Norm Coleman's Free Suits and the Most Painful Press Conference I've Seen in a While


Maybe you've heard about it and maybe you haven't with the focus on the presidential race, but Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) is facing questions regarding whether he received expensive suits for free from a wealthy political contributor.

The allegation was first raised in the uberliberal Harper's Magazine so it was originally taken with a grain of salt. But the press, doing their duty, followed up with Coleman and his campaign. The result is one of the more painful press conferences I've seen in a while:

By the way, the Senator has reported every gift he has ever received.


The idea that Al Franken might just win this thing makes me smile. The collective sound of wing-nut heads exploding would be pleasantly deafening.
the fine art of the non-answer

i am curious why they did not as for the actual forms that he filed, but still the responses to their questions dodged around around any actual answer
I don't know he seemed to say everything he had to say at the press conference.

Leave it to an esquire. :rolleyes:

This guy has no political tact. Can you imagine Fleischer being this lame? McClelland? They would have dodged and weaved way better instead of repeating a point verbatim over and over again.

This ain't like taking the 5th counselor. Aint no oath here muthafuck!
He pretty much covered it. I would have said something in answer to her follow-up question like... "Is it listed on the reports of gifts he received?"
I hear that an independent or somesuch might well win the election.

I would love to see Franken win though. Just as a slap to the republicans.
I hear that an independent or somesuch might well win the election.

I would love to see Franken win though. Just as a slap to the republicans.

The independent candidate is at 20%. He's not really a serious threat, unless he rises way up in the polls like Ventura did. But I just don't see that happening.
It was the perfect response .... it answered the question posed to him in an appropriate way to avoid the media 'gotcha' game that was being played....

All they needed to do was refer to what was reported by the Senator and thats the end of it...

It was no more painful than watching obama spin his crap when asked why he associated with known, unrepentant domestic terrorists by saying the offense occurred when he was 8 years old....that obviously was NOT what was asked....a nonanswer for an answer
"It was no more painful than watching obama spin his crap when asked why he associated with known, unrepentant domestic terrorists by saying the offense occurred when he was 8 years old....that obviously was NOT what was asked....a nonanswer for an answer"

It's amazing how quickly all the righties fall into line w/ the latest talking points.

The market is tanking, people are scared to death, and they're pinning their hopes for an election on William Ayers.
Yep. He looked like a jackass to me, but apparently Damocles thinks the guy performed perfectly. Like a regular Ronald Reagan.