No such thing as global warming? Not based on the Arctic circle wars

I did know all your hokum was a lie. The political reason of wanting to tax us for breathing is the reason they insist on the greenhouse lie despite proof.

So you "knew" that an increase in CO2 would not cause an increase in the amount of heat held in the atmosphere???

lmao Bullshit asshat. You were just going on about your conspiracy theories as always. If you had known that you would have said it.

The only thing you said was that they were trying to tax us for breathing and that CO2 was not a pollutant. But you wouldn't say WHY it was not a pollutant.

Tinfoil showed some excellent research here.

But even one of the research pieces is at a loss to explain why the increase in CO2 does not cause an increase in trapped heat after a certain level of CO2 is acheived.

In fact, one of his references said :
"The near-ubiquity of the warming, especially over the continents, is striking. To what degree is this directly attributable to local GHG (green house gases) increases? For the planet as a whole, there is little doubt that the inhibition of outgoing longwave radiation by such increases leads to radiative heating of the
surface (i.e. the greenhouse effect), with the warming subsequently modified by water vapor and other feedbacks (Houghton et al. 2001)"

I admitted that I was wrong. But your attempt to jump on the bandwagon like you knew it all along is laughable.
So you "knew" that an increase in CO2 would not cause an increase in the amount of heat held in the atmosphere???
The research that the greenhouse effect is not operative at a global level has been out here.
lmao Bullshit asshat. You were just going on about your conspiracy theories as always. If you had known that you would have said it.
Given the scientific reality juxtaposed against the maniacal insistence on a global greenhouse effect, a thinking person looks for other explanations.
The only thing you said was that they were trying to tax us for breathing and that CO2 was not a pollutant. But you wouldn't say WHY it was not a pollutant.
I repeatedly said there is no evidence for global co2 greenhouse effect.
Tinfoil showed some excellent research here.
He's a stand up guy.
But even one of the research pieces is at a loss to explain why the increase in CO2 does not cause an increase in trapped heat after a certain level of CO2 is acheived.
Explaining things not there is basically a waste of time.
In fact, one of his references said :
"The near-ubiquity of the warming, especially over the continents, is striking. To what degree is this directly attributable to local GHG (green house gases) increases? For the planet as a whole, there is little doubt that the inhibition of outgoing longwave radiation by such increases leads to radiative heating of the
surface (i.e. the greenhouse effect), with the warming subsequently modified by water vapor and other feedbacks (Houghton et al. 2001)"

I admitted that I was wrong. But your attempt to jump on the bandwagon like you knew it all along is laughable.

Dude. Just lose gracefully. I was right. You're wrong. Stop being an annoying douche.
It's awesome being me. I mean seriously. I rock so hard. My gifts are simply astounding.

And I pack a great oak in my shorts.
It's awesome being me. I mean seriously. I rock so hard. My gifts are simply astounding.

And I pack a great oak in my shorts.
Well, I usually don't have any extra room for trees in my pants, pretty much just naturally occurring human parts are all you will find.
The research that the greenhouse effect is not operative at a global level has been out here.

Given the scientific reality juxtaposed against the maniacal insistence on a global greenhouse effect, a thinking person looks for other explanations.

I repeatedly said there is no evidence for global co2 greenhouse effect.

He's a stand up guy.

Explaining things not there is basically a waste of time.

Dude. Just lose gracefully. I was right. You're wrong. Stop being an annoying douche.

I have admitted I was wrong. I was just laughing at you for the "oh yeah, thats what I meant all along" bullshit.

I said over and over that a significant increase in CO2 would cause an increase in the amount of heat trapped. YOu never once disagreed.

So obviously you agreed.

And that is the only portion of my argument that was wrong.
to continue the first ever REAL debate at JPP on global warming:

OK you raised a good question, Solitary

From what I've read, the radiative effect is not really about absorbtion of infrared waves because they bounce back off the CO2. It's because there is so much CO2 that so many infrared waves are blocked from escaping into space and are reflected back to earth and contribute to warming. But as discussed, the saturation point is reached pretty quickly and further radiative effects pale in comparision to the initial effects which make the planet habitable to begin with. so bacisly, the layer gets so "thick" with CO2 that it's already going to trap most of the infrared waves.

I think CO2 science was misused to enact what I'll call carbon laws. Assumptions about the relationship between CO2 and global temps were simplified and misrepresented. CO2 concentration is a direct effect of ocean warming and cooling, sun cycles/cloud cover in nature. Man has added CO2 that had once been on the planet's surface. I agree there is an effect to human actions. I don't believe the human component is significant enough to attempt mitigation. Adaptation is the better plan.
It's really no secret here that that's what I believe. Hence, my name going from stirfry to Tinfoil.

Yes, I'm an idiot who voted for Bush because I fell for the propaganda and the nationalism. It wasn't until I watched some Alex Jones stuff that I realized how the big chip stacks control the tables. Those who refuse to believe the worst in humans are victimized again and again while draggiung the rest of us with them.

Tinfoil for everyone!!

/minirant over...starting a poker tourney
It's really no secret here that that's what I believe. Hence, my name going from stirfry to Tinfoil.

Yes, I'm an idiot who voted for Bush because I fell for the propaganda and the nationalism. It wasn't until I watched some Alex Jones stuff that I realized how the big chip stacks control the tables. Those who refuse to believe the worst in humans are victimized again and again while draggiung the rest of us with them.

Tinfoil for everyone!!

/minirant over...starting a poker tourney

Alex Jones is a great American.

Sean Hannity is a shitty one.