Notable Democrats: Bull Connor

It should have occurred to you about Democrats holding office that supported him. The political persuasion is important. Where do you think he gets the funds and connections to run for office?

As I recall I didn't give a shit about his background, just his actions.
And most of the people that voted democrat and supported Bull Connor now identify as Republicans

Only in your narrow-minded dreams. You only wish that was the truth. Look at the bigotry within the Democrats today. The conflict between Hillary and Obama. You may refuse to see what is really happening, but I am not.
While it's flattering that an Australian is concerned about the racism in the American Jackass Party, perhaps you might do well to turn your thoughts closer to home.

How's the national disdain for nonwhites coming along these days?

Knock that crap off, I'll comment about whatever I wish. Now stop being a dickhead there's a good boy.
Care to comment on this?

"Australia On UN's Black List
Australian Racism And Human Rights Abuses Of Aborigines Condemned

Since 1999, the Australian Government has been on CERD's agenda of urgent business, but the government has categorically failed to acknowledge this.
On 18 March 1999, CERD (the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination) announced shameful findings against the Australian Government. This was the first time ever the committee had cause to be critical of a Western country. The committee was particularly concerned that the 1998 Native Title amendments were racially discriminatory, as they rendered the 1993 act impotent and created certainty for Federal and State governments and third parties (ie pastoralists and miners) at the expense of Indigenous peoples.

For those who don't know, the 1993 Act was to recognise and protect native title, but the 1998 amendments (after the High Court Wik decision which recognised further land rights of Aborigines), were about extinguishing Indigenous rights and interests. I'm sure everybody in Australia would remember Treasurer Costello's outraged cry of, "There will be bucketloads of extinguishment!" CERD was also concerned that Aboriginal people had not been involved in drafting the amendments.

Concern Over Entrenched Inequities

How did all this come about? Well, on 1-2 March 2005, CERD met with the Australian Government in Geneva to assess the Government's performance of obligations under the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The government did not stand up well to scrutiny. In its concluding comments released on 11 March 2005, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination raised serious concerns about a number of issues in Australia.

In particular, the Committee expressed concern about the abolishment of ATSIC (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission); the practical barriers Indigenous peoples now face (since 1998) in succeeding in claims for native title; the continuing over-representation of Indigenous peoples in prisons; and the extreme inequities between Indigenous peoples and others in the areas of employment, housing, longevity, education and income.

The UN Committee has called on the Australian Government to work towards a meaningful reconciliation and to properly address the issues of the Stolen Generation, with no response."
Yes, now those bloody Howard Tories have been seen off we're starting to get somewhere.

Just in case you haven't caught up our new PM has made the national apology. That was something Howard would never do. But he's gone, thankfully, and the new bloke has an idea or two.

Now it's not just about symbolism so they're doing some hard practical work and they need to be held to it.

The problems in aboriginal communities are legion, the causes are complex but we can make some inroads into them.

The committee was particularly concerned that the 1998 Native Title amendments were racially discriminatory, as they rendered the 1993 act impotent and created certainty for Federal and State governments and third parties (ie pastoralists and miners) at the expense of Indigenous peoples.

That is the kind of crap you get from conservative governments. Now we have kicked them out we can start to deal with their racist legacy.

was the sort of tosh Howard got up to. He spewed with rage when Mabo was handed down and then when the Wik case was handed down. He set about reversing as much as he could when he got government so that the big end of town got theirs again and the aboriginal communities got screwed over.

I'm just relieved that the new Labor government, also conservative but not reactionary in the toe-curling way of the Howard mob, is in charge.