North Korea officially joins China Bloc

Our top military leaders now tell the boldest of lies, Kirby is not the only one.....there is a psychiatric term for their lying but I forget. It allows them to demonicly lie constantly.
So long as they can convince themselves that their lies are in the service of UTOPIA they will say anything....these are EVIL people who need to believe that they are good.
Israel, backed by the US, has set an example that criminality and brutality reap rewards. This policy of Jewish exceptionalism mirrors the US policy of American exceptionalism with regard to civilization's fundamental laws for peace. Because of its backing for Israeli criminality the US has no moral traction in opposing any activities of Russia, North Korea or China. Claiming that Israel is not criminal nor brutal is obviously a transparent lie - as certified by Israel's actions.
So Israel remains the major threat to peace as the US is inextricably bound to support whatever Jewish fanatics do. The solution- as so many astute observers have repeated over decades- is to neutralize Israel. That should be achieved peacefully, through US legislation. If the US fails in this essential task then a nuclear-armed Iran is the next option- backed by Russia, North Korea and China. Containing Israel- instead of curing Israel- is the next best practical option to avoid WW3.

I am doing this right now....interesting that Ritter is pretty much a lone voice on my grapevine believing that China is a passenger on this ride, that the now much stronger relationship between Russia and NK is Russian driven.

I think that this is highly unlikely....this is not how blood brothers operate.
I have seen a lot of rap here and other places about how the Vietnamese hate the Chinese and so they will be on the American Empires side.
Vietnam has within the memory of its leaders had wars with both the USA and China, and so is not going to be on either one of our's side. That being said, they do want an American navy base in Vietnam, which given our history with them is amazing.