Notable Democrats: Bull Connor

The error of historical parallax. I remember this. Didn't occur to me to think about his political persuasion, just his actions.
The error of historical parallax. I remember this. Didn't occur to me to think about his political persuasion, just his actions.

It should have occurred to you about Democrats holding office that supported him. The political persuasion is important. Where do you think he gets the funds and connections to run for office?
Go ahead. They were Dems when they were bigoted.

And they went through some sort of baptismal and weren't bigoted when they left the Democratic party because Democrats were supporting civil rights? So when they joined the Republican party, whom they now felt more at home in ( I wonder why?) they were no longer bigots?

Is this process anything like Ted Haggards Republican degayification program? You guys have a lot of processing you have to go through huh?
It should have occurred to you about Democrats holding office that supported him. The political persuasion is important. Where do you think he gets the funds and connections to run for office?
And most of the people that voted democrat and supported Bull Connor now identify as Republicans