Noahide Threat!


Better than You
It turns out that it is a tiny sect of Hasidic Judaism.

There are 13 million Jews (roughly) currently living.

According to a report by the Jewish Agency (apparently that is an organisation) "the number of Jews in the world is declining by 50,000 a year"

I can't find the numbers, but let's assume that Hasidic Jews are not even close to the majority of Jews (I think that is a safe assumption).

Of that, so-called "Noahide" Hasidic Jews are the third largest group of Hasidic Jews. That means that out of all the Jews in the World, the tiny percentage of Hasidic Jews are not even dominated by the so-called "Noahides".

They had a conference in Israel to pledge themselves to the Noahide Laws-- ten people came.

Fear the conspiracy.
The globalist elites are pushing America down the path of globalization, which as we all know ends in Noahide Rule.

How do free people compete with slaves?
I heard that those ten guys are really big and frightening with very long and curly sideburns, though...

I mean, that's always scary...
The globalist elites are pushing America down the path of globalization, which as we all know ends in Noahide Rule.

How do free people compete with slaves?

Internationalist Fascist Elite Military Industrial Complex Noahide Zombie Globalist Theocratic Zionist Sheep!
Hasidic jews are not noahides, you dense road apple.


Some Jewish groups have been particularly active in promoting the Seven Laws, notably the Chabad-Lubavitch movement

Chabad-Lubavitch, is the third or fourth largest Hasidic movement in Orthodox Judaism, based in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn.

New York Jews! God no! Oh, and I went ahead and bolded the "Hasidic" part, so you can read it better.
Oh and the other orthodox jews believe the noahide concepts, they just keep the code of silence better. OyVeyMerta, if you will.
They may promote the seven laws, but they are jews. only non-jews are referred to as Noahides.

Oh, I'm sorry, I am not hip to your crazy talk.

Well, if these are the only Jews (not that many) that promote the Seven Laws, perhaps you can point me to a non-Jewish group that promotes the Seven Laws?
Oh and the other orthodox jews believe the noahide concepts, they just keep the code of silence better. OyVeyMerta, if you will.

Oh, ok. What code of silence? Nowhere is a code of silence mentioned.

Not to mention no one believes you--- you can just go "oh yeah guys, the rest of them believe it too--- they just don't talk about it".
Oh, ok. What code of silence? Nowhere is a code of silence mentioned.

Not to mention no one believes you--- you can just go "oh yeah guys, the rest of them believe it too--- they just don't talk about it".
Another example of the hilarity that ensues totally unplanned by him, but hilarious nonetheless.
Oh, I'm sorry, I am not hip to your crazy talk.

Well, if these are the only Jews (not that many) that promote the Seven Laws, perhaps you can point me to a non-Jewish group that promotes the Seven Laws?

Crazy talk? More like hate speech. And it's aka the actual teachings of judaism.
That those are the actual teachings of Judaism, that there are any non-Jewish groups that follow these laws (that is, after all, the basis of your entire argument), or that the world is being threatened by those ten badass Jews.

Which one do you believe isn't a teaching of judaism?

There are purely noahide groups who may have a rabbi as an advisor but they are not JEWISH groups.

Do some research yourself, you mentally vacuous blunt instrument.

ON EDIT. You just mentioned Chabad Lubavitch. They are REAL ORTHODOX JEWS. Do you now question your own previous research? You're a joke.