Now he says it


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McCain to New Orleans: Never again
Apr 24 03:08 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain took stock of still- hurricane-damaged areas of New Orleans on Thursday and declared that if the disaster had happened on his watch, he would have immediately landed his plane at the nearest Air Force base, drawing a sharp contrast to President Bush's handling of the tragedy.

McCain called the response to Katrina "a perfect storm" of mismanagement by federal, state and local governments.

The Arizona senator walked a few blocks of the hard-hit Lower 9th Ward, passing tidy rebuilt stucco houses standing next to abandoned structures, their facades still spray-painted with the markings of rescue workers who went door to door nearly three years ago searching for bodies. FEMA trailers still dot the neighborhood. McCain said his teenage daughter Bridget had been there with a volunteer youth group a few weeks ago to help in the recovery.

"Never again, never again, will a disaster of this nature be handled in the disgraceful way it was handled," McCain declared.
McCain to New Orleans: Never again
Apr 24 03:08 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain took stock of still- hurricane-damaged areas of New Orleans on Thursday and declared that if the disaster had happened on his watch, he would have immediately landed his plane at the nearest Air Force base, drawing a sharp contrast to President Bush's handling of the tragedy.

McCain called the response to Katrina "a perfect storm" of mismanagement by federal, state and local governments.

The Arizona senator walked a few blocks of the hard-hit Lower 9th Ward, passing tidy rebuilt stucco houses standing next to abandoned structures, their facades still spray-painted with the markings of rescue workers who went door to door nearly three years ago searching for bodies. FEMA trailers still dot the neighborhood. McCain said his teenage daughter Bridget had been there with a volunteer youth group a few weeks ago to help in the recovery.

"Never again, never again, will a disaster of this nature be handled in the disgraceful way it was handled," McCain declared.

When would a better time have been?
When it was happening ?

did he do that ? If so provide link and I will gladly apologize.

No, I believe he was celebrating his birthday with Mr. President at the time:

Ok. How is a Senator from Arizona going to take the lead over FEMA during a national emergency? Why didn't the Senators from LA just do it?
Or the Governor, or...

Well, it was a stupid-storm of the cat 5 variety for sure. In every way, at every level, and in every shape and form were those people betrayed by those they depended upon.

It taught me one lesson, that was to get off dependence on others because there is nobody to depend on when the stuff really hits the fan.
The states lead up to the Hurricane was disgraceful as well. But the Storm was of such magnitude that the Feds were the ONLY group that could supply assistance. But this batch of fed fuck ups sent a horse show organizer to take care of it and he did his part by disarming the law abiding citizens of Louisiana, and letting survivors sit too long afterward.
How is that lame? Why didn't any other Senator do anything? It's the President's job. How is McCain's, Hillary's or Obama's fault?

Come Cawacko, the title of the thread is “now he says it”. The question is, why didn’t he say something at the time? That was a disgrace, and it took the citizens of this country to speak up, not our elected officials. Remember when that shopper in Ferregamo’s yelled at Condi Rice for shoe-shopping while Americans were drowning in NO? And she was booed at Spamalot? People knew. If McCain thought it was handled badly, he should have spoken up then. It would have meant something. Now it’s just campaigning.
The states lead up to the Hurricane was disgraceful as well. But the Storm was of such magnitude that the Feds were the ONLY group that could supply assistance. But this batch of fed fuck ups sent a horse show organizer to take care of it and he did his part by disarming the law abiding citizens of Louisiana, and letting survivors sit too long afterward.

Soc, since I respect your opinion I will ask you this. What am I missing on this thread? How would any Senator not from LA take over the lead during Hurricane Katrina?
Come Cawacko, the title of the thread is “now he says it”. The question is, why didn’t he say something at the time? That was a disgrace, and it took the citizens of this country to speak up, not our elected officials. Remember when that shopper in Ferregamo’s yelled at Condi Rice for shoe-shopping while Americans were drowning in NO? And she was booed at Spamalot? People knew. If McCain thought it was handled badly, he should have spoken up then. It would have meant something. Now it’s just campaigning.

Well of course he's campaigning. The whole Presidential election run-un is a bunch of B.S. rhetoric. Yes he is pandering to the locals, he is a politician that's what he does.

I guess this is a partisan thing I don't get.
Well of course he's campaigning. The whole Presidential election run-un is a bunch of B.S. rhetoric. Yes he is pandering to the locals, he is a politician that's what he does.

I guess this is a partisan thing I don't get.

If you mean that you don’t get it because you’re a partisan, then you got it. :clink:
I would imagine he is saying it now because he was actually in LA.

Of course, now he is also able to get a word in since Anderson Cooper is done making a career out of Katrina.