"No" to globalization

Kamala Trump

Verified User
It's time we stand up for America's workers! Ask America's leaders where they stand, today.

It's a fact American workers across the country are being victimized by mass immigration. Study after study, including the recent National Bureau of Economic Research paper 12518 has proven that foreign workers are taking American's jobs and depressing wages. And while Americans from all backgrounds are being harmed, lower to middle income African American workers are being disproportionately affected.

Yet the usual defenders of America's most vulnerable are steering clear of this difficult issue or even calling for higher levels of mass immigration. It's time for America's leaders to stop standing down and begin standing up for America's workers. The only way that's going to happen is if we begin asking America's leaders where they stand.

A strong America than can compete with China in the future needs a large population. The best way to do that is through immigration.

That's bullshit. We should embargo nations with human rights abuses like china's, not try to compete with them in their race to the bottom.
I actually believe we would fare better, as our people are more individualistic and will adapt differently with creativity and different opinions. Their populace must be issued state instructions to act. Self sufficiency and clear thinking has been brainwashed and beaten out of them.
Well anyway, the main reason I would not want an embargo with China would be that it would destabilize the world significantly and could lead to nuclear warfare.
Although I might accept some kind of equalizing tariff that makes up for the advantage China gets with lax labor laws and currency manipulation, I would refuse any sort of punitive or protective tariff. An embargo would be seen as an offensive action against them, and it would destabilize the world. It could very well be the catalyst for a violent war. Tell me you can't see that. And in the end, China would win, and Asshat would've ended liberal democracy completely and totally.
Although I might accept some kind of equalizing tariff that makes up for the advantage China gets with lax labor laws and currency manipulation, I would refuse any sort of punitive or protective tariff. An embargo would be seen as an offensive action against them, and it would destabilize the world.
Screw how they see it. We don't have to be bullied based on the propaganda of internationalist fascists. Mandatory trade is not "free trade" now is it. They always lie. Why do you believe them?
It could very well be the catalyst for a violent war. Tell me you can't see that. And in the end, China would win, and Asshat would've ended liberal democracy completely and totally.

Straight up fear mongering. Congratulations, you suck. Stop being a little republican light fascist. Being a little emo faggot doesn't make up for being an internationlist fascist. Seek change within yourself. Yes you can.
Screw how they see it. We don't have to be bullied based on the propaganda of internationalist fascists. Mandatory trade is not "free trade" now is it. They always lie. Why do you believe them?

Straight up fear mongering. Congratulations, you suck. Stop being a little republican light fascist. Being a little emo faggot doesn't make up for being an internationlist fascist. Seek change within yourself. Yes you can.

Does saying no to globalization mean we stop with all exports?

Edit: I should probably thrown in importing as well.
Any time spent exploring AssHat's personal philosophy would be better spent cleaning your toilet with a toothbrush.
Does saying no to globalization mean we stop with all exports?

Edit: I should probably thrown in importing as well.

We should merely maintain the right say no to trade deals as we see fit. Im really not against all trade, just harmful trade.

What is failing to happen is we are not analyzing the ramifications of various trade dependancies on other areas of concern.

Or perhaps, this trade zealotry is how the illuminati is getting americans to agree to stupid policies, such as empowering other powers with open plans of world domination and destruction with billions in trade dollars, and PURPOSEFULLY interwining our economies to an idiotic extent.