No One Wants to Live in Democrat States


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Victor Davis Hanson unveils the massive exodus of some 4 to 6 million [people from Blue States to Red States.

And yet you moved to a blue state from a red state :ROFLMAO:
Yeah, because most of my extended family live here. And most of that extended family unfortunately are liberals. Only my children and grandchildren are sane-moral Republicans/Conservatives who do live here in perhaps the bluest of states....bluest in competition with
that insane state of kalifornicator. Tell us oh Mr. anti White racist, why did you leave that crime infested, illegal migrant infested, blue state
to live in a red state?
There are no Marxists. You're lost.
Wow, you need to read up on Marxism and then compare it to this biden administration so you'll be able to see the
same if not exact political ideologies of both of them. There is not a single action or belief that shows how liberals
honor the United States or it's people. You radical fucks are hell bent on toppling historic statues, using race to destroy
unifying our people, disgustingly kneeling at the singing of the National Anthem and at sporting events, claiming that
our nation was founded in 1618, ridiculing our founding fathers, degrading America like Obama did so often, having
mobs of anti Semites (Hamas lovers) take to rioting in blue cities, and having president's of well known Universities
allow and even favor anti Semitism to rule their campuses, allow millions of criminally intent illegals to run all over our
nation, accept the fact that biden is the worst foreign affairs potus in history with his nightmare withdrawal from
Afghan, and his allowing our foreign enemies to get stronger while they push biden around like the feckless puppet
he's always been, etc. etc.
Wow, you need to read up on Marxism and then compare it to this biden administration so you'll be able to see the
same if not exact political ideologies of both of them. There is not a single action or belief that shows how liberals
honor the United States or it's people. You radical fucks are hell bent on toppling historic statues, using race to destroy
unifying our people, disgustingly kneeling at the singing of the National Anthem and at sporting events, claiming that
our nation was founded in 1618, ridiculing our founding fathers, degrading America like Obama did so often, having
mobs of anti Semites (Hamas lovers) take to rioting in blue cities, and having president's of well known Universities
allow and even favor anti Semitism to rule their campuses, allow millions of criminally intent illegals to run all over our
nation, accept the fact that biden is the worst foreign affairs potus in history with his nightmare withdrawal from
Afghan, and his allowing our foreign enemies to get stronger while they push biden around like the feckless puppet
he's always been, etc. etc.
What does any of that have to do with Marxism?!
Yeah, because most of my extended family live here. And most of that extended family unfortunately are liberals. Only my children and grandchildren are sane-moral Republicans/Conservatives who do live here in perhaps the bluest of states....bluest in competition with
that insane state of kalifornicator. Tell us oh Mr. anti White racist, why did you leave that crime infested, illegal migrant infested, blue state
to live in a red state?
Poor demented goy I am multiracial , so you moved away from your kids and grands? That's some family val-yose :ROFLMAO:

I still have a house on LI
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Poor demented goy I am multiracial , so you moved away from your kids and grands? That's some family val-yose :ROFLMAO:

I still have a house on LI
No, I moved to Taxachusetts to be near my kids and my grandkids., where they live here as I pointed out in my post you responded to here.
Looks like you can't even digest the truth when it slaps you right in your racist face.
What does any of that have to do with Marxism?!

Its all Marxism, and I'm not going to teach you about the fundamentals of Marxism as it is eerily wedded to Liberalism, or to
the current ideology of the Radical Leftist/Democrat Party. Learn how to read, especially in reading the definition of Marxism or
Communism which are literally the same thing.
We are moving from red to blue soon!
So you're content in living with high crime, devaluing police, illegal criminals, a judicial politically biased uni-party, anti
Americans, an immoral subset of goons vying to get our population decreased by murdering their unborn, massive
subway crime, often violent protestors of the anti Semite type, and living among people like a naked crackhead
named Hunter Biden?