No Job Growth For American Citizens

In 2024 I surely would not want to be an American citizen white man looking for a job or promotion....especially over 45yo.

The only way to beat it is to claim to be trans.

Wearing a dress is optional.
Yeah, There are millions of Americans looking to pick fruits and vegetables for coolie wages. They are being short changed because of the illegals.
Frank! Have you paid any attention to who is driving tractor trailers lately?
I took a job checking trucks in and out on weekends at a trucking company hub (I make twice what I did driving a golf cart 4 days a week at the campground).
In the last 3 weeks, there was only ONE white American driver who came through. Most are immigrants(?) and can barely speak English.
In fact, I had a few who couldn't speak a word of English, they didn't even understand what dock to park their trailer in and I wrote it on their paperwork for them. I was so pissed I just said put the damn thing on the pad! Most come from CA. or out west. Do you know how much coast to coast drivers make? You probably don't, so I'll tell you. Some bring home over $2500 a week. They ain't picking fruits and vegetables, they are littering our highways. Those jobs should be taken by AMERICANS!

Note there is no direct link to sources to validate EXACTLY what this article headline states. Here's the reason why;

Launched in 2009, ZeroHedge or Zero Hedge is a finance blog founded by Colin Lokey, also known as “Tyler Durden,” Daniel Ivandjiiski, and Tim Backshall. According to a Bloomberg Interview, the ZeroHedge founders/authors were anonymous until 2016. A Professional Service Subscription is required to read the rest of Bloomberg’s interview; however, a New Yorker article also covered their history.

ZeroHedge wrote a rebuttal article regarding the Bloomberg interview that can be found here. A quote reads: “Zero Hedge hired Colin after he approached us over a year ago begging for a job after being fired with cause from Seeking Alpha, following a fight with a co-worker.”

On 02/15/2022, U.S. intelligence officials accused Zero Hedge of amplifying Kremlin propaganda targeting Ukrainians and taking direction from Russian spies. Zero Hedge denies the claim.

Frank! Have you paid any attention to who is driving tractor trailers lately?
I took a job checking trucks in and out on weekends at a trucking company hub (I make twice what I did driving a golf cart 4 days a week at the campground).
In the last 3 weeks, there was only ONE white American driver who came through. Most are immigrants(?) and can barely speak English.
In fact, I had a few who couldn't speak a word of English, they didn't even understand what dock to park their trailer in and I wrote it on their paperwork for them. I was so pissed I just said put the damn thing on the pad! Most come from CA. or out west. Do you know how much coast to coast drivers make? You probably don't, so I'll tell you. Some bring home over $2500 a week. They ain't picking fruits and vegetables, they are littering our highways. Those jobs should be taken by AMERICANS!

And how many "professions" or "jobs" over the years that give you the usual right wing insight does this one make?


GMAFB! Immigrants who can't speak (can they read) English, yet they're doing interstate trucking. Hmm, how did they get the license and certification? Are all trucking company's endangering the US highways? Why aren't they're more accidents and such?

RB60 = ridiculously boorish 60 times over!
Frank! Have you paid any attention to who is driving tractor trailers lately?
I took a job checking trucks in and out on weekends at a trucking company hub (I make twice what I did driving a golf cart 4 days a week at the campground).
In the last 3 weeks, there was only ONE white American driver who came through. Most are immigrants(?) and can barely speak English.
In fact, I had a few who couldn't speak a word of English, they didn't even understand what dock to park their trailer in and I wrote it on their paperwork for them. I was so pissed I just said put the damn thing on the pad! Most come from CA. or out west. Do you know how much coast to coast drivers make? You probably don't, so I'll tell you. Some bring home over $2500 a week. They ain't picking fruits and vegetables, they are littering our highways. Those jobs should be taken by AMERICANS!

I suspect most of the illegal aliens do jobs that no Americans want.

If you have information that indicates that is not the case, please share it. We can discuss that.

In any case, I do not want illegals here, probably just as much as you do.

Wall Street Admits The Biggest Economic Shocker: All Jobs In The Past Year Have Gone To Illegal Aliens​

For much of the past year we had been pounding the table on two very simple facts: not only has the US labor market been appallingly weak, with most of the jobs "gained" in 2023 and meant to signal how strong the Biden "recovery" has been, about to be revised away (as first the Philly Fed and now Bloomberg both admit), but more shockingly, all the job growth in the past few years has gone to illegal aliens.




Overall, we rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left

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MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Frank! Have you paid any attention to who is driving tractor trailers lately?
I took a job checking trucks in and out on weekends at a trucking company hub (I make twice what I did driving a golf cart 4 days a week at the campground).
In the last 3 weeks, there was only ONE white American driver who came through. Most are immigrants(?) and can barely speak English.
In fact, I had a few who couldn't speak a word of English, they didn't even understand what dock to park their trailer in and I wrote it on their paperwork for them. I was so pissed I just said put the damn thing on the pad! Most come from CA. or out west. Do you know how much coast to coast drivers make? You probably don't, so I'll tell you. Some bring home over $2500 a week. They ain't picking fruits and vegetables, they are littering our highways. Those jobs should be taken by AMERICANS!

Maybe it's different where you live but here, immigrants communicate using Google Translate on their phones.
Frank! Have you paid any attention to who is driving tractor trailers lately?
I took a job checking trucks in and out on weekends at a trucking company hub (I make twice what I did driving a golf cart 4 days a week at the campground).
In the last 3 weeks, there was only ONE white American driver who came through. Most are immigrants(?) and can barely speak English.
In fact, I had a few who couldn't speak a word of English, they didn't even understand what dock to park their trailer in and I wrote it on their paperwork for them. I was so pissed I just said put the damn thing on the pad! Most come from CA. or out west. Do you know how much coast to coast drivers make? You probably don't, so I'll tell you. Some bring home over $2500 a week. They ain't picking fruits and vegetables, they are littering our highways. Those jobs should be taken by AMERICANS!

Brown people = illegals :rolleyes:
I have been hearing that something like 20% of labor is on the black is not tracked....the regime allows it because the majority of the labor is from illegals, who are generally privileged by the Regime.
If it is black market and not tracked, how do you know what it is?
I know, it suits your beliefs.