No more denying it: the U.S. has a great economy

We can debate whether this is a great economy, or just an OK economy, but saying it is an economic depression is just crazy.


* Some 200,000 businesses were destroyed by the Covid Hoax caused by Democrats. Those businesses are GONE. They aren't coming back.
* Every employee of those businesses was thrown out of work.
* MORE businesses are closing due to price controls being implemented by Democrats. Those businesses are GONE. They aren't coming back.
* MORE businesses are closing due to crime, which is supported by Democrats. Those businesses are GONE. They aren't coming back.
* MORE businesses are moving their manufacturing out of the country due to higher taxes imposed here by Democrats. Those are jobs that are being lost.
* Inflation is high. The dollar has been devalued 34% since Biden was installed.
* Property is being seized without due process by Democrats. This is hotels and other businesses as well as personal property. Some of this is used to house homeless or illegal immigrants, who wind up destroying the property.
* Business activity is reduced by oppressive regulations and taxes through state religions like the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of the EV, the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Hate, and the Church of Covid. Tyranny is everywhere, and it's by Democrats.
* Destruction of business and homes by the huge number of illegal immigrants due to Biden's treason.
* A federal government debt of $34.6 trillion, and rapidly growing worse. Just servicing the thing is now the 4th largest budget item. The government's response is to try to print their way out of it, further devaluing the dollar. People are already looking around for another currency, as faith in the dollars dwindles.
* People that can't afford food and shelter turning to living on credit cards and/or living in their cars and/or adding to the homeless problem.

People are getting desperate, and it's due to the Democrats. You just stick your head into your artificial world and try to ignore it. You'll be caught totally flatfooted with the revolt comes.
Biden worked for three private law firms, one of which he created. And he also wrote books in the private sector.
Stop making shit up, Sock.

Biden worked in a law firm a total of 2 years, and that was 55 years ago. He never created any business, and never worked in one again.
Writing a book as a Senator is not writing books in the private sector, Sock.
Even in the best of times, some people's lives suck. This is especially true about people who refuse to work. They have confused their lives sucking with an economic depression.

DON'T TRY TO BLAME THOSE THAT LOST JOBS DUE TO DEMOCRAT POLICIES 'LAZY', Sock. You try THAT nonsense in the wrong place and you could get damaged!
It isn't crazy. It is economically illiterate to say we're in a depression. There are measures for that - and we're not even close to a depression.

All someone is saying when they say we're in a depression is that they do not understand anything about economics.

We are in an economic depression and have been since 2020. It was started by Democrats, and Democrats continue it, now trying price controls (which always fail).

It is YOU that doesn't understand economics, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on me or anybody else.