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Staff member
Integrated Chatroom...

One can ingore users just as in this forum. I plan on creating new usergroups with promotions so that it takes a certain number of posts to be able to chat...
I have enabled the chat room. The time settings are off currently, but I am working on that as well. You can change your settings to make it appear as you wish...
I have also changed the default appearance. Anybody can change it to what they want, and if you already have visited on the computer you are using it will show whatever you chose before or the old default...

That is one sexy chat program, that I don't suspect people will use much until there are a whole lot more members! But it is available for those who would like to use it.

There is a feature where you can create and use private rooms. I do believe (I'm not positive about this though) that I can see that you have one open in the Admin area, but not the conversation itself... if I get more information I will give it to you.
I have allready been into it twice but no one else there. I'll try again. Sooner or later I will find someone else there.
LOL. Yeah... Like I said, probably won't be used a heck of a lot until we have a larger base of members...

One use that would be great for it is creating private rooms and inviting specific people in rather than using PM...
I guess I should load the "Who's in Chat" option so people will know if somebody is there...

Would people use it if that happened. I know that I will use it for PM convos rather than constantly going into PM and back to the board, I could just open two windows and hold a convo in a private room...
yeah the private rooms idea works well for quick discussions. Activating the who's in chat would help too. definately would save time over the pm's.
BTW - The rules of the site are active in the Chat Room, and I would like to reiterate that "No Illegal Activity" be followed...

NO drug deals or indecent behavior? That's no fun Damo! hahahahaha! lol j/k u!

Well, I liked our test run of the was fairly easy, similar to YM....

Do you think you can have it where one could go in to flashchat RIGHT at the spot where you view who is using it, who is on line, live?

I don't know... I'll have to look into it. It is possible to do almost anything with enough time and perseverence.
can whoever assisted in coming up with the idea get some public credit? I am sure someone fits that caliber..

For those "invisible" members. I noticed that if you enter the Chat, because of the way Chat works, your name becomes visible as in the Chat Room. Just a warning for ya if you are paranoid about being "seen" on the site.
BTW - The rules of the site are active in the Chat Room, and I would like to reiterate that "No Illegal Activity" be followed...


Is drinking allowed?

What if I get drunk and flirt with someone there, am I going to be charged with sexual harrassment and suspended?