-engagement with her world. Yet by adopting the belief in a higher purpose, Nietzsche argues that such a person is merely coping. While her investment in this belief secures her survival, it secures little else. Though she staves off that psychological form of life-denial Nietzsche deems ‘suicidal nihilism’, she is not thereby able to grow and flourish.
But if an individual thinks that life is worthwhile only if there is some higher purpose to it, and they come to believe that there is no such purpose, this latter belief will serve as a reason for finding life not worth living. In this case, since the individual’s belief in the purposelessness of life leads to a negative evaluation of life itself – thus serving as a reason to deny life – Nietzsche would designate the belief nihilistic.

Maybe I should have guessed with SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 diatribe Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam in replying that Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement after their theft of another National Archives purchased US Constitution Bill of Rights followed by attempting baptize thine eyes by urinations made "one nation under God with equal justice under law" as dumb as their Islamidiotocracy could get....
But if an individual thinks that life is worthwhile only if there is some higher purpose to it, and they come to believe that there is no such purpose, this latter belief will serve as a reason for finding life not worth living. In this case, since the individual’s belief in the purposelessness of life leads to a negative evaluation of life itself – thus serving as a reason to deny life – Nietzsche would designate the belief nihilistic.

The problem is what the left pitches to people as a "purposeful" life. What they generally mean is, do whatever you want, demand there be no consequences and cry you're a "victim" any time someone tries to hold you accountable. It's self serving
The problem is what the left pitches to people as a "purposeful" life. What they generally mean is, do whatever you want, demand there be no consequences and cry you're a "victim" any time someone tries to hold you accountable. It's self serving

The usual right-wing ,licking Trump's asshole fascist spin
The usual right-wing ,licking Trump's asshole fascist spin

But you can't seem to mount an intellectual counter point or prove any of it to be inaccurate. This is where you tell me it's not worth responding to, am I right? Let's save time, oh course I am!
Life has no meaning

You imbue meaning into your life

You FORCE life to have meaning

In so doing you give life meaning

If your life is meaningless than give your life meaning
But you can't seem to mount an intellectual counter point or prove any of it to be inaccurate. This is where you tell me it's not worth responding to, am I right? Let's save time, oh course I am!

You have meaning

Putin gives you meaning every day

Without Putin you don’t exist

Which is why Putin needs to die
But if an individual thinks that life is worthwhile only if there is some higher purpose to it, and they come to believe that there is no such purpose, this latter belief will serve as a reason for finding life not worth living. In this case, since the individual’s belief in the purposelessness of life leads to a negative evaluation of life itself – thus serving as a reason to deny life – Nietzsche would designate the belief nihilistic.

Sounds like depression.

Better, IMO, to think of life as a party. Party on, dudes!

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I gather that there will never be a point.

Because when YOU gather you merely scrape together the crumbs of your own life around your pathetic feet

The nothingness you “gather” is the shreds of your own blindness to what is good in life

Blame no one but your failed self for what you “can’t find”

So you condem the whole world in your foolishness

You are truly the pathetic soaked in evil
The town Bill and Ted hail from is San Demis

And the water park in it is Waterloo’s

I live right by that city and the real water park is RAGINGWATERS

Which I took my child to when he was little

Party on dudes
Sounds like depression.

Better, IMO, to think of life as a party. Party on, dudes!


In a very real sense, Nietzsche was an elitist. Only the superior person - the ubermensch - would be able to cultivate a purposeful and meaningful life, assuming you could strip away society's conventional moral and spiritual archetypes for purposefullness.
It unamazing just how evil and flatulent your brain is

See what I mean? You double down on your ignirance and you think you scored some points against the mean Yakuda. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. The hate you have for others is obvious.
I didn't even realize that the famous Green Bay Packer middle linebacker from the 1960s was a published philosopher as well.

Of course, I can't read the posts,
but nihilism certainly does seem like a plausible approach.
See what I mean? You double down on your ignirance and you think you scored some points against the mean Yakuda. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. The hate you have for others is obvious.

I hate you because you are evil

I’m proud of hating evil

One of the things in life that gives my world meaning is defeating evil

So hating you and defeating you and your influence gives me purpose

Thanks shit bag