North Korea officially joins China Bloc

I have seen a lot of rap here and other places about how the Vietnamese hate the Chinese and so they will be on the American Empires side....Prima for one....I have always said that I see no evidence that this is true, and that it is in fact very doubtful.

That continues to be reminds of all those years that I listened to the self proclaimed experts tell me that the Russians and the Chinese hate each other and will never get together....which turned out to be 100% Bull Shit.
I dont play that game at my age....I am only interested in the educated.....those who understand what is going on.
What a joke, “I am only interested I the educated … those who understand what is going on,” so says the poster who cites “RT” as a credible source

The “revolution” did it
What a joke, “I am only interested I the educated … those who understand what is going on,” so says the poster who cites “RT” as a credible source

The “revolution” did it
RT is more honest than American Regime Media is.
The American military is now weaker than it was in the mid seventies, and our military industrial base is the worst it has been since about 1941.

Europe will be of no help, they are even worse.
In the face of Americas and Europes constant lying the Russians decided to establish their brand on the back of telling the truth as they lobby the world to join them in confronting the abusive American Empire.

It is working like a charm.
Just look at what a disaster Zelenski's conference in Switzerland was... America is rapidly now losing the World.
Its not just America that suffers from horribly incompetent leaders who have betrayed the people....the same is true all the way through Western Europe and most of Eastern Europe.
The Russians are not totally honest all the time....for instance their currently talking about how the children of Washington have decided to replace Zelenski is very likely the stirring of the shit.
Russian President Vladimir Putin's mutual defense agreement with North Korea has the potential to create friction with China, which has long been the reclusive state's main ally, the top U.S. military officer said on Sunday.

"We've got someone else who's kind of nudging in now, so that may drive a little bit more friction between (China) and Russia," Air Force General C.Q. Brown, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters during an overseas trip.

"So it'll be interesting to see how these three countries -- how this plays out."

Complete nonsense.....but the Washington creatures tend to be extremely ignorant.....its hard to know if this is a lie or is it rather stupidity.